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Notes from the '''[[Metrics and activities meetings/Quarterly reviews|Quarterly Review meeting]] with the Wikimedia Foundation's [[Legal]], [https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Staff_and_contractors#Finance.2C_Administration.2C_and_Human_Resources Finance, HR], and [https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Staff_and_contractors#Communications Communications] teams''', April 13, 2015, 2:00 - 3:00 PDT.

''Please keep in mind that these minutes are mostly a rough transcript of what was said at the meeting, rather than a source of authoritative information. Consider referring to the presentation slides, blog posts, press releases and other official material''

'''Present (in the office)''': Katherine Maher, Garfield Byrd, Luis Villa, Terence Gilbey, Tilman Bayer (taking minutes), Erik Moeller, Lila Tretikov, Damon Sicore; '''participating remotely''': Geoff Brigham

Terry: Welcome<br />

hope everyone had a chance to look at the slides<br />

[[File:WMF_Legal_Quarterly_Review_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|420px|Presentation slides: Legal team (abridged)]]


{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Legal_Quarterly_Review_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=2|slide 2]][slide 2]

Geoff: 3 focus areas<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Legal_Quarterly_Review_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=3|slide 3]][slide 3]

3 successes: <br />

NSA suit is about a key value: privacy<br />

learning from this that Legal and Comms can form a strong partnership (also earlier with RTBF and transparency report)<br />

mobile TM: more than half were addressed by those developers after friendly approach, without heavy hand <br />

[slide]<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Legal_Quarterly_Review_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=5|slide 5]][slide 5]

will provide this scorecard [shown here in abridged form] every quarter<br />

only 1 DMCA granted, illustrates agressiveness with which we defend<br />

[slide]<br />

[slide]<br />

Core Workflows<br />

commit to provide this [list] every q<br />

[slide]<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Legal_Quarterly_Review_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=4|slide 4]][slide 4]

delivered well on all except transparency report<br />

[slide]<br />

Q4<br />

Lila: this looks great<br />

scorecard is a fantastic way to get insight into what team is doing<br />

workflow too<br />

have questions mostly about Q4:<br />

--> can we put in some metrics (quantitative goals) for the year; for both strategy programs<br />

--> (for Board:) timely approval of resolutions and minutes, SLA: on a good track but we should monitor this<br />

Geoff: we should have that midway through quarter<br />

Lila, Geoff: (on hire)<br />

Lila: comfortable to set yearly goal for strategy commitment?<br />

Geoff: definitely this q for 1st year goal

[[File:WMF_CFA_-_Quarterly_Review_-_Q_3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|420px|Presentations slides: Finance and Administration]]


Terry: over to Garfield<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_CFA_-_Quarterly_Review_-_Q_3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=2|slide 2]][slide 2]

Garfield:<br />

Q3 was a tough quarter<br />

ran into tech difficulties (software), had to start over with new vendor<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_CFA_-_Quarterly_Review_-_Q_3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=3|slide 3]][slide 3]

5th floor delivered on time, very happy about that - it was the primary goal<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_CFA_-_Quarterly_Review_-_Q_3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=4|slide 4]][slide 4]

Office wiki makeover delayed, but on track for April 30<br />

ran into legal (privacy) issues that need to be discussed more generally<br />

e.g. with sharing [Office wiki] user activity<br />

Lila: what did you try to do?<br />

Garfield: first on sharing activity with contractor, but that was resolved<br />

then on to the issue of whether we can share [Office wiki user] data with Google<br />

Geoff: offered to do separate privacy policy for the wiki, but need rationale in place<br />

--> discuss Office wiki privacy policy issues<br />

Garfield: Terry taking lead on monthly scorecard now<br />

Joady leading work with international contractors<br />

Lila: why not just do scorecard in e.g. Excel?<br />

Garfield: request was to avoid manual processes and to have automatic approval<br />

Lila: could automate as second step<br />

I think it could still be simplified<br />

--> have interim [approval] process, PO (purchase order) system<br />

Garfield: Appendix?<br />

Lila: I really liked Geoff's appendix about workflows<br />

e.g. how long do approvals take<br />

could have them everywhere, but especially useful in some areas<br />

would also help with deprioritization<br />

Luis: first one would be painful to do, but useful afterwards<br />

Terry: Geoff is comfortable doing this on quarterly basis, but there is the question on whether we should be doing them in a more granular way than that<br />

recall we split goalsetting process in two (first review for Q4 already complete by now)<br />

Lila: how to expose this - present report card in e.g. metrics meeting, or ...?<br />

Terry: continue present process for a few more quarters, then see<br />

publish in form of Tilman's quarterly report, with Katherine taking care of messaging<br />

also recall that the notes/decks from this meeting are redacted if needed

[[File:Communications_WMF_Quarterly_Review-_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|420px|Presentation slides: Communications team]]


{{clear}}[[File:Communications_WMF_Quarterly_Review-_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=2|slide 2]][slide 2]

Katherine: this was a fairly large quarter for us<br />

did a lot that is not reflected here<br />

this is why I like Geoff's workflows<br />

onboarded Fabrice as Tilman offboarded to Erik's team<br />

intern program: recruited 6 <br />

now have 6-8 positions open<br />

stealing from Legal team's program (Michelle) ;)<br />

State of the Wiki: originally also envisaged separate reports for other parts of the ecosystem<br />

ultimately decided this is better for 15th anniversary<br />

but published WMF report, positive feedback<br />

workshop with Product<br />

worked with them on messages for Wikigrok, Gather, and Error pages. Worked on launch plans and press work for Lead Images and Share a Fact.<br />

expanded beyond product managers: also involve CLs, UX, other parts of Engineering like Analytics<br />

brand & content:<br />

look where our brand is; deliverable: brand book<br />

most interesting: gaps on tone and voice, also e.g. colors. this becomes beginning of roadmap<br />

Lila: next step on brand?<br />

Katherine: brand research plan for FY15, message platform, plan for WP15<br />

content: video, blog (underperforming re where it could be), social media<br />

instead of full strategy, went back to metrics<br />

ran blog survey re core value proposition<br />

technical audience strongest<br />

see deck in appendix<br />

[so far, we use content as] communications to community, internal, press ... not currently using content for marketing our product (Wikipedia/projects), this is interesting opportunity area<br />

external collab: workshop with PBS/NPR, and US chapters<br />

inverse demographics to ours, so could be interested for user acquisition<br />

what's the public media equivalent of GLAM work?<br />

alignment with public content?<br />

ACLU coverage extremely well on message<br />

60 minutes<br />

Art & feminism editathons<br />

{{clear}}[[File:Communications_WMF_Quarterly_Review-_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=3|slide 3]][slide 3]

Annual Report<br />

state of the WMF<br />

3 parts of team worked together on these<br />

Lila: what came out of Inspire campaign?<br />

Luis: still doing review of proposals, see later review today<br />

Katherine: success learnings:<br />

Long lead times = success<br />

Support for product works in driving product stories

*Actions - Next Q: Request for dedicated PMM marketing support<br />

Support for community efforts has stronh public relations brand value

*Actions - next Q: working on bringing Chapters together for annual workplace<br />

Resourcing for department specific-support<br />

{{clear}}[[File:Communications_WMF_Quarterly_Review-_Q3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=4|slide 4]][slide 4]

Katherine: global visits - not enough planning, canceled a trip<br />

unsuccessful media outreach - both from teams which were very excited about their project, but short prep time<br />

e.g. found out too late we could have presented at major conference<br />

Luis: what could have been done better re the "funding free knowledge" report?<br />

Katherine: should have had more insight in how it was produced<br />

Lila: more about Wikidata and open data?<br />

wonder what Geoff thinks about e.g. participating in advisory boards<br />

Luis: open data just hasn't been a high priority so far<br />

Geoff: I like the idea<br />

--> Katherine, Geoff and Luis to get together on open data<br />

Katherine: appendices - we're a very content heavy department ;)<br />

blog: quality over quantity<br />

10k views is a very good traffic for a post currently<br />

issue management<br />

Katherine: miss learnings:<br />

Resourcing and prioritization

*Particularly for unique, non-core projects (e.g., WP15, ED tour) that are not driven by hard, interdepartmental collaboration

*Deprioritize low-value PR pushes

*Anticipate longer timelines for interdepartmental collaborative efforts<br />

Lila: between you and Luis' team, figure out how to monitor [on-wiki processes] and escalate better if support is needed<br />

--> Katherine: happy to work with Luis, need to figure out interface between teams<br />

Lila: want more quantifiable data [in genera], but monitoring too<br />

Damon: tremendous work for small team<br />

<gallery mode=packed caption="Appendix slides" style="background-color:#D6D0BB;">









[[File:WMF_Talent_%26_Culture_Quarterly_Review_Deck_-_FQ3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|420px|Presentation slides: Talent and Culture (HR) team]]

==Talent and Culture==

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Talent_%26_Culture_Quarterly_Review_Deck_-_FQ3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=2|slide 2]][slide 2]

Terry: hit all but two goals<br />

contractor issue with ADP <br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Talent_%26_Culture_Quarterly_Review_Deck_-_FQ3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=3|slide 3]][slide 3]

successes: keeping up recruiting after departures<br />

implementation of international contractor solution started, still figuring out some things with Geoff<br />

{{clear}}[[File:WMF_Talent_%26_Culture_Quarterly_Review_Deck_-_FQ3_2014-15.pdf|thumb|380px|page=4|slide 4]][slide 4]

misses: ...<br />

I would give us a B-

==General meeting feedback==

[meeting recap:]<br />

general appendix to these decks<br />

Geoff: just want to clarify we are in compliance (board)<br />

Lila: I like the new meeting format<br />

it answered my questions<br />

Damon: liked how fast it was, and green/red for goals<br />

more practice<br />

Katherine: like speed. find more ways to bring to rest of org / involve team, learn about how we are dealing with failure<br />

Luis: I am going to bring my directors [in the quarterly review for the CE team]<br />

Damon: miminize number of participants<br />

Terry: can play this by ear<br />

Garfield: liked pre-training<br />

Damon: will we do pre-checkins for all quarterly review meetings?<br />

Terry: yes, until well-practiced (Lila: agree), and then still for new hires<br />

Luis: pleased how consistent decks are already<br />

but still some gaps to close re consistency<br />

Tilman: like the formal "what by when" part. should still improve slides format (in particular unreadable font size in objectives slide)<br />

Geoff: there is a balance between bringing in mid-level folks and sharing honestly and directly. People will need to feel comfortable with direct, honest feedback on development areas.<br />

Lila: can we bring in...<br />

Erik: I think it's great; work still needed on monthly scorecard<br />

appendix is a bit of a placeholder right now. metrics re readership etc.?<br />

Terry: technology needs to get better, have everything in one place<br />

Lila: agrees<br />

Terry: thanks everyone (8 minutes over time)

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