

HISPANIC FAMILY VALUES: Mexican flag wavers loot the stupid gringo for billions!

Mexico’s massive looting in our open borders:


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33. "Mexico Grooms DREAMER Fifth

Column; 'Trump Must Be Stopped' Says

Meddling Mexican Government Employee;

ETC.," Allan Wall

1. "If Trump Loses Now, It’s Not Because He Was Too Tough on Immigration," Mark Krikorian
2. "Amnesty Is Not the ‘Core Dilemma’ in Immigration Policy," Mark Krikorian
3. "Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration: If it Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck...," Dan Cadman
4. "More Nonsense About Aliens' Faux 'Privacy Rights'," Dan Cadman
5. "Transforming America, One Immigration Case at a Time," Dan Cadman
6. "No Plan To Stop Foreign-Born Terrorists," Jon Feere
7. "Media Misleads on Pew Poll about Border Wall," Jon Feere
8. "Does Hillary Support a Border Wall? Someone Should Ask," Jon Feere
9. "Felon Seeks to Sell EB-5-Like Benefits for $380,000 — and Maybe Succeeds," David North
10. "Interesting Policy Questions Raised Regarding Defrauded EB-5 Investors," David North
11. "Beyond Belief: Obama Seeks Illegal Immigration Assistance of Latin American Countries as Aliens Flood Into the U.S.," Michael Cutler
12. "Five Questions Pro-Amnesty Republicans Never Seem to Answer," John Hawkins
13. "Let's Hear More Detail on Trump's New Immigration Plan," Washington Examiner
14. "A Better Immigration Plan for Trump," National Review Online
15. "The 'Amnesty' Trap," Fred Bauer
16. "Military Intel Confirms JW Reporting: Muslim Terrorists Entering U.S. Via Mexico," Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles
17. "Under Obama’s New Enforcement Program, Fewer Illegal Immigrants Being Captured for Deportation," Josh Siegel
18. "Trump: The Great Unifier," Ann Coulter
19. "Of Course There Should be an Ideological Test in Immigration," Andrew McCarthy
20. "Immigration is Not the ‘Top Problem,’ " Donald Lambro
21. "Why Latinos Should Vote for Trump," A.J. Delgado
22. "Will Trump's Immigration Reversal Kill His Presidential Hopes?," Investor's Business Daily
23. "Trojan Trump Leaves Stalwart Conservatives Treading Water on Immigration," Gaston Mooney
24. "Terrific: Federal Judges Have Blocked Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Alien Deportation Orders," Dan Calabrese
25. "Maine 'Refugees' Who Died Fighting for ISIS," Tom McLaughlin
26. "Why Trump Has Been Right and Silicon Valley Wrong on H-1B Visas," Jim Thornton
27. "Obama is Still Transforming America," Phyllis Schlafly
28. "U.S. Southern Command: Extremists Crossing U.S. Mexico Border ‘With Ease.’ 30,000 From Terrorist Reg," Robert Laurie
29. "Washington Post: U.S. Needs Illegal Immigrants for 'Washing Dishes,' 'Mowing Lawns'," Eddie Scarry
30. "Ever Seen These Numbers? The Staggering Clip on Immigration Hannity Used to Open Trump Townhall," Carmine Sabia
31. "Can Trump Pull Off His ‘Softening’ on Expelling Illegals?," Thomas Lifson
32. "Hunting for the Root of Immigration Woes? Look to the Past.," Alicia A. Caldwell
33. "Mexico Grooms DREAMer Fifth

Column; 'Trump Must Be Stopped' Says

Meddling Mexican Government Employee;

ETC.," Allan Wall

34. "National Data: Trump is on to Something—Blacks HAVE Lost Ground in Obama’s Economy," Edwin S. Rubenstein
35. "Trump's Evolving Immigration Plan is No 'Flip-Flop'," Ruben Navarrette
36. "Trump Faces Immigration Reality," The Wall Street Journal
37. "Pro-Immigration Reform Republicans To Donald Trump: Told You So," Elise Foley
38. "Anti-Immigration Crowd Should Spare Us the Outrage," Jennifer Rubin
39. "Trump Prepares to Walk Back His Tough Talk on Immigration," The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
40. "Softening Rhetoric But No Immigration Policy Shift From Donald Trump," Walter Ewing
41. "Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration Could Be Fatal," Kenneth T. Walsh

If Trump Loses Now, It’s Not Because He Was Too Tough on Immigration
By Mark Krikorian
The Corner at National Review Online, August 25, 2016

I’ve been joking to reporters over the past couple of days that Trump’s supporters wouldn’t be likely to abandon him unless he embraced Chuck Schumer’s immigration policy.

Guess what!

Ann Coulter makes the same point in her new book, entitled (with unintended irony) In Trump We Trust: “[T]here’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies.”

Trump on Hannity Wednesday lamely repeated the lies of the anti-borders crowd: It’s not really amnesty! They won’t get citizenship! They’ll pay back taxes! (Schumer’s been running that con for 30 years.) Even his constant talk of a border wall seems to be his version of the Gang of Eight bill’s phony Corker-Hoeven amendment.

Trump didn’t need to “soften” his immigration position – he needed to define a coherent one and stick with it. His immigration platform has been on the campaign website for months and makes no mention of either mass deportation or amnesty. All he needed to have done was say that his freelance talk of deporting all the illegals was a gut reaction to the breakdown of our immigration enforcement system, but that further study and consultation showed that the more practical approach was to take the steps called for in his platform to shrink the illegal population over time. In response to the insistent “But what about the illegals?!” questions, he should simply have said that it is a secondary question that won’t even be discussed until the illegal flow is stopped and reversed.

That’s it. It’s not rocket science. He would have backed away from his Archie-Bunker-screaming-at-the-TV stuff about a “deportation force” rounding up people in the street, without proposing the Gang of One amnesty proposal.

That’s not what he did. And politically, this development must come as a disappointment to the GOP Establishment-in-Exile. They were hoping Trump’s loss would once and for all prove that opposing Comprehensive Immigration Reform® was a losing position, finally enabling them to force through the House of Representatives the amnesty and immigration increases their donors want and which they fancifully imagine would remove the only obstacle to Hispanic outreach.

But Trump probably just threw away his only remaining chance to win in November with Wednesday’s Jeb Bush impersonation. He won the primaries with immigration control as his marquee issue; had he stuck to his guns, and still lost, the GOP Brain Trust, not to mention the Democrats, would more plausibly have been able to argue that opposition to their agenda was the reason. It still would have been a silly claim, since had he not grabbed hold of the immigration issue, the very idea of President Trump would have remained a Simpsons joke – if he’d remained consistent and still lost, it would have been despite his immigration position, not because of it.

But now that he’s channeling Little Marco and Low-Energy Jeb on immigration, that story line has evaporated. Many of the voters who stuck with him through his various antics will start drifting away, so that in any state where the results are close in November could plausibly have been won if Trump hadn’t pulled a Schumer.

It’s liberating, in a sense. While Trump was still clearly seen as the voice of immigration skepticism, I was worried that his oafish shenanigans would taint the immigration issue, especially if he was defeated by Hillary. But now that he’s no longer that voice in any meaningful sense, I can watch the circus undisturbed. His defeat will be on his head alone.

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Amnesty Is Not the ‘Core Dilemma’ in Immigration Policy
By Mark Krikorian
The Corner at National Review Online, August 24, 2016

Since meeting with a group of Hispanic Republicans over the weekend, Trump’s been floundering on immigration, suggesting, for instance, that he may not be against amnesty after all. His embarrassing performance on O’Reilly Monday was followed by taping of a town hall with Hannity Tuesday where he made all kinds of Jeb-like comments (it’s not amnesty if they pay back taxes, etc. – you know the drill).

There are plenty of obvious reasons he’s in this pickle – saying whatever pops into his head, unwillingness to listen to his own knowledgeable advisors, utter lack of engagement even with a one-page fact sheet on this or any other policy issue.

But in a more basic sense Trump is simply stepping on the same rake that most Republican politicians do when asked about amnesty. This struck me Tuesday when I read Washington Post lefty blogger Greg Sargent’s comment that Trump “is still not taking a real position on the core dilemma we face” (my emphasis) – meaning what to do about the current illegal population.

But the disposition of the 12 million illegals already here is not the core dilemma we face. The core dilemma is how to we make sure we don’t end up with another 12 million illegal aliens. The very act of accepting the anti-borders crowd’s version of the “core dilemma” represents a surrender – once you’ve bought into their proposition, you’re left only to negotiate the price. (Fred Bauer makes a similar point about the “Amnesty Trap.”)

As NR’s editorial put it: “Once the illegal population has measurably diminished, then we can have a discussion about what to do with the balance of the illegal population.” In other words, this is a secondary question, not the “core dilemma.” Until Republican politicians – all of them, not just Trump – internalize that fact, they’re going to remain at a disadvantage, always in the defensive when discussing illegal immigration. “Enforcement First” isn’t just a slogan – it’s a strategy.

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Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration: If It Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck...
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 25, 2016

Following Donald Trump's town hall appearance on the Fox News Channel's "Hannity" show, in which he "softened" his tone on immigration, The Hill has published an article, "Hardliners shrug off Trump's softer tone on immigration", that quotes a few individuals such as Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff, and Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who persevere in their support of the Republican presidential candidate.

During the town hall, Trump said, "Let me go a step further: They'll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes. There's no amnesty, as such, there's no amnesty, but we work with them." A number of supporters have tried hard to suggest it isn't a flip-flop, but I lean more toward Mark Krikorian's view on this, as he expressed it in National Review Online. It is a turnabout, and a dramatic and disappointing one.

You can say it won't be an "amnesty"; you can say "they will have to pay back taxes", but we've heard all that before, and when you look at the details — as CIS did, exhaustively, with the notorious Gang of Eight bill — it all proves to be hokum. Come to think about it, isn't that precisely why Trump hammered Senator Marco Rubio so successfully early in the nomination season? Because he was a prevaricator and flip-flopper on the need for immigration enforcement?
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More Nonsense About Aliens' Faux "Privacy Rights"
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 23, 2016
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What could these "immigration, civil liberties, and other groups" be thinking? Apparently in their fantasy world 9/11 never happened and would-be jihadist martyrs have never used social media to declare their allegiance to various and sundry militant Islamic terror groups before carrying out horrific attacks. Never mind the Facebook posts of Tashfeen Malik, for example, which were not examined by U.S. officials before she was admitted to the country to marry her fellow jihadist; they then went on to kill 14 and seriously wound 22 more in San Bernardino, Calif.

Apparently we should all live in a cocoon of innocence and disregard the reality that some foreigners' hate toward the West (and, more specifically, toward America and its citizens) is so strong that they will do whatever they must to get here and perpetrate atrocities in the name of Allah.
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Transforming America, One Immigration Case at a Time
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 22, 2016
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How could this happen? In a word: asylum. People tend to think of the rules for who gets asylum as being pretty cut and dry, but that's not so. There is a squishy, tractor-trailer-wide loophole for people who are members of an ostensibly persecuted "particular social group" that has become a kind of one-size-fits-all tool for liberal-leaning immigration judges.

So even though generalized violence of the type faced by many Central Americans in their crime-ridden cities technically isn't a basis for claiming asylum, if the individuals at their court hearings can wedge themselves into a particular social class (often "I was being targeted by criminal gangs", which is a hard one to prove, but also hard to disprove) then it all turns on the judge's assessment of the individual's credibility — a subjective gauge if ever there was one. And there are migrant advocacy groups by the dozen who make it their specialty to assist aliens in preparing for their hearings to be sure that they avoid foolish mistakes in their testimony that would readily throw them into the deport basket as economic migrants. You can also bet your bottom dollar that almost none of these asylum grants have been opposed by the government, and that appeals of the grants are few and far between.
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No Plan To Stop Foreign-Born Terrorists
By Jon Feere
The Washington Times, August 23, 2016

Defeating ISIS — however you measure it — is not something Mrs. Clinton would be able to achieve within her first 100 days. Radical Islamic terrorism has been around a lot longer than ISIS. A new group of radicalized terrorists will pop up when ISIS ceases to be the threat it currently is. What then? Another pledge from politicians promising to defeat the latest group of terrorists?

Whatever we do in the long term, we also need an immediate plan to prevent people who wish to do us harm from entering the country. Thus far, Mr. Trump has proposed a temporary pause in immigration from regions fraught with problems and views that are hostile to American values until a more targeted plan can be crafted. Though she is perfectly free to offer an alternative, Hillary has offered only criticism.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign website recently claimed that “Hillary will keep America safe and secure by defending our core values and leading with principle.” Is border security and an immigration policy that puts the interests of legal residents first a core value of the Clinton campaign? Seemingly, no.
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Media Misleads on Pew Poll about Border Wall
By Jon Feere
CIS Immigration Blog, August 26, 2016

All too often, immigration polls are not designed to get at what Americans really think about immigration, but instead are written to create a certain narrative. Many polls are financed by activist groups who simply want to create the appearance of widespread public support for amnesty. The advocates have two main goals: (1) provide lobbyists with polling data that they can use to browbeat politicians into supporting their cheap-labor, open-border agenda; and (2) encourage the media to write headlines that don't really reflect the findings, but nevertheless advance the notion that Americans love open borders.

The Pew Research Center has done just that with a new poll. The poll contains a few different questions, but the one getting all the press asks Americans about building a border wall.
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Of course, those who took the poll weren't responding to Trump's proposed wall. They were asked to respond to a proposal of a wall across the entire southern border, something no candidate has proposed. The media narrative is misleading, but Pew should have expected this result and planned against it with better, or additional, questions. If truth was the goal, Pew would be calling on the media to correct the headlines. If accurate reporting was the goal, the media wouldn't be writing these headlines in the first place.

A more accurate headline would be: "Americans Don't Support a Wall Across theEntire Southern Border and Still May Support Trump's 1,000-Mile Wall, but We Just Don't Know Because Pew Didn't Ask".
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Does Hillary Support a Border Wall? Someone Should Ask
By Jon Feere
CIS Immigration Blog, August 24, 2016
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The Secure Fence Act would have created 700 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border and required that DHS "shall provide for least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors" along a number of specific stretches. After it was signed into law, however, an amendment gave much more discretion to DHS to decide where and if it wanted to construct fencing, rendering the act much less effective.

It sure sounds like "she wanted a wall," to quote Trump.

But I gave PolitiFact

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