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Discussion for this project proposal seems to have stalled. More comments (of any kind) would be appreciated. Thank you. --[[User:King jakob c 2|Jakob]] <small>([[User talk:King jakob c 2|Scream about]] [[Special:Contributions/King jakob c 2|the things I've broken]])</small> 00:40, 12 October 2013 (UTC)
Discussion for this project proposal seems to have stalled. More comments (of any kind) would be appreciated. Thank you. --[[User:King jakob c 2|Jakob]] <small>([[User talk:King jakob c 2|Scream about]] [[Special:Contributions/King jakob c 2|the things I've broken]])</small> 00:40, 12 October 2013 (UTC)
== South Azerbaijan ==
Azerbaijan historical land:Azerbaijan land was divided to North and South parts because of fighting between Soviet union and Gajar imperial:North Azerbaijan and South Azerbaijan.
Azerbaycan (Farsi: آذربایجان Turks :Azerbaycan), South Azerbaijan ( Azerice: Güney Azərbaycan/گۆنئی آزربایجان - Cənubi Azərbaycan/جَنوبي آذربایجان)
1-Independent North Azerbaijan:which is administrated by it's democratic government.
2-South Azerbaijan:which is occupied yet by iranian invader regime.
North Azerbaijan:occupier Soviet union government fragmentated Azerbaijan land to disconnect Turkey and not only forgave a great deal of these land to Armenia but also disconnect Nahchivan from mother land in order to complete his project.North Azerbaijan was disconnected with Turkey when Zangazoor forgiven to Armenia by soviet union.Also a great deal of land is under occupation of Russian and Georgian governments.Armenian invader regime occupied 20% of North Azerbaijan land(Qarabagh)by helping of Russian army which is continued yet,after second independence of North Azerbaijan.[more details 2-3]
South Azerbaijan:so called iranian government has tried to wipe out Azerbaijan GAİPname from our historical land for more than 80 years.In Gajar imperial term,most of known Azerbaijani name land ,changed to exotic and unmeaning names by iranian regime.This regime also fragmentated land and called false names in order to deface Azerbaijan turkish by calling anti-turk names to cities,streets,montains,rivers and tribes.To make Azerbaijan and Turkish nationality without identity and fragmentated land,called false and anti-Azerbaijan names,were done not only by Pahlavi regime but also continued by fascist iranian islamic regime during last 80 years.[more details1]
South Azerbaijan land formed of 7 provinces and 2 areas:
Ardebil province
East Azerbaijan province
West Azerbaijan province
Zangan province
Gazvin province
Hamedan province
Centeral or Saveh province
Astara area
Anzali area
Gorveh city(which given to kurd province)
Songor city(which given to kurd province)
Bijar city(which given to kurd province)
These 3 cities also belong to South Azerbaijan land.
South Azerbaijan is divided again
Depriving from national and human rights,humiliating of national identity and get distance from identity is the end of wiping out policy,and also any belonging are despolled by iranian -persian facsist regime.Pahlavi regime deforced the power by changing Gajar government and started to promulgated the persian as official language and forbid non-persian,especially Turkish language in order to persianalize the nation, new iran-persian nation policy was based and done strongly.In addition the regime continued fragmenting of South Azerbaijan land to new provinces and new exotic and non-turkish in stead of Azerbaijani names in order to create false identity for new generation and South Azerbaijan generally.A few exampels for more information:[more details1]
and so many changing Turkish names of places and Turkish nomination forbiding are policy of asimilating and deprivating the Turkish identity.
South Azerbaijan and territory:
According to wikipedia information,South Azerbaijan land(exept Tehran)is 177039km'2.Hamshahri online(regime's newspaper)information(can be read these in this link: 188951km'2 exept Tehran.If we add Tehran,the territory will be 190020km'2,and Hamshahri shows 205765km'2 totalt.
(East Az=45.650km2)-(West Az=37.411km2)-(Centeral province=29.127km2)-(Zangan pro=21.773km2)-(Hamedan pro=19.368km2)-(Ardebil pro=17800km2).(Gazvin pro=15.567km2)=186700km2 totalt +(Tehran=12.981km2).(Alborz or Karaj pro=5-833km2)-(Gom pro=11.526km2)-(Astara and Anzali=5.000km2)-(Bijar and Gorveh=5.000km2)total ==227.036km2.
South Azerbaijan is 250 equal bigger than Singapur,230 than Bahreyn,19 than Qatar,10 than Kuwait,9 than Estonia,8 than Israel,7.5 than Macedonia,7 than Albania,7 than Slovakia,6 than Armenia,5 than Belgium,4 than Swiss,4 than Netherland,3 than Georgia,2 than North Azerbaijan,2 than Emirates,1.5 than Greece.In other word,South Azerbaijan is bigger than 180 countries in territory and poulation between 235 countries in the world.[more details1]
South Azerbaijan owner:Oil,gold,copper,aluminium,coal,gips,porcelain,marble and tens of other underground rich mines.[more details2]
Most of south Azerbaijanian are shie moslem.there are also sunni moslem,Alevi,Bahayi,Christian and Jewish.
Occupier regime has kept us far from our identity and made false and believable identity.Fascist regime named(is continuing) us Azeri in nationality and language as a branch of Pahlavi of which is also a branch of persian language by so many his agencies like Kasravi,as like the above North Azerbaijan was exposured by Russian in Soviet union to wipe out real identity of Turkish,like naming them:Tatar,Qafqaz,Azeri.In addition persian and soviet union as occupier regimes, in their education and propaganda systems,in writing,in stories,in cultural impression show us as excutioner,wild and trespasser to create detestating in our people against Turkish identity believement.Because of the above policy,and anti-turk propaganda,many compatriots forgot their identity and refuse to accept themselves as a Turkish and prefer to present himself in names which given by persian and Russian.So we have many who know themselves Azeri and with false given names and deny their Turkish identity.There upon that policy,our people think that Turkish is the same with Turkey,but it is not correct.Having a Turkish identity does not mean that you belong to Turkey,while there are Turkish people(in Turkey),but are not turkish trible or pedigree.Those are diffrent terms that must be prepended.Apart from Turkey, there are Kazakistan,Kirkizestan,Ozbekistan,Turkimenistan,Azerbaijan and other Turkish language countries that called Kazakistan turkish,Kirkizestan turkish,Ozbekistan turkish,Tova,Qimiq,Bulgarian turkish and so on.Also our people is turkish who live in a geography named Azerbaijan.therefore calling them Azerbaijani turkish is true,correct and scientific presentation.
The result of geography and policy division between Turkish lands has influenced and created different dialects and idioms in Turkish language world.It means that there are so many Turkish dialects between Northwest of China and Balkan countries because of extension.For example:Uygur,Kazak and Kirkiz dialects are closed with each other as well as Azerbaijan,Turkey and Kerkuk.
As said the more distance,the more dialects and idioms in turkish language.So our language is the same (turkish language)but different that somebody call Azeri,Azerbaijani language,Azeri turkish.
As we have Kazak,Uygur,Kirkiz,Ozbek,Turkmen,Turkey turkish,also our language is called azerbaijani turkish. "Azeri" word which is used by anti-turk consciously for our people and language in iran or Turkey or other lands is wrong and mistake.Those language are turkish and come from same turkish root and pedigree.
Population:35 million South Azerbaijani turk and 50 millio integrated Azerbaijani turk
iran occupier regime has hiden the real statistic because of persian minority against non-persian majority and wanted to show persian as majority in so called iran geography.Although we describe more about this ,but somebody as intellectuel know turkish 1/4 or maximum 1/3 in so called iran.In addition these intellectuels dicuss and defend minority's rights anytime.iranian regime's education minister confessed that 70% of population are non-persianwho live in his country.There is also 30 million South azerbaijani according to UN(united nations).we believe in 35 million .In 1993-1997,according to not only iranian regime but also international searching institute( that Azerbaijani turkish were 1.5 million more persians.If we add the other turkish people who live in so called iran geography,it will be clear that turkish are half or more than half population of iran.In 2012, iranian foreign minister,Ali akbar salehi said that there were 40%turkish who exist in iran.If one of iran regime's official gives this population statistics,it will be sured that turkish population is much more without debt.Regime showed majority by regime's sources and it means turkish is more than we estimate.The exact statistics is different until getting a neutral and right statistics.Anyway,according to the above documents,turkish population is more than persian,so calling the south azerbaijani turkish minority is not correct and it must be discussed.
iran swamp plateau,
Land:although iran plateau is the turkish ancient historical land,but falling and coming of other nations and language to this plateau,like Arab Baluch,persian,kurd.Lor and so on,lived besides turkish.Turkish separated in Azerbaijan,Turkmenistan,Qashqay,Khalaj,Khorasan turkish and much more isolated turkish land.Without standing to turkish land of iran plateau,calling turkish land of whole land is impossible.So we we can count turkish in 4 parts:South Azerbaijan,South Turkmenistan,Qashqay and Khorasan turkish.
Tehran is South Azerbaijan
1-It will be established dubble language republic in Tehran and environs on which live turkish.[more details 2-3]
2-To support turkish people who live far from South Azerbaijan(in other parts of so called iran geography),Republic of South Azerbaijan will have diplomatic and economic relations.[more details 2-3]
3-SAIP demands self-governed republic for Qashqay turkish.[more details 2-3]
4-SAIP sympathizes South Turkmenistan republic.[more details3]
The flag that introduces under occupation 35 million South Azerbaijani
South Azerbaijan Independence Party (SAIP-GAİP)- All materials in this website including articles, photos and videos are allowed to use only with referring to original materials.
[more details2]
[1-Saip economy]
[2-Saip MANIFESTO 1&2]
[3-Saip statute]
↑ Brown, Cameron S. 2002 (Dec.). "Observations from Azerbaijan." Middle East Review of International Affairs: v. 6, no. 4, (LINK)↑ 2.0 2.1 Ahmet Caferoğlu, Türk Kavimleri, Enderun Kitabevi, İstanbul, 1988, s. 64 - 72.↑ Britanika ansiklopediyasıÖzet: The population consists mainly of Azeri-speaking Turks...↑ Nesib Nesibzade,Meseleye-Azerbaycan-der iran,№ 3,tehran 1381,s 73↑ "Peoples of Iran" in Looklex Encyclopedia of the Orient. Retrieved on 22 January 2009.↑ "Iran: People", CIA: The World Factbook: 24% of Iran's total population. Retrieved on 22 January 2009.↑ G. Riaux, "The Formative Years of Azerbaijani Nationalism in Post-Revolutionary Iran", Central Asian Survey, 27(1): 45-58, March 2008: 25% of Iran's total population (p. 46). Retrieved on 22 January 2009.↑ "Borders and Brethren: Iran and the Challenge of Azerbaijani Identity" in The Azerbaijani Population by Brenda Shaffer, pp. 221–225. The MIT Press (2003), ISBN 0-262-19477-5.↑ Swietochowski, Tadeusz; Collins, Brian C. (1999). Historical dictionary of Azerbaijan. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc. ISBN 0-8108-3550-9. pg 28: "15 million (1999)"↑ The Continuum political encyclopedia of the Middle East by Avraham Sela Publisher: Continuum International Publishing Group; Rev Upd edition (October 2002) ISBN 0-8264-1413-3 ISBN 978-0-8264-1413-7"↑ The security of the Caspian Sea Region By Gennadiĭ Illarionovich Chufrin, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute"↑ UNPO : Southern Azerbaijan↑ BABEK, NATIONAL HERO OF SOUTHERN AZERBAIJAN, DISTURBS IRAN↑ AZERBAIJAN AND THE CHALLENGE OF MULTIPLE IDENTITIES: IN SEARCH OF A GLOBAL SOUL ↑ AZERBAIJANI PUBLIC OUTRAGED BY SLAUGHTER OF AZERIS IN IRAN↑ l↑