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Welcome to the February 1st, 2013 Edition of the Carnival of Financial Planning!

The Carnival of Financial Planning takes a long-term view of personal financial planning for individuals and families. The focus is on efficient and sustainable personal financial planning practices that can lead to lifetime financial security.

This edition is arranged by subject heading, so that you can browse efficiently.



Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Need Help Visualizing Financial Decisions? Try Planwise - There’s a free tool available online called Planwise. It’s a free online personal finance decision tool that allows you to input your expenses and income and set goals for yourself, such as pay down debt, buy a house, or take on a major expense. It also predicts your progress on paying off debt and potential affect of saving the remainder of your income through bar and line graphs.

Green Panda @ Green Panda Treehouse writes How Are You Going to Make Money? - How will you make money?

Grayson @ Debt Roundup writes Dang it! I Fought My Emotions and They Won - I have been fighting my emotions about a purchase for some time. After finally budgeting and saving for the purchase, I finally let my emotions win. You can't win them all!


Wealth Effect Blogger @ Your Wealth Effect writes Want to be Rich, Don’t be Fat - Thoughts on a Wall Street Journal article titled “Want to be CEO? What’s Your BMI?”

MR @ Money Reasons writes My Secret Wealth Goal - Today I'm going to reveal one of my secret wealth goals. If I can conquer this goal, I should be financially independent and on my way to becoming wealth.

James Petzke @ This Is Common Cents writes The Good and Bad of Self Employment - When planning your self employment career, make sure you consider the positives and negatives of that choice.


Maria @ The Money Principle writes Dealing with debt: change your mental attitude - Mentality is often underplayed when dealing with debt. Here I discuss three mental shifts that will help you pay your debt off and fast.

Michael Kitces @ Nerd's Eye View writes An Efficient Solution To Implement Intra-Family Mortgage Loan Strategies - In this difficult borrowing environment, some potential homebuyers have found the best way to finance a purchase is not from a major commercial bank, but from the "family bank" instead through an intra-family loan. And as long as IRS guidelines are followed, the transaction can be remarkably appealing for the borrower - and a way for parents to earn a higher return while keeping the money in the family!

Hank @ Money Q&A writes Tips To Save Money On A Mortgage - There are a few solutions to make a mortgage more affordable. If paying down the principal in advance is feasible, it is an effective method to save money on a mortgage.


J.P. @ Novel Investor writes Tax Preparation Checklist - If you do your taxes or someone does them for you, here’s a tax preparation checklist to help organize everything and finish your tax return quickly.

Philip @ PT Money Personal Finance writes The JOBS Act and Crowdfunding: New Investment Opportunities for the Average Joe - What is crowdfunding and how could that change the way you invest in the very near future?

Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes When quibbling over finances leads to a rift in friendship. - Sometime money discussions and escalate to bad feelings, read my experience and advice.

Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes Eating Well but Saving More - You might not know it, but your bad habits can lead to costly meals. Here are some tips for saving money on food.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes Money Unhappiness? It's All About Expectations - Every year that the birthday clock turns another year I ask myself one simple question, Am I getting any wiser? Many say that gaining wisdom in life is

krantcents @ KrantCents writes Rich Man, Poor Man - Rich man, poor man is not intended to leave out women! I am really trying to examine the difference between rich and poor and help you achieve what you say is a goal. Most 18-25 year old say getting rich and becoming famous are important goals for them.

Pete @ Intelligent Speculator writes Adding Passive Income Flows: Buying A Farm? Am I Crazy? - An unconventional strategy worth exploring.

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes Why Didn't I Get A PrePaid Cell Phone Sooner? - While I would love to have a shiny new iPhone and be able to get online no matter where I am, I'm not willing to spend that much money. Granted you can...

Suba @ Broke Professionals writes Why Can't Men Remember Things? - Male traits set the guys up to fail when it comes to remembering names and other crucial details. Why memory matters, and why improving it can help your career.

JP @ My Family Finances writes Ways to Hoard Your Gold - While no storage method is perfect, there are many ways to hoard your gold. Just make sure you consider your own personal needs when making a decision.

Chris @ IRetireEarly.com writes Top 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mutual Funds - Mutual funds have been longstanding staples of the finance industry, but is mutual fund investing the right move for you and your financial goals? Check out the top 3 advantages and disadvantages of mutual funds.


Super Saver @ My Wealth Builder writes The Value of Health Insurance - In 2013, our medical insurance premium will more than pay for itself. I expect the billed amount for my medical treatments to exceed 50% of our annual living expenses. My out-of-pocket costs will only be a few hundred dollars.

Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes How Much Do You Need To Save To Switch Insurance Companies? - When your car insurance is up for renewal, how do you decide whether to switch? Use this guide to find out.


Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Create Wealth Through Property Investment - Read how to create wealth through property investments.

Daisy @ Add Vodka writes The Many Inspections Needed When Buying an Older Home - We are happily settled settling into our new house; many boxes are unpacked, we’ve been able to conquer some of the work required to make it a comfortable living space, and I’ve just been able to start sleeping better in our… Read our discoveries!

Dorethia Conner @ The Money Chat writes Was Your Mortgage Charged Off? - Mortgage charge-offs can throw a wrench into your financial planning and hit your credit rating. Learn about what you can do about mortgage charge-offs.


A Blinkin @ Funancials writes Diversify Your Taxes, B!tch - Consider shifting some of your assets from a taxable account to one that is taxed later or never taxed. This way, you’ll be taxed on what you spend rather than what you earn. Checking accounts, savings accounts, stocks and bonds are examples of accounts that are taxed now. 401(k), IRAs, and annuities are examples of accounts that will be taxed later.

That concludes this edition. A big thanks to everyone for participating! Please submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Financial Planning using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found by clicking here.

***Photo courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/bohman/5206587246/sizes/l/in/photostream/

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