
Thursday, January 17, 2013

January 2013 Newsletter

February Networking Event

Tuesday, February 5 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Mai Village

394 University Ave

Saint Paul,MN 55103



February’s Networking Event will be dedicated to the start of the legislative session at the Capitol. Metro area legislators will be invited to give members an opportunity to ask questions and share concerns. Thanks to Asian Foods for donating appetizers!

Networking Events are held the first Tuesday of the month at member businesses around the cities. Please check buylocaltwincities.com for upcoming times and locations.

No RSVP required. Guests welcome.


Letter from the President

Greetings! In preparation for my new role with MetroIBA, I spent time over the last couple months meeting individually with each of our board members. We clearly have a dedicated group of business and citizen members with a shared vision for our organization.

In reviewing the past year, we have made extraordinary progress towards fulfilling our mission. Yet, it is clear to all of us that there is so much more to be done and our board members have a great vision for the future of MetroIBA.

As the premier organization that represents locally owned independent businesses in the Twin Cities metro area, we have a unique opportunity and a unique voice.

We have already played an important role in influencing public policy in the metro area and would like to continue to be a strong voice for business. We are perfectly situated to increase the public awareness of the benefits of buying local. Our marketing committee is working diligently to get that message out and our education committee is getting a great start on providing learning for our members with our first webinar.

What is key in carrying out all of our plans and having a stronger voice in public policy is membership growth. Our membership committee is working hard to increase our numbers and to develop the tools to make that happen.

But, our capacity to carry out our goals is limited. Here’s where you can help.

We know that you, our members, are passionate about our mission. So, here is my request. Can you recruit one new member in the next few weeks?

I know that we all patronize businesses that could be, but are not, current Metro IBA members. Next time, just take a few more minutes to let the owner or manager know why you decided to patronize their business and sharing with them how they can help by becoming a member. We even have “Why I chose you” calling cards that you can leave behind. Just ask Mary to send you a few, or pick some up at one of our events.

Membership growth is the key component to MetroIBA being able to carry our mission forward. I hope you will do your part in helping with that growth.

Harvey Zuckman, FirstTech Computer

MetroIBA Board President


Founder and first president David Unowsky is leaving MetroIBA “in good hands”

As owner, CEO and COO of Hungry Mind/Ruminator books for 34 years, David Unowsky built one of America’s great independent bookstores, mentored many industry leaders and helped make the Twin Cities a mecca for writers, readers and touring authors. So it was fitting that when indie bookstores were hardest hit by the internet and big box chains, David would become the champion for locally owned independent businesses in the Twin Cities.

Now, after eight years of yeoman’s service on the Metro Independent Business Alliance board of directors, David is stepping down from the board. “MetroIBA is in good hands, and is fulfilling the promise of its founding,” David said.

He recalls the early days of our organization, when he was one of a handful of founders and became its first president. “Stacy Mitchell (senior researcher at the Institute For Local Self Reliance) had just written Hometown Advantage and was speaking at the Summit Hill Association late in 2004 about the importance of locally owned businesses to the vitality of the local economy.” At the end of the meeting, a core group of powerful neighbors including Merrit Clapp-Smith, Linda Winsor, Beth Bergman (of Wet Paint) and Nancy Breymeier (Amore Coffee) approached David to work with them on a strategy to support and promote local independents.

Through David, that group connected with Jesse Mortenson (current board secretary), Andy Hamerlinck and David Shove of the Green Party’s “Small Is Beautiful Committee.” Together they organized a public meeting at Macalester’s John B. Davis Auditorium early in 2005. It was there that MetroIBA was born.

AMIBA’s Jeff Milchen, the meeting’s featured speaker, related the successes of newly formed IBA’s around the country. David was well-acquainted with indie bookseller Steve Bercu and the Austin TX IBA he founded, which had won strong support to stop big box development in Austin’s downtown.

By the end of the meeting, the group was resolved to form an IBA, and Beth Bergman stepped up to pay the initial dues to AMIBA. David was elected president, Beth Bergman was vice president, Nancy Breimeyer became treasurer and Merrit Clapp-Smith became secretary.

“Within three months, we had recruited 50 or 60 members,” David said. “Each of us signed them up personally.” As a result, Merrit Clapp-Smith became MetroIBA’s first paid staff person.

“As an uncompromising and vocal advocate for locally owned independent businesses, David Unowsky was exactly the person our fledgling organization needed to recruit high profile business members and to win the credibility of the media and local public officials,” said Jesse Mortenson. Among the first businesses to join were Warners’ Stellian, Izzy’s Ice Cream and Birchwood Café.

Though he’ll continue to be an active MetroIBA member, David is focusing his energy on SubText: A Bookstore, a new member of MetroIBA, where he is developing a unique event series to brand this exciting new enterprise. David also consults with local artists at Springboard for the Arts, provides development and marketing support to MetroIBA member Saint Paul Almanac and privately consults with writers and publishers on ongoing projects.

David’s reputation for building community in the world of books and in his hometown is legendary. In 1993, David received the Minnesota Book Awards’ Kay Sexton Award, presented annually in recognition of long-standing dedication and outstanding work in fostering books, reading and literary activity in Minnesota. He was named an Alumnus of Distinction by the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts. And he notes with pride that he once served as Grand Marshal of Saint Paul’s Grand Old Day Parade.

A heartfelt thank you to David for helping to build MetroIBA to where we are today. His absence as a board member will be felt, but we know he will not be a stranger.

Leaving the board after eight year’s of yeoman’s service, David Unowsky (far right) was also known as Camp Herzl cabin-mate of young Bob Zimmerman (center).

New Minnesota Sales and Use Tax Course Schedule Available Online

The Sales and Use Tax class schedule for January 2013 through June 2013 is now available online. The following courses are being offered:

Basic Minnesota Sales and Use Tax

Capital Equipment & Industrial Production

Minnesota/North Dakota Border Issues

Minnesota/South Dakota Border Issues

Minnesota/South Dakota Contractor Border Issues

Minnesota/Wisconsin Border Issues

Minnesota Sales and Use Tax for Local Governments

You must register in advance for these classes. They fill up fast, so be sure to register as soon as possible. All classes are free. For detailed information about these classes, please click on the links above or visit www.revenue.state.mn.us.

Joining Forces for Small Businesses!

It is with great pleasure that we share the news that MetroIBA has merged with another small business group called the American Association of Micro Business. Theirs was a fledgling small business group in the western suburbs of the metro when they came to us asking for a place to land. AAM was primarily focused on education and networking, which fits well within our mission.

The merger is a win-win for both organizations. They bring with them assets and members that will expand our capacity as an organization. Thanks to Pat Gebes of Evolve Systems, former AAM board member and new MetroIBA board member, for overseeing the transition and making sure that no detail was overlooked.

Please be sure to thank Pat for all she has done, and welcome the new AAM members into our alliance.

Looking forward to a prosperous year for MetroIBA and our members!

Save The Date!

MetroIBA’s Annual Meeting

Tuesday, March 12 at 6:00pm

Intelligent Nutrients


We are honored to have Mr. Horst Rechelbacher as featured speaker for this year’s event. Stay tuned more information, invitations and registration details.

Public Policy Committee Report

MetroIBA’s Legislative Priorities Caucus was held in mid-December with Representative Frank Hornstein providing the context for our work with the legislature.

Anticipating new opportunities and challenges with changes in the legislature, twenty Metro IBA members joined in the conversation, sharing ideas and concerns about what we hope to influence in the current session. The Public Policy Committee will be reviewing the ideas presented and suggesting specific priorities for board consideration.

Tax reform is key on the agenda for the state legislature, so MetroIBA sent letters to key state officials in December requesting that reforms include easing the burden on small business.

In addition, Aimee Gonzalez represented MetroIBA at a meeting called by Congressman Keith Ellison in early January to discuss the fiscal cliff and provide updates from Congress. His goal was to determine what concerns we, as local constituents, have. At the meeting, she brought up internet sales tax as both a fairness issue and a partial solution to reduce the deficit.

Member News

New Member, Wood From The Hood, which creates beautiful hardwood lumber and products from local urban trees was featured recently in St. Paul’s Pioneer Press: http://tinyurl.com/comrq4w

Become a member today!

Business memberships start at just $150. Go to buylocaltwincities.com and click on the JOIN button. You can renew your membership there too!


Thank you Volunteers

Holly Larsen, Emerge Community Development

Paula Luxenberg, thedatabank, inc – Newsletter Editor

Michele Slifer – Directory Content Editor

Welcome New Members

Mai Village

Lakes Area Realty

Scrapbooks Too

Software For Good

The 16oz Society

Wood From The Hood

Thank You Renewing Members

Amore Coffee

Anodyne Coffeehouse


Christianson & Co Commercial Real Estate Services

Cornelius & Associates

Contempl8 Tshirts

Discern Engineering

Image Spigot

Key North Boutique

Minnesota Women's Press

Saint Anthony Park Community Foundation

Traditions Classic Home Furnishings

©2012 MetroIBA, 2190 Como Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108.

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