
With Washington’s blessing, Boeing signs mega-deal with Iran

Democratic platform deal sets stage for Sanders’ endorsement of Clinton

By Jerry White
12 July 2016

Bernie Sanders’ expected endorsement of Hillary Clinton today at a joint event in Portsmouth, New Hampshire is the culmination of a weeks-long effort by the candidate, who calls himself a “democratic socialist,” to convince supporters that his “political revolution” has shifted the Democratic Party and Clinton herself to the left.

The joint campaign appearance follows a weekend of political theatre in Orlando, Florida, where the Clinton-controlled Democratic Party platform committee agreed to a number of amendments to the party’s 2016 platform proposed by the Sanders camp. The 35-page document, which will be finalized and ratified at the Democratic Party national convention in Philadelphia later this month, is nonbinding and of zero significance in terms of the policies of the next president.

It has been decades since the official platforms adopted by the two parties of American big business, the Democrats and Republicans, were seen by the parties themselves or the political and media establishment as a whole as anything more than window dressing. This year, however, Sanders has sought to portray the document and the convention itself as having great political import. He is doing so in furtherance of his effort to divert the popular disgust with the political system and desire for an anticapitalist alternative that was reflected in the broad support for his campaign back behind the Democratic Party and its right-wing candidate.

Having won more than 20 state primaries and caucuses and 13 million votes based on his denunciations of the economic and political domination of the “billionaire class,” Sanders faces the difficult task of convincing his supporters to back a candidate who speaks for Wall Street and the Pentagon war machine.

“We have made enormous strides,” Sanders said of the weekend platform committee meeting. “Thanks to the millions of people across the country who got involved in the political process—many for the first time—we now have the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party.”

This ridiculous claim was echoed by various news outlets, from Fortune (“How Bernie is Flexing his Muscles on the Democratic Party”) and Slate (“The Democratic Platform Is a Monument to Bernie Sanders’ Campaign”) to NBC News (“Democrats Advance Most Progressive Platform in Party History”).

Even if one assumed that the platform had some bearing on the actual policies to be pursued, one would look in vain for anything remotely hinting at socialism or even serious social reform. Even by the standards of Democratic platforms spanning the decades between the Great Depression and the 1960s, when the Democratic Party, under pressure from militant mass struggles of the working class, oversaw a series of social reforms, the document approved over the weekend is right-wing.

A Sanders-backed amendment, for example, calling for an increase in the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15, itself a completely inadequate measure that would leave workers in poverty, is diluted and qualified by language stating that it “should” be implemented “over time.”

Another Sanders proposal that was approved calls for the Department of Justice to investigate all shootings involving police officers. The Obama Justice Department has investigated a number of recent police killings of unarmed workers and youth and failed to indict a single killer cop. These token investigations are designed to contain popular anger over police violence and divert attention from the ongoing militarization of police departments across the country.

On those issues where even a token statement would have actual political consequences, such as criticism of Israel’s savage policy toward the Palestinians or opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the platform committee squelched amendments from the Sanders camp and the Vermont senator quickly acquiesced.

A Sanders proposal to include a statement in the platform calling for an end to Israel’s “occupation and illegal settlements” in Palestine was shot down by the Clinton-controlled committee. When Sanders supporters in the public galleries protested, the police were sent in to shut them up.

Even though such mild criticism of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land is standard fare for most European governments, the Democratic Party can brook no such gesture of disapproval. This in itself exposes the right-wing and militarist character of any administration headed by former secretary of state Clinton, who already has the blood of hundreds of thousands of victims of American imperialism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia on her hands.

Last March, Clinton delivered a bellicose speech to a conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), where she pledged to increase military and economic aid to Israel and threatened war with Iran. She denounced Palestinian terror attacks on Israelis while defending Israeli invasions, bombings and targeted assassinations that have killed tens of thousands, including the 2014 invasion of Gaza. She equated criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism and backed efforts by Zionist organizations to ban anti-Israel protests on US college campuses.

A Sanders amendment to block the Trans-Pacific Partnership from coming up for a vote in Congress was similarly rejected. Even though Clinton has come out against TPP, in an effort, like Sanders, to divert social anger over plant closings down the path of economic nationalism, the trade pact enjoys the consensus support of the corporate and financial elite and the Obama administration, and is seen as a means of advancing Washington’s economic and military offensive against China.

Sanders did not challenge other sections of the platform critical to the needs of American imperialism. The document hailed by Sanders as the most progressive in the party’s history states: “Democrats believe America must continue to have the strongest military in the world.” It calls for an escalation of the wars in Iraq and Syria, the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and further provocations against Russia and China. It sanctions the Obama policy of perpetual warfare as well as increasing domestic spying and repression in the name of the “war on terror.”

Sanders pointed to Clinton’s adoption of two proposals following backroom negotiations between the two camps as evidence that his “political revolution” was working and Clinton was moving to the left. One was a call for people over 55 to be given the option of buying into Medicare. Another was support for the addition of a “public option” to Obamacare, and a third was a proposal to make public colleges and universities tuition-free for students from families with annual incomes up to $125,000. These proposals, which would do nothing to halt the assault on working people’s health care and little to make college more affordable for working-class youth, would have virtually no chance of being passed by Congress and implemented.

The final act of the platform committee meeting revealed the widespread hatred of Clinton among Sanders supporters and workers and youth more generally, and the difficulties both Sanders and Clinton face in convincing those who rallied behind the supposedly “socialist” senator to vote for the Democratic nominee. The two camps had agreed in advance on an amendment naming Clinton as the Democratic candidate, but when the proposal was announced, the resulting uproar among Sanders backers in the audience forced the platform committee to withdraw it.




"Obama has not had a path strewn with rose petals: he had a path strewn with platinum petals, emeralds and Hermes Birkins. Obama was a man with a work history that would not land him a position as an assistant state public defender in today’s economy. With that CV, he became the President of the largest budget and military in the world.  And the reason he won the job, largely, was due to being black."

July 11, 2016

President Obama’s Potential Felonies

By Michael Bargo, Jr.

In the recent terrorist attack in Orlando, the US Dept. of Justice ordered the Orlando Police Dept. to scrub, or delete, references to terrorism from the records they had of phone calls with the shooter Omar Mateen.  This is clearly proof of an effort by the President and Justice Dept. to cover up and conceal Islamic references spoken by the Orlando shooter. The FBI was ordered to release only partial, not full, transcripts.  This proves that President Obama is directly involved in the obstruction of an investigation of terrorism and that he is using a Justice Dept. agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to perpetrate his obstruction.

This is not the first time this has happened.  The President has ordered other agencies in the past to destroy evidence of potential Islamic references.  The excuse Attorney General Loretta Lynch gave was that persons would be re-victimized by the release of the references to Islam.  But it is difficult to understand how persons who are not Islamic are offended by this language.

The President and AG never seemed concerned about scrubbing references to the racist policies of police departments around the country, or numerous other issues.

And of course when the Justice Dept. allegedly attempted to find out who ordered the deletion of part of a December 2013 press conference briefing video that addressed the Iran nuclear deal, it ran into another “dead end.”  While all offices of the Federal Govt. are required to retain all records pertaining to their actions in public office, somehow President Obama’s administration, like the Nixon Administration, mysteriously has information disappear.  And when an investigation is conducted, they just run into a dead end.

It’s always the adolescent excuse and cover-up that somebody else did it, and they just can’t find out who it was.  Some analysts see this as incompetence, while others see it as a cover-up.  No serious news analyst saw the tapes missing (footnote 1) from Nixon’s Oval Office tape recordings as an accident, as a misstep.

Similarly Obama’s White House staff and those at the FBI and other offices in the Justice Dept. just can’t figure out who ordered the deletion of the Islamic Terror references from the transcripts in the Orlando case.

State Department spokesperson Mark Toner commented that he didn’t know the details and that no rules were broken since there are no rules regarding the editing of video.  But there are rules regarding obstruction in the handling of evidence.  These are very serious rules and it looks like one of Obama’s legacies may be the potential felonies he, and those under his command, committed while he was President.

A similar scrubbing of Islamic references was revealed by a retired DHS employee named Philip Haney who wrote in The Hill that in November 2009 he “was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terrorist groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS).”  Looking back at this Obama-authorized deletion of evidence Haney commented:

“It is very plausible that one or more of the subsequent terror attacks on the homeland could have been prevented if more subject matter experts in the Department of Homeland Security had been allowed to do our jobs back in late 2009.”
Another type of investigation sabotaged by Obama’s Dept. of Justice was the investigation of a Black Panther member who aggressively and willfully intimidated voters at a polling place in Philadelphia in 2008.  The Obama Administration let the Black Panther member off the hook in 2008 but the leader of that Black Panther chapter, King Samir Shabazz, got arrested on gun charges in 2013.  With the Obama Administration’s obsession with guns one would expect them to take these charges very seriously.  Previously, King Shabazz had uttered numerous comments that were hate speech when he stated that he wanted his followers to raid nurseries and “kill everything white in sight.”  He also recommended that “black people should create militias to exterminate whites, skin them alive, pour acid on them, sick pit bulls on them, bust their heads with rocks….”  Only when he was found in New York City to be carrying an unlicensed gun was any law enforcement action done against him.

So while these actions by the Obama Administration may appear to be purely political they are also violations of Title 18 laws regarding the conduct of Federal officials in the handling of investigations.

18 U.S.C. § 1501-Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees:

“Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.”
Similarly 18 U.S.C. § 1506-Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail:

“Whoever feloniously steals, takes away, alters, falsifies, or otherwise avoids any record, writ, process, or other proceeding, in any court of the United States, whereby any judgment is reversed, made void, or does not take effect… Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.”
Note that the words “intention” and “by mistake” do not appear in these laws.  Of course these laws also apply to Hillary’s use of official emails and her responses in investigations.

Philip Haney wrote that some of the terrorist acts committed in the US could have been prevented if not for Obama’s order to scrub and delete records.  No wonder President Obama wants Hillary to become President.  A Republican President and an honest AG may go after him.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/07/president_obamas_potential_felonies.html#ixzz4EDwkMgsU

July 11, 2016

Obama, the Aloof Rageaholic

By Tiffany Kendal Koogler

Once upon a time, I dated an angry man.  The list of sins that ignited his rage was random.  One that stands out is slamming his car door too hard. His rage would flare from tension to full Clockwork Orange violence in seconds. And I don’t mean snarky remarks. I mean throwing suitcases.

What never made sense about Angry Man’s rage was I could never trace the root of it.  He was swimming in cash, a sensational job, and the constitution of a bull.

finally escaped Angry Man.ut, for the past eight years, I have watched white America and its dynamic with the angry black person. It was that old dangerous dance: the person who is addicted to anger and the victim who tap-dances and begs for the bully to be nice.

Unchecked rage often ends in homicide. On July 7, 2016, in Dallas, it did.

How did this happen?

Inexplicably, President Obama has become America’s black abusive boyfriend.  He seduced with an aloof charm, quick wit, and a Spockish calm.  But like all ragaholics, we did not know what was beneath that cultivated air of cool.  Obama had rage.
He has stoked the fires of black Americans’ rage, aided by acolyte Eric Holder, with the fervor of a man chased by a lynch mob pre Civil War.
From all accounts, both biased and neutral, the source of Obama’s black rage is as mystical as Kardashian modesty.  Obama has not had a path strewn with rose petals: he had a path strewn with platinum petals, emeralds and Hermes Birkins. Obama was a man with a work history that would not land him a position as an assistant state public defender in today’s economy. With that CV, he became the President of the largest budget and military in the world.  And the reason he won the job, largely, was due to being black.

What is making our black boyfriend so angry? We not only gave him a place at the table, we gave him the table, the Kohler kitchen and a Nate Berkus styled mansion.

Obama is clever, crafty and his delivery of a joke outstanding. His reasonable, didactic manner is resassuring.

But, his pathological compulsion to frame black Americans as quivering citizens facing a virtual holocaust from cops is obsessive, and false.

And it has now resulted in murder. But this was easy to predict, especially for anyone schooled in dealing with entitled, enraged bullies.

Obama, rarely angry, showed indignation when a giant black thug lunged at a petite shopkeeper, after he stole some blunt rolling papers, disobeyed police commands, and was then shot after reaching for the cop’s gun inside a patrol car.

Conversely, Obama was yucking it up on the golf course minutes after discussing American journalist James Foley, who had his head hacked off with a dull blade by ISIS sub humans.

Other black boyfriends were watching. And when detached Obama decided now he would show his black man cojones, it was the wink to other angry blacks to go forth and do harm.  Looting stores (stupidly, usually black business), white knock out games, and vitriol spewed out by racists like Michael Eric Dyson became not only okay, but also the only script allowed.

Do we whites hate blacks?  Do our angry black boyfriends have a genuine fear of the mousey white Americans, who apologize, grovel, and lose their job at the hands of other whites, if they slightly offend the sensibilities of these terrorized black Americans?

Let’s follow the money. This is the country that rewards single black (and other) mothers, who reproduce with many different partners and their offspring with the following non-exclusive list of wonderful free goodies:

Prenatal care, medical care, prescriptions, mental health care, food, free or reduced housing, daycare, cell phones, tuition, greatly reduced admissions criteria for entry in college based on race, textbooks books, tutoring and specific job placement assistance upon graduating, if they go to and finish college.

If blacks graduate, local, state and federal employers, as well as international corporations set aside jobs, well paying ones, just for blacks. Their competence, and abilities are a secondary consideration.  It’s Sweden in America for our angry blacks.

Is this the source of their outrage?

No. This cradle to grave largess is not acknowledged by enraged blacks or bootlicking white apologists. The party line for rage is their treatment by the police. They represent, with illiterate rhetoric, that police brutality against them has made this country more akin to the Congo than Canada.

More whites are killed by law enforcement than blacks are.  Angry blacks kill other angry blacks, more than all other races combined.  These facts have been cited over and over. No one, especially breathless pundits, minds these facts.

I have a big secret to tell all the angry blacks that demonize cops: Whites are afraid of cops. I am leery of cops.  This is why I do not make sudden moments around armed men who can legally shoot me, or tell them to fuck off, or act furtive in my pockets when detained.

Critically, if my boyfriend were bleeding from a gunshot wound, I would apply pressure to his wound and render aid, not calmly video his death so I could attain celebrity status.

Anger is addictive.  America is the abused spouse, nervously watching her black boyfriend pace, punch the wall, and be angry. Because being perpetually pissed off around weak people gets to be quite fun. Consequences never come, and others learn to let you have your way, or else. Untouchable entitlement is thrilling.

What will America, the bruised girlfriend, do with her angry black boyfriend? Will she get up and “restructure his function” or quiver in the corner, and lose the freedom that made her believe she had value in the world?

Tiffany Kendal Koogler is an attorney who previously worked for the Department of Defense.  She lives in North Carolina with her dogs.

Once upon a time, I dated an angry man.  The list of sins that ignited his rage was random.  One that stands out is slamming his car door too hard. His rage would flare from tension to full Clockwork Orange violence in seconds. And I don’t mean snarky remarks. I mean throwing suitcases.

What never made sense about Angry Man’s rage was I could never trace the root of it.  He was swimming in cash, a sensational job, and the constitution of a bull.

I finally escaped Angry Man.

But, for the past eight years, I have watched white America and its dynamic with the angry black person. It was that old dangerous dance: the person who is addicted to anger and the victim who tap-dances and begs for the bully to be nice.

Unchecked rage often ends in homicide. On July 7, 2016, in Dallas, it did.

How did this happen?

Inexplicably, President Obama has become America’s black abusive boyfriend.  He seduced with an aloof charm, quick wit, and a Spockish calm.  But like all ragaholics, we did not know what was beneath that cultivated air of cool.  Obama had rage.

He has stoked the fires of black Americans’ rage, aided by acolyte Eric Holder, with the fervor of a man chased by a lynch mob pre Civil War.

From all accounts, both biased and neutral, the source of Obama’s black rage is as mystical as Kardashian modesty.  Obama has not had a path strewn with rose petals: he had a path strewn with platinum petals, emeralds and Hermes Birkins. Obama was a man with a work history that would not land him a position as an assistant state public defender in today’s economy. With that CV, he became the President of the largest budget and military in the world.  And the reason he won the job, largely, was due to being black.

What is making our black boyfriend so angry? We not only gave him a place at the table, we gave him the table, the Kohler kitchen and a Nate Berkus styled mansion.

Obama is clever, crafty and his delivery of a joke outstanding. His reasonable, didactic manner is resassuring.

But, his pathological compulsion to frame black Americans as quivering citizens facing a virtual holocaust from cops is obsessive, and false.

And it has now resulted in murder. But this was easy to predict, especially for anyone schooled in dealing with entitled, enraged bullies.

Obama, rarely angry, showed indignation when a giant black thug lunged at a petite shopkeeper, after he stole some blunt rolling papers, disobeyed police commands, and was then shot after reaching for the cop’s gun inside a patrol car.

Conversely, Obama was yucking it up on the golf course minutes after discussing American journalist James Foley, who had his head hacked off with a dull blade by ISIS sub humans.

Other black boyfriends were watching. And when detached Obama decided now he would show his black man cojones, it was the wink to other angry blacks to go forth and do harm.  Looting stores (stupidly, usually black business), white knock out games, and vitriol spewed out by racists like Michael Eric Dyson became not only okay, but also the only script allowed.

Do we whites hate blacks?  Do our angry black boyfriends have a genuine fear of the mousey white Americans, who apologize, grovel, and lose their job at the hands of other whites, if they slightly offend the sensibilities of these terrorized black Americans?

Let’s follow the money. This is the country that rewards single black (and other) mothers, who reproduce with many different partners and their offspring with the following non-exclusive list of wonderful free goodies:

Prenatal care, medical care, prescriptions, mental health care, food, free or reduced housing, daycare, cell phones, tuition, greatly reduced admissions criteria for entry in college based on race, textbooks books, tutoring and specific job placement assistance upon graduating, if they go to and finish college.

If blacks graduate, local, state and federal employers, as well as international corporations set aside jobs, well paying ones, just for blacks. Their competence, and abilities are a secondary consideration.  It’s Sweden in America for our angry blacks.

Is this the source of their outrage?

No. This cradle to grave largess is not acknowledged by enraged blacks or bootlicking white apologists. The party line for rage is their treatment by the police. They represent, with illiterate rhetoric, that police brutality against them has made this country more akin to the Congo than Canada.
More whites are killed by law enforcement than blacks are.  Angry blacks kill other angry blacks, more than all other races combined.  These facts have been cited over and over. No one, especially breathless pundits, minds these facts.

I have a big secret to tell all the angry blacks that demonize cops: Whites are afraid of cops. I am leery of cops.  This is why I do not make sudden moments around armed men who can legally shoot me, or tell them to fuck off, or act furtive in my pockets when detained.

Critically, if my boyfriend were bleeding from a gunshot wound, I would apply pressure to his wound and render aid, not calmly video his death so I could attain celebrity status.

Anger is addictive.  America is the abused spouse, nervously watching her black boyfriend pace, punch the wall, and be angry. Because being perpetually pissed off around weak people gets to be quite fun. Consequences never come, and others learn to let you have your way, or else. Untouchable entitlement is thrilling.

What will America, the bruised girlfriend, do with her angry black boyfriend? Will she get up and “restructure his function” or quiver in the corner, and lose the freedom that made her believe she had value in the world?

Tiffany Kendal Koogler is an attorney who previously worked for the Department of Defense.  She lives in North Carolina with her dogs.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/07/obama_the_aloof_rageaholic.html#ixzz4EDyH4DCm
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