
Pat Condell is the most outspoken and eloquent commentator in the English-speaking world.  (Hello, Dr. Krauthammer: maybe it’s time to take a vacation from the Beltway and realize what’s really going on and why the elites of the worl...

December 26, 2015

Goodbye, Sweden

By Thomas Lifson

Pat Condell is the most outspoken and eloquent commentator in the English-speaking world.  (Hello, Dr. Krauthammer: maybe it’s time to take a vacation from the Beltway and realize what’s really going on and why the elites of the world in their bubble are so out of touch.)  Perhaps he is too outspoken for Fox News Channel, but that is their loss.  The rest of us can watch him on our computers and handheld devices and avoid those endlessly rising costs of cable TV subscriptions.

I must confess: my heart breaks for Sweden.  Like anyone born and raised in Minnesota, I feel a certain closeness to that country and feel a familiarity that transcends my visit to it long ago.  Despite their embrace of political correctness, the Swedes are at heart very decent, humane people, their main faults being a desire to please others in their community (which leads to silencing dissent and conformity) and self-righteous hypocrisy.  But these are minor blemishes considering the personal decency most people center their lives on.


Taking advantage of Sweden’s generosity, Muslim immigrants have been arriving in large numbers and, in recent months, catastrophically overwhelming the country’s budget and facilities to house and feed them.
The few minutes you spend watching Condell’s commentary will reward you:

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

Pat Condell is the most outspoken and eloquent commentator in the English-speaking world.  (Hello, Dr. Krauthammer: maybe it’s time to take a vacation from the Beltway and realize what’s really going on and why the elites of the world in their bubble are so out of touch.)  Perhaps he is too outspoken for Fox News Channel, but that is their loss.  The rest of us can watch him on our computers and handheld devices and avoid those endlessly rising costs of cable TV subscriptions.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/12/goodbye_sweden.html#ixzz3vSKPJdKN
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Is Muslim a religion? It's a fucking death cult!


That Hawkins feels no need to stand with fellow Christians in the Middle East who are being driven from their homes, tortured, kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered at the hands of Islamic supremacists is sad and disgusting.

Larycia Hawkins is a political science professor at Wheaton College, a Christian college in Illinois.  On Thursday, she announced on her Facebook page that she will wear a hijab throughout Advent as a symbol of solidarity with Muslims.  She...

December 26, 2015

ISIS fatwa will allow harvesting of organs from living 'apostates'

By Rick Moran

This sounds so incredible that if it was any other group, you might question whether it was created by the U.S. for propaganda purposes.
But this fatwa, which allows the Islamic State to remove organs from living people who aren't Muslim, was discovered in a raid following the targeted assassination of ISIS financier Abu Sayyaf and has been shared with other governments.


Reuters couldn’t independently confirm the authenticity of the document. U.S. officials say it was among a trove of data and other information obtained by U.S. special forces in a raid in eastern Syria in May.
"The apostate's life and organs don't have to be respected and may be taken with impunity," says the document, which is in the form of a fatwa, or religious ruling, from the Islamic State’s Research and Fatwa Committee.
"Organs that end the captive's life if removed: The removal of that type is also not prohibited," Fatwa Number 68 says, according to a U.S. government translation.
The document does not offer any proof that Islamic State actually engages in organ harvesting or organ trafficking. But it does provide religious sanction for doing so under the group's harsh interpretation of Islam - which is rejected by most Muslims. Previously, Iraq has accused Islamic State of harvesting human organs and trafficking them for profit.
The document does not define “apostate,” though the Islamic State has killed or imprisoned non-Muslims, such as Christians, and Shiite Muslims, as well as Sunni Muslims who don't follow its extremist views.
U.S. officials say the records that were seized have given the U.S. government a deep look into how Islamic State organizes, raises funds and codifies laws for its followers.
Iraq’s ambassador to the United Nations, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, told Reuters the documents should be examined by the U.N. Security Council as evidence that Islamic State could be trafficking in organs to raise cash.
Trafficking in human body parts is extremely profitable.  Just ask Planned Parenthood.  When you can get hundreds of thousands of dollars for a kidney, or a heart, or a lung, it's a pretty good incentive to use captured infidels as cash machines.
But the question lingers: do they have the know-how and capability to engage in trafficking?  It's unlikely that there are any organ transplants in ISIS land, given the rudimentary nature of their medical facilities, so the expertise to carefully remove organs for transplant probably isn't present.
But it doesn't take a lot of medical training to dissect a body.  While that rules out major organs like the heart and liver as being sold on the market, you can find buyers for hair, blood, bones and other less delicate body parts and still make a lot of money.
In short, it's more than possible that this fatwa is operational and being used by ISIS to raise cash.

This sounds so incredible that if it was any other group, you might question whether it was created by the U.S. for propaganda purposes.
But this fatwa, which allows the Islamic State to remove organs from living people who aren't Muslim, was discovered in a raid following the targeted assassination of ISIS financier Abu Sayyaf and has been shared with other governments.

Reuters couldn’t independently confirm the authenticity of the document. U.S. officials say it was among a trove of data and other information obtained by U.S. special forces in a raid in eastern Syria in May.
"The apostate's life and organs don't have to be respected and may be taken with impunity," says the document, which is in the form of a fatwa, or religious ruling, from the Islamic State’s Research and Fatwa Committee.
"Organs that end the captive's life if removed: The removal of that type is also not prohibited," Fatwa Number 68 says, according to a U.S. government translation.
The document does not offer any proof that Islamic State actually engages in organ harvesting or organ trafficking. But it does provide religious sanction for doing so under the group's harsh interpretation of Islam - which is rejected by most Muslims. Previously, Iraq has accused Islamic State of harvesting human organs and trafficking them for profit.
The document does not define “apostate,” though the Islamic State has killed or imprisoned non-Muslims, such as Christians, and Shiite Muslims, as well as Sunni Muslims who don't follow its extremist views.
U.S. officials say the records that were seized have given the U.S. government a deep look into how Islamic State organizes, raises funds and codifies laws for its followers.
Iraq’s ambassador to the United Nations, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, told Reuters the documents should be examined by the U.N. Security Council as evidence that Islamic State could be trafficking in organs to raise cash.
Trafficking in human body parts is extremely profitable.  Just ask Planned Parenthood.  When you can get hundreds of thousands of dollars for a kidney, or a heart, or a lung, it's a pretty good incentive to use captured infidels as cash machines.
But the question lingers: do they have the know-how and capability to engage in trafficking?  It's unlikely that there are any organ transplants in ISIS land, given the rudimentary nature of their medical facilities, so the expertise to carefully remove organs for transplant probably isn't present.
But it doesn't take a lot of medical training to dissect a body.  While that rules out major organs like the heart and liver as being sold on the market, you can find buyers for hair, blood, bones and other less delicate body parts and still make a lot of money.
In short, it's more than possible that this fatwa is operational and being used by ISIS to raise cash.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/12/isis_fatwa_will_allow_harvesting_of_organs_from_living_apostates.html#ixzz3vSMavltb
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December 14, 2015

Professor at Christian college wearing hijab during Advent

By Carol Brown

Larycia Hawkins is a political science professor at Wheaton College, a Christian college in Illinois.  On Thursday, she announced on her Facebook page that she will wear a hijab throughout Advent as a symbol of solidarity with Muslims.  She plans to wear it everywhere: to work, to class, to church, and on the plane ride home for the Christmas holiday.  The Christian Post reports:

“I don't love my Muslim neighbor because s/he is American. I love my Muslim neighbor because s/he deserves love by virtue of her/his human dignity…I stand in human solidarity with my Muslim neighbor because we are formed of the same primordial clay, descendants of the same cradle of humankind — a cave in Sterkfontein, South Africa that I had the privilege to descend into to plumb the depths of our common humanity in 2014.”

Hawkins…further asserted that not only are Muslims her neighbors but they also "worship the same God."
“I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God”….
“As part of my Advent Worship, I will wear the hijab to work at Wheaton College, to play in Chi-town, in the airport and on the airplane to my home state that initiated one of the first anti-Sharia laws (read: unconstitutional and Islamophobic), and at church.”….
Hold it!
She loves her Muslim neighbor because of her dignity, because they are both descendants of the same place in South Africa, because they’re made of the same clay, and, if all of that weren’t enough to make any non-Muslim woman want to run out and don a hijab, because they “worship the same God.”


No they don’t.

The Christians God is a God of love.  The Muslim God is a God of hate.

Love.  Hate.  Not the same.

Ms. Hawkins appears to be lacking some very basic abilities in the discernment department.  But that’s not all.  Hawkins seems to have a problem with anti-sharia legislation.  She confuses that which is unconstitutional (sharia) with that which protects our constitution (anti-sharia legislation).

The poor thing just can’t keep basic ideas straight in her mind.

And of course, no social justice warrior can get a gold star without hoping others will follow in her footsteps, because, you know, what she is doing is righteous.

The Wheaton College professor further explained that she hopes she is not the only non-Muslim woman wearing a hijab this holiday season, as she desires to start a movement of women showing their solidarity for Muslims.

"I invite all women into the narrative that is embodied, hijab-wearing solidarity with our Muslim sisters — for whatever reason. A large scale movement of Women in Solidarity with Hijabs is my Christmas ‪#‎wish this year," Hawkins continued. "Perhaps you are a Muslim who does not wear the veil normally. Perhaps you are an atheist or agnostic who finds religion silly or inexplicable. Perhaps you are a Catholic or Protestant Christian like me. Perhaps you already cover your head as part of your religious worship, but not a hijab."
Holy smokes!  She is so delusional and patronizing that she is actually urging not only non-Muslims to don the symbol of female oppression, but also Muslim women who don’t normally wear the veil to give it a whirl.
But the real kicker came at the end of the article, which explains what an A+ dhimmi Hawkins is:

Hawkins turned to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), where she has a friend on staff, for advice on whether it would be offensive to Muslims if a non-Muslim wears a hijab.
"I asked whether a non-Muslim wearing the hijab was haram (forbidden), patronizing, or otherwise offensive to Muslims. I was assured by my friends at CAIR-Chicago that they welcomed the gesture," she explained. "So please do not fear joining this embodied narrative of actual as opposed to theoretical unity; human solidarity as opposed to mere nationalistic, sentimentality."
Of course it’s not offensive!  It’s a sign of dhimmitude.  Once conquered, all non-believers who are not slaughtered must adopt the ways of Islam.

But Hawkins appears short on knowledge and long on fabricated leftist ideas.  And so she checked with CAIR to make sure she can wear a head scarf, lest this good little dhimmi offend.  And, with CAIR’s approval, she urges others to join the dhimmi parade.

It’s hard to know where to begin, but let me just say a couple of things.

First, this woman has no business teaching at a Christian college.

Second, this sickly urge to join with Muslims after terror attacks is a phenomenon I can only describe as mentally ill.  That Hawkins feels no need to stand with fellow Christians in the Middle East who are being driven from their homes, tortured, kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered at the hands of Islamic supremacists is sad and disgusting.
I’ll leave the rest of the commentary to AT readers.  There are only so many keystrokes one can devote to such abject stupidity that masquerades as self-righteous goodness.

Hat tip: TheBlaze

Larycia Hawkins is a political science professor at Wheaton College, a Christian college in Illinois.  On Thursday, she announced on her Facebook page that she will wear a hijab throughout Advent as a symbol of solidarity with Muslims.  She plans to wear it everywhere: to work, to class, to church, and on the plane ride home for the Christmas holiday.  The Christian Post reports:

“I don't love my Muslim neighbor because s/he is American. I love my Muslim neighbor because s/he deserves love by virtue of her/his human dignity…I stand in human solidarity with my Muslim neighbor because we are formed of the same primordial clay, descendants of the same cradle of humankind — a cave in Sterkfontein, South Africa that I had the privilege to descend into to plumb the depths of our common humanity in 2014.”

Hawkins…further asserted that not only are Muslims her neighbors but they also "worship the same God."

“I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God”….
“As part of my Advent Worship, I will wear the hijab to work at Wheaton College, to play in Chi-town, in the airport and on the airplane to my home state that initiated one of the first anti-Sharia laws (read: unconstitutional and Islamophobic), and at church.”….

Of course it’s not offensive!  It’s a sign of dhimmitude.  Once conquered, all non-believers who are not slaughtered must adopt the ways of Islam.

But Hawkins appears short on knowledge and long on fabricated leftist ideas.  And so she checked with CAIR to make sure she can wear a head scarf, lest this good little dhimmi offend.  And, with CAIR’s approval, she urges others to join the dhimmi parade.

It’s hard to know where to begin, but let me just say a couple of things.

First, this woman has no business teaching at a Christian college.

Second, this sickly urge to join with Muslims after terror attacks is a phenomenon I can only describe as mentally ill.  That Hawkins feels no need to stand with fellow Christians in the Middle East who are being driven from their homes, tortured, kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered at the hands of Islamic supremacists is sad and disgusting.
I’ll leave the rest of the commentary to AT readers.  There are only so many keystrokes one can devote to such abject stupidity that masquerades as self-righteous goodness.

Hat tip: TheBlaze

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/12/professor_at_christian_college_wearing_hijab_during_advent.html#ixzz3uK2tAtBO
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

December 15, 2015

ISIS and Obama

By G. Murphy Donovan

“We are not at war with Islam.” – Barack Hussein Obama
We could begin with: “ISIS comes to America.”  But that would suggest that the latest mutant strain of Muslim terror is somehow new or unique.  The sad truth is, alas, that contemporary imperial Islam, a kind of cultural sewage, has been flowing just beneath the veneer of civilization for decades now.  You might think of the San Bernardino massacre as merely another one of those urban pipes that bursts from time to time and becomes a public nuisance.  Blood and gore in the name of religion is now routine by repetition.

Those who work inside the Beltway rationalize lethal religious mayhem as workplace violence, “junior varsity” pranks, or better still, an opportunity cost of gun sales.  Gun control is to terrorism now as public schools are to education.  Nonetheless, taxpaying hermaphrodites and voting masochists can rest easy.  The Islamic State is “contained” we are assured.  There are no “credible” ISIS existential threats to America or Americans.

Clearly, religious executions today have political utility.  Slaughter in God’s name is a terrible thing to waste.  For potential victims, when you see something, please say something.  Call a cop and see what stops.  After all, in a “long game,” only soothing rhetoric really matters.

Say something useful too, like HELP – OMG or WTF! Then throw your panties, or your smart phone, at the hirsute dude with the AK-47 or the burka bimbo with the bomb.  If your phone doesn’t kill or pacify those “nefarious characters,” hit your knees, face Mecca, tuck you head between your knees, and kiss your timid butt goodbye.  After all, we will always have Paris and 9/11 and the kind of “hope and change” that is beginning to look like a train ride to the ovens.

Alas, religious affiliations of victims and perps alike are irrelevant yet again! Not just Jews, Christians, Copts, or Yazidi this time.  The target in San Bernardino was a government sanctioned secular humanist Christmas bash, an infidel cum apostate California bulls eye laden with symbolism, indeed a threefer: Jerry Brown, baby Jesus, and alcohol.  The latest Islamic free-fire zone is more evidence of the need to restrain infidel excess and the need for new mandates to control speech, partying, guns, Santa Claus, and “islamophobic” Christmas.

Holiday eggnog, after all, is one of those gateway drugs that provokes Muslims and inspires genocidal rage.
Alas, the sharia and jihad ambitions of Islam in America might be too modest.  Muslims merely want to return to the 7th Century and Mohammed.  To stay in that race to the past, agnostic America might give Stonehenge and sun worship another whirl.  Say “salve solstice,” not merry “you know what” this year.

The latest Muslim assault on the 21st Century has put “Berdoo” in the Quintin Tarantino hall of shame too.  Until jihad came to town, San Berdoo, we should note, was known best on the left coast for biker bars and awesome weed.

The 4 December bloodbath in California is both sequel and prequel of dystopian Christmases to come.  Take that FBI news conference two days after as evidence, a kind of costumed, choreographed public relations porn flick.
PR is now the first federal line of defense against shooters, bombers, terrorists, and religious fascists.  Yes, here again soothing, albeit empty, words are best.  San Bernardino was no exception.

One jihadist was a native, the other was an import via Saudi Arabia.  Not that any of that mattered to clueless centurions.  Both shooters were Muslim and both had roots in Pakistan.  Doesn’t matter! Both were equipped like Kevlar ninjas.  Doesn’t matter either! The ISIS wannabes wasted a Christmas party.  Group kill is not that relevant either in traditional Hollywood oeuvre! The FBI and a constellation of four star cops could not, or would not, say anything specific about the obvious: race, religion, arms, ideology, motives, or affiliations.

If you are a government flake and you know something these days, your job is to say nothing.  You know the drill.  Muslim feelings trump public safety, national security, and all vestiges of common decency or uncommon sense.  In contrast, everyman on the street is enjoined to see and say something.  Yes, but good grief not about immigrants, terrorists, Muslims, or Islam.

The best parts of the masque in Berdoo were those stars.  No fewer than eight, yes eight, blue groupies in the FBI entourage wore four stars on their lapels.  Who knew that a city of less than 250,000 souls had so many four star lawmen keeping us safe? How, you might ask, did Wyatt Earp ever tame Tombstone with just one star?

Four star cops in urban America are similar to all those fruit salad generals at the Pentagon, impotent mannequins, hangar queens grounded by political correctness.  Uniform garnish matters more than results in public safety/national security sinecures these days.  Policing and soldiering in America is starting to look a lot like ghost of Orwell’s future -- or scoreless soccer and kindergarten T-ball.

The obligatory press conference that quickly follows any gory Muslim rampage in America is now a kind of civic cult ritual.

To start, American Islamist front groups (CAIR for example) launch the spin, while a day or two later the FBI and a local chorus sugar coats the infidel dead, apostate lame, and agnostic maimed.  These televised spin cycles are usually orchestrated by the Feds, echoed by the national press, and back lit by a host of mute locals that might include zaftig crossing guards with stars on their epaulets.  The elected Commander-in-Chief usually leads from behind, keeping his peace until moral equivalence, mental health, gun control, melting icebergs, or carbon credits can be worked into the post mortems.

Why it is, by the way, that Bernie Sanders still doesn’t have a Cabinet post? Surely, the Islamic State could be brought to heel by carbon credits or an NSA all-access peeping pass.
After seven years, team Obama still doesn’t get it.  If ISIS implodes tomorrow, Islamism, like the Big Lebowski, still abides.

The Islamic State, a big slice of the Ummah similar to Boko Haram and al Qaeda, is a new symptom, not a new disease.  The civic cancer is, and always has been, the rapidly metastasizing global ideology of sharia and jihad, in short, religious fascism.  Like National Socialism, it’s the ideology, stupid! The predicate of all fascism is coercion, indeed the kind of sick terror now playing in a domicile near you, places like Paris, Mali, and San Bernardino.
American tactics and strategy may appear feckless, but the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes are united by the belief that Muslim reputation is more important than American lives.  Both major political parties in the US are aping European quislings for fear that things might get worse.  The public too are patronized with fears of fear; indeed admonished to expect and accept both immigrants and serial depredations indefinitely.

All the while, the Oval Office is mocked by a religion it dares not name.  John Kerry is characterized as an “uncircumcised geezer,” an ambiguous slur that surely assumes too much about men who work at Foggy Bottom.  By some bizarre mutation of values, the White House, ayatollahs, mullahs, imams, and assassins all have similar goals -- a passive if not submissive America.

Al Baghdadi is also annoyed that Obama trivializes ISIS, aka the Islamic State, as Daesh or ISIL.  According to a poorly sourced MOSAD report, the Caliph is considering rebranding ISIS, or jihad, as “Global Warming” in order to get better ink at the New York Times.  Islam and Armageddon seldom appear above the fold these days.
Beltway apologists respond in kind by claiming that the answer to ISIS, like warm weather, is in “the long game.”  You could read such bravado as an endorsement of the status quo, kick-the-can, surrender, or all three.  The long game strategy is a comfort much like knowing that in the end we are all dead anyway.  Team Obama’s most cherished ambition now seems to be to limp out of Dodge ahead of the apocalypse.

When we see something, we should say something! Say something like, “What were Americans thinking when they put Steve Quincy Urkel in charge of the world’s most confused democracy?”

Indeed! Never mind Bashar al-Assad in Syria or Vladimir Putin in Russia; regime change in America can’t come soon enough.

Insh’allah and allah hu akbar!

G.  Murphy Donovan, erstwhile Intelligence officer, writes more frequently these days about the politics of national security.

“We are not at war with Islam.” – Barack Hussein Obama

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/12/isis_and_obama.html#ixzz3uQyrFLJs

A Muslim man wielding a sword screamed that he would “die and kill for Allah” as he chased his terrified neighbor down the street.  It happened on Monday in Victorville, California, located in San Bernardino County.  The Victor ...

A deep hatred and rejection of Judaism and Christianity are hardwired into Islamic doctrine, including the Koran. Many of its chapters are incorporated into mandatory daily Islamic prayer. The very first Koranic chapter, considered the most exalted of all chapters, is a prayer directed to Allah asking him to keep Muslims away from the misguided path of Jews and Christians. This chapter is a necessary part of the five mandatory daily prayers, and is recited not once, but anywhere from 17 to 100 times a day by devout Muslims (or in a broader sense, 6200 to 36,500 times a year).

December 9, 2015

Sword-wielding Muslim chases neighbor in California, and other news from adherents of the Religion of Peace

By Carol Brown

A Muslim man wielding a sword screamed that he would “die and kill for Allah” as he chased his terrified neighbor down the street.  It happened on Monday in Victorville, California, located in San Bernardino County.  The Victor Valley News reports that the suspect, Mohamed Elrawi, was taken into custody after investigators searched his home and found a copy of the Quran and other items suggesting he had become “radicalized.”  (I happen to think the word “radicalized” is as bogus as the term “radical Islam.”  People do not become radicalized.  They become devout.)
Well, that’s creepy.

Breitbart reports that a Jordanian with an American passport proclaimed he wanted “to join Allah” while attempting to open a plane door mid-flight.  The flight crew and passengers had to restrain him until the plane was able to land.

The incident occurred ... when the man – a Jordanian with an American passport – began to scream that he wished to join Allah and had to be restrained.

Crew and passengers, which included the Serbian national handball team, lended their efforts to keeping the man restrained on Flight 1406, an Airbus A319 before he was arrested upon landing in Serbia.

Milan Djukic, president of the Vojvodina handball team said: “About halfway into the flight he tried to open a plane door, but the cabin crew stopped him.”

Two players from the team, at the request of flight stewards, reportedly watched the man who is said to have spoken English in an American accent. He was placed in the business class section until landing, according to the Daily Mail.

A Lufthansa spokesman said: “A passenger got up and tried to do something at the door, but was stopped by crew members and other passengers.

“The passenger was then restrained for the remainder of the flight in his seat and handed over to the authorities in Belgrade.
That’s creepy, too
But as creepy as this?  The Daily Mail reports:

A Muslim convert who protested outside Parliament with a sign saying 'I am Muslim, do you trust me enough for a hug?' is facing jail for threatening to bomb an MP's house.

Craig Wallace used the sign as Stop The War protesters came to Westminster for the vote on military action in Syria last week.

It stated: 'I am Muslim, I am labelled a terrorist, I trust you, do you trust me enough for a hug?'
But the 23-year-old, of Willesden Green, north London, is now facing a possible prison sentence after he threatened Tory MP Charlotte Leslie online following the vote.

Wallace, who calls himself Muhammad Mujahid Islam online, wrote on Facebook: 'I'm going to smash her windows then drop a bomb on her house while she's tucked up in bed. You dirty f****** pig-s******* s***.'

On December 3, the day after MPs voted to authorise the air strikes, he wrote: 'I'm going to find her and show her what it's like to murder innocents. You dirty pig-f****** w****.' (snip)
His defence lawyer Abu Sayeed said Wallace had posted the messages after he had been out protesting against the Syrian bombing vote for 'two or three days and had very little sleep and had not taken his medication.' (snip)

Wallace, whose mother died when he was young and who claims his father abused him as a child, had attended an anti-war rally outside Parliament on the day of the Syria vote and was pictured carrying a giant white poppy.

Apparently many Londoners were moved to tears by the man’s action as he stood blindfolded (by a keffiya, of course) with the sign at his feet, as one needy person after another gave him hugs.

The Muslim as victim narrative just doesn’t quit, even if the person threatened to bomb the house of a member of Parliament.

Well, but after all, he was upset.  And tired (two days of protest will really take it out of you).  And off his meds.  And his mother died when he was young.  And his father abused him.  But he carried a large white poppy as a sign of peace and said he trusted everyone and everyone should trust him, so it’s all good, right?

Ashleigh Banfield, call your office.

Hat tip: Jihad Watch

A Muslim man wielding a sword screamed that he would “die and kill for Allah” as he chased his terrified neighbor down the street.  It happened on Monday in Victorville, California, located in San Bernardino County.  The Victor Valley News reports that the suspect, Mohamed Elrawi, was taken into custody after investigators searched his home and found a copy of the Quran and other items suggesting he had become “radicalized.”  (I happen to think the word “radicalized” is as bogus as the term “radical Islam.”  People do not become radicalized.  They become devout.)

Well, that’s creepy.

Breitbart reports that a Jordanian with an American passport proclaimed he wanted “to join Allah” while attempting to open a plane door mid-flight.  The flight crew and passengers had to restrain him until the plane was able to land.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/12/swordwielding_muslim_chases_neighbor_in_california_and_other_news_from_adherents_of_the_religion_of_peace.html#ixzz3tqh6xjAE

During Sunday’s address to the nation, President Obama went to bat for Islam, as he so often does.  It matters not when, where, or how he defends it.  His compulsion to advocate for the ideology he so adores is relentless.  If he...

San Bernardino: The Answer is an Immigration Moratorium — and Muslim Expulsion

By Peter Brimelow

VDare.com, December 4, 2015
. . .
Screening DOESN’T WORK

All too obviously, Farook and his wife flew under the security services’ powerful radar [San Bernardino shooting suspects raised few red flags before ‘horrendous’ crime, by Roy Carroll etc., The Guardian, December 3, 2015), This is particularly devastating because Tafsheen Malik came here on a fiancée visa which allegedly “has one of the more rigorous security screening processes — presenting far more hurdles than other avenues for foreigners to enter the U.S.” [This Is How Suspected California Shooter Used a ‘Fiancé Visa’, by Ari Melber, NBC News, December 3, 2015].

But this “rigorous security screening” failed too.

Which is very helpful information when assessing the Obama Administration’s lying claims that the Syrian “refugees” will be carefully “screened.”
. . .
Assimilation DOESN’T WORK

Syed Rizwan Farook was reportedly born in Illinois, the son of Pakistani immigrants, graduated from college, had a career, and appeared (as the cliché has it) to be living “The American Dream.” Yet he still was overcome by “Sudden Jihad Syndrome.” Or, as Refugee Resettlement Watch’s Ann Corcoran puts it: Don’t get hung up on screening! It’s the second generation immigrant jihadists we must worry about.

The issue is not “terrorism”—it’s immigrant incompatibility.

A typically metaphysical MSM debate is currently raging as to whether the San Bernardino killings were “terrorism.” VDARE.com’s position: it doesn’t matter. Many immigrant mass murders are not by Muslims, but nevertheless reflect some profound alienation from American society. The answer: no immigration.
. . .
And the immediate answer is: an immigration moratorium (Muslims first).

The ultimate answer must be: expulsion. This was the late Lawrence Auster‘s proposal for dealing with Muslims in the West. He worked this out in considerable detail here; there’s a video version here.

Today, of course, the idea that any immigrant group should be expelled from anywhere in the West is simply unthinkable. But the unthinkable happens quite often
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"When Turkey was admitted to NATO in 1952, the Cold War was ramping up and the nation was relatively secular.  Today, however, it’s well known that Turkey has been Islamizing and that its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is an Islamic supremacist.  Also note that Turkey was the location of the last great Islamic caliphate, the Ottoman Empire.  And some think that just as Benito Mussolini wanted to resurrect the glories of the Roman Empire, Erdoğan and others want to reclaim the far more recent Ottoman dominance."

With NATO member Turkey

Turkey: Why Muslim Nations Shouldn't be Part of NATO

By Selwyn Duke

With NATO member Turkey’s recent downing of a Russian aircraft sparking fears of WWIII, a rather politically incorrect question needs to be asked: should a Muslim nation have NATO membership?

Having a country as part of the NATO alliance is no small matter.  Since an attack on one member nation is considered an attack on all, an escalation of the Russian-Turk crisis resulting in military action against Turkey by Russia could, conceivably, lead to a WWIII.  This is why it’s imperative that

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