
Sunday-Iron Girl 5K. You can read all about it HERE. It was a great day with my oldest daughter!


Steps: 26,655



Build to a heavy Squat Clean.
* 15 minutes.

For Time Complete 4 Rounds of:
– 400M Run
– 25 Wall Balls
* Rest 2 minutes.

* Go hard with each round and on the Wall Balls knowing that you have a break coming!

* You will rest 2 minutes after each round.


Calories: 625

Steps: 18,161

Tuesday-CrossFit and yardwork!!

Gymnastics “Play” Session.
* 10 minutes.
* Work on Kipping Pull-Ups, Handstand Push-Ups, Kipping Toes-to-Bar, Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups, and/or Handstand Walks

Complete a 10 minute AMRAP of:
– 10 Power Snatches
– 10 Toes-to-Bar

Calories: 674

Steps: 18,384


After my WOD I unloaded a truck load full of dirt and burned an additional 934 calories!!



Bench Press
Build to a heavy 2 rep lift.
* 10 minutes max.

Then complete:
4 x 2 @ that weight.

Complete 1 minute at each Station for Max Reps:
– 1 minute Calorie Row
* 1 minute Break
~ 1 minute of Alternating Single Arm DB Clean & Press (35-55/15-35)
* 1 minute Break
~ 1 minute of Crawlers w/ a Push-Up
* 1 minute Break
~ 1 minute of Slam Balls (20/15)

** Rest for 3 minutes. **

Complete 2 minutes at each Station for Max Reps:
– 2 minute Calorie Row
* 1 minute Break
~ 2 minute of Alternating Single Arm DB Clean & Press (35-55/15-35)
* 1 minute Break
~ 2 minute of Crawlers w/ a Push-Up
* 1 minute Break
~ 2 minute of Slam Balls (20/15)


Calories: 333

Steps: 15,846


Back squat


3, 3, 3

1, 1, 1, 1, 1

I ended up hitting a new PR for the back squat at 110#. And I broke parallel, and my coach said I could have gone heavier. Good day.

Calories: 554

Steps: 14,350


AMRAP for Ronin

30 minutes, as many rounds as possible

500m row

20X shoulder to overhead (55#)

20X knees to elbows

20X ring rows

20X lunges

It was a partner WOD, so one person was rowing at all times while the other was completing the other movements. My partner and I completed 8 rounds. Ronin was also with me at the gym, and he was having so much fun with his friends that he didn't want to leave. So I got in another workout after my workout.

Calories: 823

Steps: 15,547

Saturday- REST DAY!!! I spent the day cheering on my box bud's at the Festivus Games at TNL CrossFit in Tampa. Post to come soon!!

I worked out 6 days in a row!! I haven't done that in a while. Felt good!!

Total steps: 119,243 Each week it gets a little bit higher!!



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