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Welcome everyone to the (179th!) March 20th, 2013 edition of the Cavalcade of Risk. The Cavalcade of Risk (or Cav of Risk for short), as is implicated by the name, is a bi-weekly blog carnival that features the top articles regarding risk management. Several of the realms of risk management covered relate to finances, insurance, and health.

My Personal Finance Journey is honored to be hosting the Cav this week! I hope you enjoy the articles below and can stop by my site on my non-carnival days as well. If you're interested in receiving email updates of my posts, simply click here to sign up.

Without further ado, let's get on with the Carnival. Listed below are this week's Top 5 Editor's Picks! Enjoy!

1. Jeff Root presents Life Insurance with E-Cigarettes, and says, "E-Cigarettes are the biggest trend in the smoking community.  This article explains how life insurance companies are viewing e-cigarette use and some tips on finding the best rates."

2. Louise from Colorado Health Insurance Insider presents Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices And The Government Can Afford Health Insurance Subsidies, and says, "And that seems like a perfect segue into a recent Center for Economic and Policy Research report that projects a government savings of up to $541 billion over the next ten years if Medicare could negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.  Even on the low end, the CEPR reports a savings of at least $230 billion, which would cover half of the funds needed for the health insurance subsidies over the next decade.  But on the high end, the savings from allowing Medicare to negotiate drug pricing (the way it does with other services, and the way other industrialized countries do) would more than offset the funds needed for the health insurance subsidies."

3. Health Business Blog presents, Social media and doctors: Q&A with Doximity CEO Jeff Tangney, and says, "Online doctor/patient relationships are the new frontier in social media. A report earlier this year discussed how medical boards would respond to different sorts of potentially inappropriate activity on social media. I asked Jeff Tangney, CEO of a professional online network for physicians called Doximity, to discuss the risks and approaches to mitigation."

4. Henry Stern from InsureBlog presents Crop (Insurance) Report: Timely Update, and says, "InsureBlog reports on the latest developments in an on-going crop insurance scandal."

5. Jason from Healthcare Economist presents The end of the FDA?, and says, "The FDA is charged with protecting patients against the risk of harmful drugs.  Will a recent court ruling hamstring their efforts to control off-label use of pharmaceuticals?  The Healthcare Economist investigates."

Well - that concludes this edition. Thanks for tuning in!

You can submit your blog article to the next edition of Cavalcade of Risk (hosted by Michael Stack at Reduce Your Workers Comp) using the handy carnival submission form.

Also, if you are interested in hosting the Cavalcade of Risk in the future, just send Henry (the organizer) an email by clicking here.

***Photo courtesy of http://pixabay.com/get/2e0071ad1077b829c32e/1363792014/risk-89.jpg

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