The Buckhead Community Improvement District unveiled the initial vision and design concepts for a proposed world-class open space in the heart of Buckhead's commercial core, right over GA400. BCID Executive director, Jim Durrett, along with Robert M. Rogers, FAIA from ROGERS PARTNERS Architects+Urban Designers (Rogers Partners) shared the innovative designs with the BCID board members at 7:30 a.m.
Initial designs for the Park Over GA400 would create a world class open space that would not only become a great community gathering place, but also help to further shape Buckhead's identity – much like other iconic urban places, including Central Park, Millennium Park and Union Square. These become “must see” stops when visiting a city or the backdrop to often photographed events and activities.
"Our goal today was to present initial concepts for a multi-phase design project to the board this morning and to the public later this afternoon to gain feedback on the concept. We believe Buckhead residents, employees and visitors will truly benefit from the addition of a world class open space," said Jim Durrett, Buckhead CID executive director. The public presentation will take place at The Buckhead Theatre from 5:30 – 7 p.m., with doors opening at 5 p.m.
The design for the Park Over GA400 makes strategic connections to enhance the life of the district, and is tailored to the undulating Piedmont topography, direct MARTA access and expands the commercial and cultural opportunities present in Buckhead today. The initial design creates three distinct zones of programming: The Commons, the Plaza and the Gardens. Each zone is tailored to accommodate a range of activities and events. The nearly half-mile long park provides ample capacity for plazas, lawns, gardens, pavilions and more. A defining feature of the design includes an allée of high-canopied trees running the length of the park that blends with Atlanta's urban forest canopy and creates broad shade and memorable open space from Lenox Road to Peachtree Street.
In order to develop this initial concept, the Rogers Partners team interviewed key stakeholders, analyzed site conditions, developed preliminary project costs and produced site-specific concept graphics for use in pursuit of project funding. There are more phases of work to accomplish; this first step provides a sense of what can be built, the order of magnitude of the costs to build and operate the park, and the sources of funding that should be considered to pursue it.
September will be spent seeking and listening to feedback from the community about this opportunity. Should the BCID board be encouraged by what is heard, they will vote on proceeding to the next phase of work, most likely at the October 5 board meeting. This work would focus on public outreach, preliminary engineering, engagement of key agency partners and continued efforts to strategize funding through both public and private entities.
"We are delighted to be working with the Buckhead CID to imagine a new inter-woven and inter-linked public realm, and truly feel we have struck the right balance with this initial design to make big change with artfully considered efforts. We see Buckhead leading a national progression to create value, enhance quality of life and improve connectivity by constructing inspired public spaces. This park will solve pedestrian crossings at Lenox Road, complete a key section of the Path400 Greenway Trail, enhance the iconic quality of Peachtree Street and act regionally and nationally to further distinguish Buckhead," said Robert M. Rogers, FAIA, founding partner of Rogers Partners.
The Rogers Partners-led team includes design partners Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects, multi-disciplinary design firm ASD | Sky; engineering professional services firm WSP | Parson Brinckerhoff; real estate experts HR&A Advisors; planning and design firm, Perez Planning and Design; structural engineers Guy Nordenson and Associates; architectural lighting designers Renfro Design Group; and sustainability experts Sherwood Design Engineers. Coxe Curry & Associates, Ernst & Young Infrastructure Advisors and ETM Associates will oversee aspects of financing and operations for the project.