La formazione symphonic death metal degli Ex Deo ha recentemente iniziato i lavori al prossimo album della carriera, successore di Caligvla uscito nel 2012, e ha diffuso tramite la pagina Facebook un comunicato stampa (leggibile di seguito) riguardante il titolo e il concept: il disco, infatti, si intitolerà The Immortal Wars e tratterà delle Guerre Puniche tra Roma e Cartagine.L'album sarà pubblicato dalla Napalm Records a febbraio 2017. "People of Rome, you have responded in great fashion to the cause of our Roma, for this we unleash Ex Deo new album title dug deep in the roots and history of our Empire.The forthcoming album 'The Immortal Wars' will deal with the main concept surrounding the Punic Wars I, II & III between Rome and Carthage, the trilogy of the epic legendary wars will come to life and bring the showdown between two of the greatest generals that ever walked the earth, Hannibal and Scipio Africanus, both who rewrote the rules of war and strategics. The album will also feature other unexplored subjects on ancient Rome surely to raise the epic level to the maximum. Ex Deo’s 'The Immortal Wars' is due out worldwide February 2017 via Napalm Records. 'CARTHAGE MUST BE DESTROYED!' - CATO THE ELDER. The senate has spoken, let the siege begin".