

"We don't want to drink from a White water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts. We don't need a White water fountain … ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo-liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction."



by Michelle Malkin


"The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."  --- EXCELSIOR ---  national newspaper of Mexico



by Michelle Malkin

Only in America could critics of a group called "The Race" be labeled racists.

Such is the triumph of left-wing identity chauvinists, whose aggressive activists and supine abettors have succeeded in redefining all opposition as "hate."

The presidential candidates and the media have legitimized "The Race" as a mainstream ethnic lobbying group and marginalized its critics as intolerant bigots.

The unvarnished truth is that the group is a radical ethnic nationalist outfit that abuses your tax dollars and milks PC politics to undermine our sovereignty.

Here are 15 things you should know about "The Race":

15. "The Race" supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens.

14."The Race" demands in-state tuition discounts for illegal alien students that are not available to law-abiding U.S. citizens and law-abiding legal immigrants.

13. "The Race" vehemently opposes cooperative immigration enforcement efforts between local, state and federal authorities.

12. "The Race" opposes a secure fence on the southern border.

11. "The Race" joined the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in a failed lawsuit attempt to prevent the feds from entering immigration information into a key national crime database -- and to prevent local police officers from accessing the data.

10. "The Race" opposed the state of Oklahoma's tough immigration-enforcement-first laws, which cut off welfare to illegal aliens, put teeth in employer sanctions and strengthened local-federal cooperation and information sharing.

9. "The Race" joined other open-borders, anti-assimilationists and sued to prevent Proposition 227, California's bilingual education reform ballot initiative, from becoming law.

8. "The Race" bitterly protested common-sense voter ID provisions as an "absolute disgrace."

7. "The Race" has consistently opposed post-9/11 national security measures at every turn.

6. Former "Race" president Raul Yzaguirre, Hillary Clinton's Hispanic outreach adviser, said this: "U.S. English is to Hispanics as the Ku Klux Klan is to blacks." He was referring to U.S. English, the nation's oldest, largest citizens' action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States. "The Race" also pioneered Orwellian open-borders Newspeak and advised the Mexican government on how to lobby for illegal alien amnesty while avoiding the terms "illegal" and "amnesty."

5. "The Race" gives mainstream cover to a poisonous subset of ideological satellites, led by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA). The late GOP Rep. Charlie Norwood rightly characterized the organization as "a radical racist group … one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West."

4. "The Race" is currently leading a smear campaign against staunch immigration enforcement leaders and has called for TV and cable news networks to keep immigration enforcement proponents off the airwaves -- in addition to pushing for Fairness Doctrine policies to shut up their foes. The New York Times reported that current "Race" president Janet Murguia believes "hate speech" should "not be tolerated, even if such censorship were a violation of First Amendment rights."

3. "The Race" sponsors militant ethnic nationalist charter schools subsidized by your public tax dollars (at least $8 million in federal education grants). The schools include Aztlan Academy in Tucson, Ariz., the Mexicayotl Academy in Nogales, Ariz., Academia Cesar Chavez Charter School in St. Paul, Minn., and La Academia Semillas del Pueblo in Los Angeles, whose principal inveighed: "We don't want to drink from a White water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts. We don't need a White water fountain … ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction."

2. "The Race" has perfected the art of the PC shakedown at taxpayer expense, pushing relentlessly to lower home loan standards for Hispanic borrowers, reaping millions in federal "mortgage counseling" grants, seeking special multimillion-dollar earmarks and partnering with banks that do business with illegal aliens.

1. "The Race" thrives on ethnic supremacy -- and the elite sheeple's unwillingness to call it what it is. As historian Victor Davis Hanson observes: "[The] organization's very nomenclature 'The National Council of La Raza' is hate speech to the core. Despite all the contortions of the group, Raza (as its Latin cognate suggests) reflects the meaning of 'race' in Spanish, not 'the people' -- and that's precisely why we don't hear of something like 'The National Council of the People,' which would not confer the buzz notion of ethnic, racial and tribal chauvinism."

The fringe is the center. The center is the fringe. Viva La Raza.


Ethnic Cleansing By Mexicans Occupying California…. Where Mexico loots first!




“Taco Runt” is a member of the Mexican Fascist Movement of M.E.Ch.A. and a racist LA RAZA supremacist.

He is proud of the fact that he FAILED California’s State Bar test more than any other illiterate Mexican on earth and that qualifies him to operate California’s Mexican Welfare State for LA RAZA.



Another California City Waves the Mexican Flag



….. then they go vote Democrat for wider open borders and more welfare!


40% of all Federal Border Crimes are by invading Mexicans!





Here did those vehicles go? Who stole them? Take a guess. Arizona is the temporary home of 500,000 illegal aliens. They cost Arizona taxpayers over $1 billion annually in services for schools, medical care, welfare anchor babies, loss of tax base and prisons. Illegals use those vehicles for smuggling more people and drugs from around the world into our country. When the vehicles are recovered, they are smashed-up wrecks in the desert. If not found, they have new owners south of the border as thieves drive the cars through the desert and into Mexico as easily as you drive your kids to soccer practice. THAT’S how porous our borders are!

THE STAGGERING  COST OF AMNESTY: non-enforcement is another form of AMNESTY!

Legals to pay trillions for open borders and Mexico’s looting


Between one-quarter and one-third of the 1.5 million new arrivals in 2014 were illegal aliens, meaning that a conservative estimate is that 1,000 illegal aliens a day are moving to the United States.

THE LA RAZA MEXICAN LOOTERS: Invade, Occupy, Loot and bred anchor babies for 18 years of gringo-paid welfare



Mexican flag wavers loot the stupid gringo for billions!

Mexico’s massive looting in our open borders:


City Journal

Hispanic Family Values?
Runaway illegitimacy is creating a new U.S. underclass.

Heather Mac Donald

Unless the life chances of children raised by single mothers

suddenly improve, the explosive growth of the U.S. Hispanic

population over the next couple of decades does not bode well for

American social stability. Hispanic immigrants bring near–Third

World levels of fertility to America, coupled with what were once

thought to be First World levels of illegitimacy. (In fact, family

breakdown is higher in many Hispanic countries than here.) Nearly

half of the children born to Hispanic mothers in the U.S. are born

out of wedlock, a proportion that has been increasing rapidly with

no signs of slowing down. Given what psychologists and

sociologists now know about the much higher likelihood of social

pathology among those who grow up in single-mother households,

the Hispanic baby boom is certain to produce more juvenile

delinquents, more school failure, more welfare use, and more teen

pregnancy in the future.

The government social-services sector has already latched onto

this new client base; as the Hispanic population expands, so will the

demands for a larger welfare state. Since conservative open-borders

advocates have yet to acknowledge the facts of Hispanic family

breakdown, there is no way to know what their solution to it is. But

they had better come up with one quickly, because the problem is

here—and growing.

The dimensions of the Hispanic baby boom are startling. The

Hispanic birthrate is twice as high as that of the rest of the

American population. That high fertility rate—even more than

unbounded levels of immigration—will fuel the rapid Hispanic

population boom in the coming decades. By 2050, the Latino

population will have tripled, the Census Bureau projects. One in

four Americans will be Hispanic by mid-century, twice the current

ratio. In states such as California and Texas, Hispanics will be in

the clear majority. Nationally, whites will drop from near 70

percent of the total population in 2000 to just half by 2050.

Hispanics will account for 46 percent of the nation’s added

population over the next two decades, the Pew Hispanic Center


But it’s the fertility surge among unwed Hispanics that should

worry policymakers. Hispanic women have the highest unmarried

birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and

Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women,

according to the Centers for Disease Control. Every 1,000

unmarried Hispanic women bore 92 children in 2003 (the latest

year for which data exist), compared with 28 children for every

1,000 unmarried white women, 22 for every 1,000 unmarried Asian

women, and 66 for every 1,000 unmarried black women. Forty-

five percent of all Hispanic births occur outside of marriage,

compared with 24 percent of white births and 15 percent of Asian

births. Only the percentage of black out-of-wedlock births—68

percent—exceeds the Hispanic rate. But the black population is not

going to triple over the next few decades.

As if the unmarried Hispanic birthrate weren’t worrisome enough,

it is increasing faster than among other groups. It jumped 5 percent

from 2002 to 2003, whereas the rate for other unmarried women

remained flat. Couple the high and increasing illegitimacy rate of

Hispanics with their higher overall fertility rate, and you have a

recipe for unstoppable family breakdown.

The only bright news in this demographic disaster story concerns

teen births. Overall teen childbearing in the U.S. declined for the

12th year in a row in 2003, having dropped by more than a third

since 1991. Yet even here, Hispanics remain a cause for concern.

The rate of childbirth for Mexican teenagers, who come from by far

the largest and fastest-growing immigrant population, greatly

outstrips every other group. The Mexican teen birthrate is 93 births

per every 1,000 girls, compared with 27 births for every 1,000

white girls, 17 births for every 1,000 Asian girls, and 65 births for

every 1,000 black girls. To put these numbers into international

perspective, Japan’s teen birthrate is 3.9, Italy’s is 6.9, and France’s

is 10. Even though the outsize U.S. teen birthrate is dropping, it

continues to inflict unnecessary costs on the country, to which

Hispanics contribute disproportionately.

To grasp the reality behind those numbers, one need only talk to

people working on the front lines of family breakdown. Social

workers in Southern California, the national epicenter for illegal

Hispanic immigrants and their progeny, are in despair over the

epidemic of single parenting. Not only has illegitimacy become

perfectly acceptable, they say, but so has the resort to welfare and

social services to cope with it.

Dr. Ana Sanchez delivers babies at St. Joseph’s Hospital in the city

of Orange, California, many of them to Hispanic teenagers. To her

dismay, they view having a child at their age as normal. A recent

patient just had her second baby at age 17; the baby’s father is in

jail. But what is “most alarming,” Sanchez says, is that the “teens’

parents view having babies outside of marriage as normal, too. A

lot of the grandmothers are single as well; they never married, or

they had successive partners. So the mom sends the message to her

daughter that it’s okay to have children out of wedlock.”

Sanchez feels almost personally involved in the problem: “I’m

Hispanic myself. I wish I could find out what the Asians are doing

right.” She guesses that Asian parents’ passion for education

inoculates their children against teen pregnancy and the underclass

trap. “Hispanics are not picking that up like the Asian kids,” she


Conservatives who support open borders are fond of invoking

“Hispanic family values” as a benefit of unlimited Hispanic

immigration. Marriage is clearly no longer one of those family

values. But other kinds of traditional Hispanic values have survived

—not all of them necessarily ideal in a modern economy, however.

One of them is the importance of having children early and often.

“It’s considered almost a badge of honor for a young girl to have a

baby,” says Peggy Schulze of Chrysalis House, an adoption agency

in Fresno. (Fresno has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in

California, typical of the state’s heavily Hispanic farm districts.) It

is almost impossible to persuade young single Hispanic mothers to

give up their children for adoption, Schulze says. “The attitude is:

‘How could you give away your baby?’ I don’t know how to break


The most powerful Hispanic family value—the tight-knit extended

family—facilitates unwed child rearing. A single mother’s relatives

often step in to make up for the absence of the baby’s father. I

asked Mona, a 19-year-old parishioner at St. Joseph’s Church in

Santa Ana, California, if she knew any single mothers. She

laughed: “There are so many I can’t even name them.” Two of her

cousins, aged 25 and 19, have children without having husbands.

The situation didn’t seem to trouble this churchgoer too much.

“They’ll be strong enough to raise them. It’s totally okay with us,”

she said. “We’re very close; we’re there to support them. They’ll do

just fine.”

As Mona’s family suggests, out-of-wedlock child rearing among

Hispanics is by no means confined to the underclass. The St.

Joseph’s parishioners are precisely the churchgoing, blue-collar

workers whom open-borders conservatives celebrate. Yet this

community is as susceptible as any other to illegitimacy. Fifty-year-

old Irma and her husband, Rafael, came legally from Mexico in the

early 1970s. Rafael works in a meatpacking plant in Brea; they

have raised five husky boys who attend church with them. Yet

Irma’s sister—a homemaker like herself, also married to a factory

hand—is now the grandmother of two illegitimate children, one by

each daughter. “I saw nothing in the way my sister and her

husband raised her children to explain it,” Irma says. “She gave

them everything.” One of the fathers of Irma’s young nieces has

four other children by a variety of different mothers. His

construction wages are being garnished for child support, but he is

otherwise not involved in raising his children.

The fathers of these illegitimate children are often problematic in

even more troubling ways. Social workers report that the

impregnators of younger Hispanic women are with some regularity

their uncles, not necessarily seen as a bad thing by the mother’s

family. Alternatively, the father may be the boyfriend of the girl’s

mother, who then continues to stay with the grandmother. Older

men seek out young girls in the belief that a virgin cannot get

pregnant during her first intercourse, and to avoid sexually

transmitted diseases.

The tradition of starting families young and expand- ing them

quickly can come into conflict with more modern American mores.

Ron Storm, the director of the Hillview Acres foster-care home in

Chino, tells of a 15-year-old girl who was taken away from the 21-

year-old father of her child by a local child-welfare department.

The boyfriend went to jail, charged with rape. But the girl’s parents

complained about the agency’s interference, and eventually both

the girl and her boyfriend ended up going back to Mexico,

presumably to have more children. “At 15, as the Quinceañera

tradition celebrates, you’re considered ready for marriage,” says

Storm. Or at least for childbearing; the marriage part is


But though older men continue to take advantage of younger

women, the age gap between the mother and the father of an

illegitimate child is quickly closing. Planned Parenthood of Orange

and San Bernardino Counties tries to teach young fathers to take

responsibility for their children. “We’re seeing a lot more 13- and

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