
Mobile Remote Deposit Capture adoption continues at a rapid clip, and despite early suggestions to the contrary, mRDC is not driving up losses. These are two key findings detailed in the 2015 mRDC Industry Study Report, now available from RemoteDepositCapture.com.

"Mobile RDC is a homerun with financial institutions and their customers," said John Leekley, Founder and CEO of RemoteDepositCatpure.com. "It drives value, and despite some initial concerns mobile deposit is not driving up fraud. In fact, 76% of the institutions participating in the survey reported no direct losses from mobile deposit."

In fact, 92% of the financial institutions surveyed for the 2015 mRDC Industry Study Report said the benefits of mobile deposit outweigh the associated costs and risks, while 53% said the benefits far outweigh costs and risks. This mirrors closely findings from the First Annual mRDC Industry Study, which was conducted in 2014.

The Second Annual mRDC Industry Study draws from responses to an online survey of 322 banks and credit unions conducted in April and May. "The insights provided by this independent study can be extremely valuable as a majority of financial institutions embrace mobile deposit over the next few years," said Leekley, author of the report.

The report includes 15 charts and graphs and provides unique insights about the mobile deposit marketplace. These are some of the market attributes analyzed in the report:

Current and future target markets

Pricing approaches

Deposit limit policies

Funds availability policies

Risk management tools

Losses attributed to mRDC

Reactions to losses, and

Perceived costs versus benefits

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