
It's an experience that may not appeal to everyone—a seven-day cruise at sea, with the aim of "taking back power from corrupt and greedy institutions, attain true self-authority, and realize our genuine Self behind the masks ... discovering the truth, taking command of our lives, and attaining genuine inner realization" —with every odd belief you can think of listed as entertainment: GMOs, Monsanto, bee colony collapse, ecology, global warming, climate change, fracking, HIV, autism, Big Pharma, medical suppression, vaccinations, fluoridation,... electoral fraud, identity chips, 2nd amendment, and so much more. Anna Merlan writes charitably yet unflinchingly for Jezebel about her experience joining them

Colin McRoberts also writes about his experience,
"Do you believe in acupuncture, alien abductions, ancient aliens, chi, crop circles, entity possession, "forbidden archaeology" or "forbidden religion," homeopathy, near-death experiences, occult Nazi super-weapons, planet x, poisoned vaccines, spiritual channeling, the new world order, or illegal immigrants from Zeta Reticuli? Do you go to bed worrying about the New World Order, the Vatican, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, NASA, the WHO, the CDC, the UN, space aliens and/or demons conspiring against you and all right-thinking people? And are you convinced that the world is ruled from the Bohemian Grove, a secret bunker under the Denver airport, Bilderberg meetings, the Council on Foreign Relations, Buckingham Palace, alien worlds or other dimensions?

Probably not. But thousands of people do believe those things, and other things stranger than you can imagine. This January, dozens of experts these fields will gather together on a cruise ship called the Ruby Princess. It's called, honestly and cleverly enough, the Conspira-Sea Cruise. They'll spend seven days explaining, discussing, and even demonstrating their beliefs. Some of them are fairly famous, like Andy Wakefield and Sherri Tenpenny, who will be sharing their theories on vaccines. Others are relatively obscure, like Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of the former president, who claims to have been recruited for a secret Mars colonization effort and that stargates began opening around the Earth in 2012. For a full week, conspiracy theorists, dreamers, and snake-oil salesmen of every stripe will be preaching and peddling their wares."

Particularly notable are his account of being singled out for Andrew Wakefield's ire during a presentation (Part 1) (Part 2)and a later interview with Andrew Wakefield

Here he is interviewed by Kylie Sturgess on the cruise

For a look at the Journalistic contingent through the looking glass, Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane mentioned in the article have published their ...thoughts in two posts
Big Pharma Propagandists Expose Protection Racket Destroying Whistleblowers' Reputations, Defrauding Voters, Poisoning Consumers, and Aiding-and-Abetting the Global Drug Enterprise Profiting from Genocide

California SB 277 "Activist" Larry Cook Sells Out as a Concealed Double Agent Pushing Passage of the Mandatory Vaccination Law
The ConspiraSea on metafiler previously before sailing

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