
Young autoworker earns too little to keep car on the road

"Because even though some 9 million new jobs were added to the U.S. economy from 2000 through

2014, about 18 million new immigrants, legal and illegal, entered the U.S. during that time,

according to the Center for Immigration Studies. This, even as the native population also grew."




"Obama expanded the Wall Street bailout, handing trillions of dollars to the criminals who wrecked the economy. He then utilized the financial meltdown to restructure the auto industry on the basis of brutal pay cuts, setting a precedent for the transformation of the US into a low-wage economy."

"In the midst of the deepest slump since the Great Depression, the administration starved state and city governments of resources, leading to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of education and public-sector jobs and the gutting of workers’ pensions. Obama’s Affordable Care Act set in motion the dismantling of employer-paid health insurance and massive cuts in the Medicare insurance system for the elderly."

Sen. Bernie Sanders fights for the American worker.

THE CONSPIRACY TO SURRENDER AMERICA’S BORDERS…. The partnership between Wall Street-owned Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the  KOCH BROTHERS to surrender our borders and borders laws to assure a steady flood of illegals into America. Keeping wages depressed and passing along the real cost of all that “cheap” labor through taxes on the American middle-class will keep their corporate paymasters happy, profitable and generous. There is not ONE billionaire that does not support Obama’s amnesty hoax to legalize Mexico’s looting.


OBAMA-CLINTONomicsis a simple device...

Serve the super rich and pass the cost of their looting and Wall Street crimes on to the backs of the last of the American middle-class!

"Of course, the wealth of the financial elite cannot come from nowhere. Ultimately, the continual infusion of asset bubbles is the form taken by a massive transfer of wealth, from the working class to the banks, investors and super-rich. The corollary to rise of the stock market is the endless demands, all over the world, for austerity, cuts in wages, attacks on health care and pensions."


“As a result, the share of wealth held by the richest 0.1 percent of the population grew from 17 percent in 2007 to 22 percent in 2012, while the wealth of the 400 richest families in the US has doubled since 2008.”


Did their crony banksters ultimately destroy the global economy?


Richest one percent controls nearly half of global wealth

Young autoworker earns too little to keep car on the road

By Jerry White
7 September 2015

It is often the case that during shift changes at automobile factories in the United States one will see scores of workers driving out of parking lots with cars badly in need of repair. These older models are generally driven by second-tier autoworkers whose wages of $16 to $19 an hour hardly enable them to keep their cars on the road and to get back and forth from work.

These same workers produce vehicles that can sell for $30,000 - $40,000 or more. On any given day, three shifts of workers, laboring for 10-hours each, can produce 1,200 vehicles, with one rolling off the assembly line every minute. The companies make up to $10,000 in profits per vehicle for several SUV and other light-truck models.

The young autoworkers, however, average around $680 a week, before taxes and union dues are deducted. Once they pay for food, utilities and other critical bills, particularly if they are raising children, there is little left to make a payment on a new or even used vehicle. Money spent on car repairs means skipping a payment on utilities or some other necessity.

The World Socialist Web Site recently spoke with a young worker, MaryAnn, from a Fiat Chrysler plant in Detroit. In order to protect her from retribution by management or the United Auto Workers, we are using a pseudonym.

The WSWS spoke to MaryAnn at her house in Detroit as a neighborhood repairman was taking away her 2001 car to work on it. Only a few days earlier a failing alternator had caused the power to turn off as she was driving back from work on a local freeway.

“People on the outside say, ‘Hey, you work at Chrysler, you must be doing good.’ It may be better than $8-9 an hour job, but we have nothing left once we pay our bills. I bought my car used five years ago. I don’t want to make a new car payment; I’d rather be making a payment on a house if I can get one.

“It’s not easy. The American Dream is really a nightmare. You work hard and then you die—that’s the reality. Two people in a household can’t afford a new car. Instead they are struggling to keep the cars they have. It’s rent time now, and the $300 I’m paying to get the alternator fixed is going to come from the $750 I owe for rent.

“A lot of younger workers are still living at home with their parents, and they are not looking ahead at things like job security or owning a home. My dad worked in the plant for 30 years, and he didn’t want me to follow him. He wanted a better life for his kids. It used to be that the auto industry was one of the best places to work. Not anymore. After eight hours in there, your body shuts down. But you still have to work another two.

“On the assembly line you hear the squeaks and see the leaks. But they won’t shut it down. If the CEO, Sergio Marchionne, comes for a tour, they clean everything up. We have bins of parts that are so ragged that you cut your hands on the bottom. It gets fixed up with duct-tape.

“With our pay, any extra cost, like $400 or something, throws a huge monkey wrench into your budget. It’s huge. The UAW officials are telling people to ‘save your money for a strike.’ How are we supposed to save anything? Now they are saying we would only get $200 a week in strike pay.

“The older workers fought and had better conditions. The overall structure was better. There was more job security, and wages were better. Now with the two-tier system, the UAW has workers divided against each other. There are divisions, but older workers try to teach the younger workers how it should be.

“We should all be united. But that wouldn’t be beneficial to the UAW. They want hostility and division in the plants.

“We don’t trust the UAW. Even if they called a strike, it would be for one or two days, to make us think we have power, and then behind the scenes they would sign another rotten deal. They haven’t told us anything. The union steward walks down the line and won’t even make eye contact in order to avoid talking to us. Workers ask him, ‘Hey, what is happening with the contract?’ He always has the same answer: ‘Nothing.’

“Now they have us wearing red t-shirts in the plant because, they say, it will show the managers that we are united. It’s BS. They are going to sell us out whether we wear a red shirt or a green shirt. The union will do what they want to do. I’ve gone to union meetings. The president doesn’t know how to talk to us. It’s offensive,. We’re adults, and he talks like we’re children. At one meeting a retiree got up and asked a question, and the president shouted, ‘You should have your own meetings.’ They talk aggressively to workers, and then they lay down before management.

“We’ve had workers post things on social media about what is happening in the plant and they get called into the union president’s office.

“I have a strong feeling they are going to make us work past the contract deadline, like they are doing to the steelworkers. Now the UAW is going around telling the second-tier workers that if they are not current on their union dues they cannot vote on the contract and won’t get a signing bonus.

“A lot of first-tier workers are schooling the younger workers about this. They say, don’t fall for the signing bonus. We need to get back the concessions we gave up. All the companies do is take, take, take. Workers create the wealth, but we are not wealthy. The billions we make are not invested in the factories—they are in disrepair or are being closed. They threaten us in order to get us to work for less.

“All workers should be united—autoworkers, steelworkers. We have a common fight not to be lied to and pacified but to get the real deal. The UAW and the United Steelworkers are pretty much against us. Unions won’t unite workers; workers have to unite ourselves.

“The companies are greedy, but the workers aren’t. It’s insulting that we don’t make enough to feed our families. All workers face the same fight—what affects one of us, affects all of us. We are common links in a chain.”


"With the approach of the 2016 elections, the Democratic Party and its trade union allies are once again ramping up their efforts to fraudulently posture as advocates of working people."


“But these attempts to palm off the Democrats as defenders of the working class, and in particular of low-income workers, stand in stark contrast to the actual record of the Obama administration, which has waged a systematic and determined campaign to slash the wages of workers in order to further enrich the banks, hedge funds and major corporations.”

Foreign-born women gain 141,000 jobs, U.S.-born women lose 90,000



The surge in the numbers of foreign-born women getting U.S. jobs at the expense of American-born women expanded in August, continuing an eight-year trend.


New Bureau of Labor Statistics info detailing August jobs shows that the number of U.S.-born women 16 and older with jobs declined by 90,000 and rose for foreign-born women by 141,000.

There are currently 59.258 million American-born working women compared to 10.028 foreign-born working women.

Secrets last month reported that all job gains among women since the 2007 recession hit went to foreign-born women workers.


It started the day Obama moved into the White House and commenced the perpetration of his “hope & change”.

24,639,000: Record Number of Foreign-Born Hold Jobs in U.S.


"We could cut unemployment in half simply by reclaiming the jobs taken by illegal workers," said Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, co-chairman of the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus. "President Obama is on the wrong side of the American people on immigration. The president should support policies that help citizens and legal immigrants find the jobs they need and deserve rather than fail to enforce immigration laws."



WASHINGTON STATE: What? You thought only America’s southwest was invaded, occupied and looted?!?!?

“The hauled them down to the border,” Sakuma said. “Three days later, they were standing in our office, but they had a different name and a different Social Security number.”


The Employment Situation of Immigrants and Natives in the Second Quarter of 2013

By Steven A. Camarota August 2013

That President Obama would lawlessly bring in more cheap labor at the request of corporate interests at a time when tens of millions of Americans are unemployed speaks volumes.

Labor Day in America

Union sellouts promote Democratic wage-cutters

8 September 2015
Monday’s official Labor Day events highlighted the anti-working

class lineup of the trade unions and the Democratic Party in the

United States. In the face of mounting working-class anger and

disgust with both big-business parties, the professional sellouts who

run what is called the labor movement did their best to promote the

myth that the Democrats speak for the working man.

Labor Day events called by the AFL-CIO and other unions in Boston, Pittsburgh and Detroit attracted few workers. In New York City, the labor federation has not even bothered to hold an event for years.
The disaffection of workers with these organizations stood in sharp contrast to the praise heaped on them by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. In Boston, Obama spoke before a rally of 700 people, overwhelmingly union bureaucrats and Democratic Party officials, before inviting American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry to fly back to Washington, DC with him on Air Force One.

In Pittsburgh, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and United Steelworkers President Leo Gerard hosted Vice President Joe Biden, who is considering a run for the Democratic presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton, whose campaign shows signs of foundering.



SINCE THE "Hope & No Change" CLOWN


Obama and Biden both decried worsening

conditions for the “middle class” and record levels

of social inequality, evidently hoping that no one

would notice that they have been in power for the

past six-and-a-half years.

With a straight face, Obama declared that he had “walked the walk” when it came to protecting “the middle class.” He denounced the Republicans for waging a “constant attack on working Americans” and expecting that “prosperity will come raining down on us from the top of whatever high-rise in New York City.”

In Pittsburgh, Vice President Biden did his “ordinary Joe” routine. “I am mad, I am angry” about the way workers have been “clobbered” in recent years, he shouted. Pointing to rising worker productivity alongside declining wages, he put on his “candid” face and said, “Here’s the deal, folks: It’s set up that way.”

Do these corporate-controlled politicians really think the

American people are that stupid?

Biden pretends that he and the administration for which he

speaks are not part of the “set-up.” In fact, the Obama

administration has proven to be a ruthless enforcer of the

demands of the corporate/financial elite.

Obama expanded the Wall Street bailout, handing trillions of dollars to the criminals who wrecked the economy. He then utilized the financial meltdown to restructure the auto industry on the basis of brutal pay cuts, setting a precedent for the transformation of the US into a low-wage economy.

In the midst of the deepest slump since the Great Depression, the administration starved state and city governments of resources, leading to the destruction of hundreds of thousands of education and public-sector jobs and the gutting of workers’ pensions.

Obama’s Affordable Care Act set in motion the dismantling of employer-paid health insurance and massive cuts in the Medicare insurance system for the elderly.

At the same time, Obama oversaw a record rise in stock prices, corporate profits and CEO pay on the basis of virtually free cash for the financial elite, compliments of the Federal Reserve Board.
In introducing Biden in Pittsburgh, USW President Gerard praised him as the force behind a job-creation boom under Obama. “Joe Biden has been in the room, he has been the voice of working people in that room,” Gerard declared.

What job creation? A Labor Day 2015 report by the National Employment Law Project noted the “historically low employment rate of prime-age workers and the stubbornly high number of individuals unemployed for longer than six months.” The real unemployment rate—which includes those working part-time who want full-time work and those who have stopped searching but would take a job if one were available—remains at more than 10 percent.

The new jobs that have been created—largely part-time and in low-paying service industries—have replaced better-paid jobs wiped out by the corporations after the 2008 financial crash. Real median wages have fallen by four percent since the recession officially ended in mid-2009. The lowest-paid workers have suffered an average 5.7 percent decline in real wages.

The Economic Policy Institute reports that net productivity growth of 21.6 percent from 2000 to 2014 translated into a mere 1.8 percent rise in inflation-adjusted compensation for the median worker. In other words, eight percent of productivity growth went to labor, while 92 percent went to capital.
In the latest of a series of token “pro-labor” gestures, Obama signed an executive order Monday requiring federal contractors to provide up to seven days of paid sick leave a year. The order will apply only to new federal contracts starting in 2017. It will affect at most 300,000 workers, a miniscule fraction of the working class.


The unions and their “left” apologists are once

again seeking to throttle working-class opposition

by channeling it behind the Democratic Party,

which has deservedly been called the graveyard of

social protest.

These efforts include the Democratic presidential campaign of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who has attracted a following with his denunciations of the “billionaire class” and condemnations of social inequality. The fact that Sanders, a longstanding ally of the Democratic Party, calls himself a socialist has made him all the more attractive to workers and youth looking for an alternative to the existing economic and political system.

But this supposed “socialist” has made it clear that the principal aim of his campaign is to restore credibility and revive flagging popular support for this anti-working class party of war and social reaction.

The substantive differences between the two parties of big business are marginal. One tactical difference is that the Republicans tend to oppose the unions while the Democrats prefer to use the services of the trade union bureaucracy to suppress the class struggle.

At the beginning of the year, there was speculation in the media about a wages push, with some 5 million workers coming up for contracts in 2015. There were warnings that the mounting anger of workers, after the longest period of wage stagnation since the Great Depression, would fuel a revival of class struggle.

That no wages offensive has as yet emerged is due to the sabotage of the trade unions. Just last week, the United Steelworkers ordered 30,000 members at US Steel and ArcelorMittal to continue working without a contract, leaving 2,200 workers locked out at Allegheny Technologies to fight the company on their own.

There are hundreds of thousands of workers—at Verizon and

AT&T, at the US Postal Service, in school districts in Chicago,

Detroit, Pittsburgh and other cities—who have been blocked by the

unions from taking action against further concession demands.

In a week’s time, contracts for 140,000 autoworkers at GM, Ford and Fiat Chrysler are set to expire. Far from preparing a struggle, the United Auto Workers has pledged never to return to the days of “uncompetitive” labor agreements.

The UAW has offered to take over the provision of medical benefits for all Big Three autoworkers—active and retired, union and nonunion—in order to gain access to multibillion-dollar trust funds. In return for this new stream of revenue for the army of union bureaucrats, the union will take over the job of cutting health benefits for workers and agree to impose other concessions demanded by the companies.

The artificial suppression of the class struggle has its limits. Like workers in Greece, Germany and other European countries, and workers in Latin America, Asia and Africa, US workers are being thrust into a political confrontation with the capitalist system. This brings the workers into an ever more direct conflict with the corporatist arms, businesses in their own right, of the companies and the government—the unions.

Jerry White



… just like the Democrat Party, Wall Street, LA RAZA Fascist Party, and Mexico

“In city after city, minimum wage laws have included union exemptions. The pro-business US Chamber of Commerce published an extraordinary report last year, “Labor’s Minimum Wage Exemptions: Unions as the ‘Low-Cost’ Options” which provided details about many of these ordinances.”


“After decades of betrayals, the unions are incapable of boosting membership through appeal to workers. Instead, with the backing of a host of pseudo-left supporters, the minimum wage ploy is being used to entice employers to install unions in their workplaces and funnel money from workers’ already meager paychecks into the bank accounts of the union executives.”


THE CONSPIRACY TO SURRENDER AMERICA’S BORDERS…. The partnership between Wall Street-owned Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the  KOCH BROTHERS to surrender our borders and borders laws to assure a steady flood of illegals into America.


Keeping wages depressed and passing along the real cost of all that “cheap” labor through taxes on the American middle-class will keep their corporate paymasters happy, profitable and generous. There is not ONE billionaire that does not support Obama’s amnesty hoax to legalize Mexico’s looting.

Our national sovereignty and manufacturing base has been destroyed
through NAFTA and CAFTA which has resulted in totally open borders
culminating in the overwhelming of our  infrastructure, hospital emergency
rooms and our educational institutions by the human onslaught which will
be soon be at unprecedented levels which promise to bring 150 million   additional immigrants to our country by 2040</

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