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<big><big><big><big>Indoaryan Existentialism:</big> '''''A call for divine Communism'''''</big></big></big>
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<big><big> --Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee</big></big>
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'''''(Writer is a high school teacher of Computer Science and researcher-activist of Life and Mission of Sree Sree Anukulchandra. His research work was awarded “Doctorate” working on ‘Indoaryanism Existentialism’ first time in Social Science)'''''
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Indo-Aryan-ism, Existentialism, Bio-socio evolution, Diversity, Ecology, Psychology, Psycho-sexual attachment, Concentration, Heredity, Culture, Initiation, Education, Marriage, Progeny, Genetics, Division of labour, Seer, Genetic Missing-Link, HRD, Humanity, Communism.
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All isms belong to existence of human life. Human existence stands on the evolution of individual’s Psychological and Biological characters, which are the factors of total social evolution. In the course of bio-socio changes, - division of labour within the living body and onwards hereditary division of human characters were emerged into division of labour in the human society. In plants and animal kingdom it is known fact that mating between higher hereditary-quality of females and lower genetic potentials (hypogamy) of male in the same species procures inferior-quality progeny. Even in plants and animals naturally do not allow this ‘hypogamy mating’, to keep their existence and evolution. The Seers of the Indoaryan society first time followed by early world societies, out of long experience, they restricted this kind of practice of marriage (hypogamous) to protect human potentials in becoming. So this is an indispensible issue of scientific social change. Psychologically we find - the inner concentric adherence of a patient to the Psychologist makes him more balanced. In the evolution of society we see in the early times people were leaded by the most experienced group-leaders for unity-integrity and learning. Psychologically human being in individual and social level want to find a man (leader) to be attached with love-bonding. And this bonding makes human being to be active to change society. Now the Indoaryan view shows us the path of social upbringing by each individual’s “Initiation, Education and Marriage”(IEE), which are the very natural facts of “Concentric go of life, Self-realization and Psychogenic law of eugenics” respectably. These facts are the source of Human Resource Development in the modern world; and the world order could be transformed into divine Communism by gradual bio-psycho evolution of all individuals, out of these three (IEE) fundamental laws of life. This also gives the consciousness of ‘oneness’ feeling with the socio-biological ecology along with exploitation-free material development and people’s democracy. He who follows these scientific laws of life (Existentialism) having consciousness of oneness-feeling is a true ‘Aryan’ and the path is ‘Aryanism’.
<big>Introduction:</big> <br />
“Essence of all isms is existentialism, no existence no ism.” This revolutionary statement of universal unification was uttered by one of the modern rational thinkers and social Seers Sree Sree Anukulchandra. In fact the ultimate desire of life is to be and become. Life evolves and becomes by overcoming the crisis of existence to seek favourable condition of life. In the history of evolution, right from the primary uni-cellular Amoeba to most complex animal human being, has been recorded. Similarly social evolution is also taking place since the emergence of man for the desire of better prospect of social life. Thus there was a great impact of biological evolution and bio-chemical natural laws; - on the evolution of human society. So mind - as the most evolved and most conscious matter, can feel it’s integral relationship with the universal mechanism. These are the factors for socio-cultural evolution and ultimate end of this process is bio-socio equability.
<big>Area and method of work:</big> <br />
It is a socio-cultural research work on Human Resource Development for World Humanity as viewed by past Aryan Seers and rationalized by one of the latest Seers Sree Sree Anukulchandra in his teachings, which may be evolved as “Indoaryan Existentialism”. This is basically a library work.
<big>Aims and Objectives:</big> <br />
• To see the factors of social evolution towards social-equability.
• To get the fact of concentration and psycho-sexual attachment for self-becoming.
• To find the natural law of Eugenics for development of human potentials.
• To search the truth of individual’s psychogenic evolution towards socio-economic equality.
• To find the transmission of existential-culture into biological potential for social evolution.
• To find the revelation of Indoaryan-Existentialism as the fulfiller-the-best for divine communism.
<big>Natural laws of evolution:</big><br />
In the course of organic evolution since the beginning – diversity and the complexity of the organisms were very natural phenomenon. During millions of years of transformation of uni-cellular organism into multi-cellular organism, it virtually extended into variety of organisms. Simultaneously, division of labour within the body itself was taking place in those multi-cellular organisms for better existence. This natural path of evolution in the beginning, became the further cause of existence and becoming of life. Viewing these causes of existential-evolution, couple of natural facts (2-3) came into light and became the laws of being-becoming.
<big>First:</big> Concentric desire of existence is the most fundamental instinct of life. This affinity to exist and aspirations to make existence in favour of life; brings evolving urge within. This urge of life not only makes psycho-physical evolution, but also more efficient in terms of existence. Physically ‘concentric affinity’ of particles in atom (nucleus) or elements in life-cell (nucleus) or celestial bodies in the universe (central star) plays role of self-existence in micro and macro levels. Thus “concentric go of life” focused with living-guide has become the most dispensable psychic factor of existential-becoming of human life.
<big>Second:</big> Tendency to cope up with the oppositions of life through – “systemic con-coordination in between of diversity and grouping of common human-characteristics (social division of labour)” has become key cause of continuous social change. This evolution is the causal effect of the innate desire of better existence. Naturally, in search of rightmost pathway for better prospect of life-existence, more and more complicated diversity in newer conditions evolved. Therefore inter-dependence among the bio-chemical variety, became essential for balancing the attributes of ecological-array. On the other, gradual development of ‘division of labour’ within the body function was making the existence more suitable to sustain in the struggle of life. And gradually this “grouping of similar characteristics of labour” was also evolving among the higher grade of animals and later same hereditary variety of similar instincts originated in the form of ‘work division in human social life’ to manage the socio-economy.
<big>Third:</big> Quantitative and qualitative multiplication do exist since the beginning. The inherent tendency of life is to multiply itself, because it does want to exist through generations for ever. So naturally it follows the laws of eugenics, as the purpose (ever-lasting) could be severed properly. So, firstly, all of the species unconsciously avoid “in-breeding”, to reject procreation of weak generations, which stops its’ own existence and progression. On the other hand it has been observed in the scientific experiments of life (plants and animals) that, - cross-breeding between higher instinct (or better hereditary quality) of female and lower evolutionary instinct (or lesser qualitative heredity) of male in the similar species, breeds offspring of instinctively-inferior character and qualitatively it degenerates in due course of time. So, normally all of the species do not follow this kind of mating to uphold the “natural law of eugenics” – rather, females reject to meet with the inferior males within its’ community to secure the existence of evolving heredity.
<big>Division of hereditary instinct:</big> <br />
History of man started since human was split from animal kingdom. The intelligence – the mental evolution of human being has given him unique identity. Out of this intelligence he rationally realised that all variety must go together with mutual co-operation for better survival. So human society started with agricultural society for better social management, “Division of labour” has become very essential and the whole society in due course of time was divided into many divisions of labours. People opted different trades freely out their internal urge, - based on the biological hereditary instincts. Some of them liked to pay more attention on social managerial, administrational works; some emphasized on trade-commerce, business, total agriculture, etc; whereas some of them inclined towards innovation research work, culture of knowledge, teaching, etc; and others just went on through physical labour to co-operate and assist other groups. Hence in the first agricultural society everywhere more or less it was broadly divided into four characteristics of group of instinctive labours, those are: Intellectual, Managerial, Economical and Physical. These kinds of labours are most important to complete any institutional or socio-economic jobs smoothly, and even at individual level each one goes through it. So this ‘social division of labour’ as per the family traditions (heredity) took place in each evolving society and generation after generation willingly following the same character of trade, they became more efficient than the others in the respective trades. In long term “devotional existential-practice” of these trades, each one of those biological-traits gradually evolved into hereditary-instinct of the respective groups. In due course, this social division on the whole, evolved into all of the advanced world civilizations. This bio-socio phenomenon proved its’ social utility.
<big>Natural leadership:</big> <br />
In the course of social evolution at the beginning another very interesting and ever significant but common social event came into light. The integrity of the each one of the social groups under the leadership of “Master Man” by and large happened. These group leaders became the “central figure‟ of those social groups, and the group members willingly used to accept and follow them, to become updated and to be trained with survival skills. This leadership had become an essential factor of social and cultural evolution of human civilization. Considering the natural fact in the modern civilization, democratic process of selection implemented.
<big>Applied law of eugenics:</big> <br />
Along with this social work-division and social leadership, one more normal social event came about. That was marriage. It had a substantial role in the human society in terms of integrity, relationship and existence of civilization. In the very beginning there was no “social marriage‟ system or custom. Most of the cases females had to surrender to the strong sexual desires of male. But social law or customs of marriage became the essential part of social integrity and progression. Out of long experiences they observed that proper marriage not only integrates, but also breeds healthy progeny that gives more security and causes of better future existence. In many societies, especially who had a traditional connection with the Aryans, made laws of “mate selection” - to stop marriages between close blood relatives. And onwards they also avoided marriages of higher hereditary cultural or “more evolved” females with the other common males, to maintain and uplift hereditary traits! Still now this custom is found even in many tribal groups. These normally evolving social laws marvellously matched with the natural laws of eugenics.
<big>Psychology of attachment:</big> <br />
The science of Psychology is the one of the modern branches of medical sciences. This branch of science deals with the complexes of human being, to regulate those to act normally. The key role of the treatment process of psychology is the confidential, faithful and loving relationship of the patient with the psychologist. Because psychologically, human complexes have a tendency to be materialized by concentric attachment with any man, matter or material. Psychologists keep themselves at that focal point of people’s psycho-sexual attachment and repair the psycho-disorder of their complexes.
<big>Initiation:</big> <br />
In the material world there is ‘concentric’ go of existence. Even in the lower species concentric existential go of life and in the early societies social integration by the group leaders supports this key factor of “Science of Psychology”. So initiation or accepting the Seer (man of wisdom who sees beyond) makes oneself self-discipline, concentric, rational, intelligent and man of humanity as well. Because unadjusted human complexes get focused, balanced and tuned with this superior attachment. In true sense, real education starts from this “initiation”, to explore inner human potentials with adjusted manipulation of behaviour towards existential-becoming.
<big>Eugenics:</big> <br />
So one could be promoted to higher hereditary strata only by practicing higher cultural by couples of generations under the guidance of true master. It means cultural practice, transmits into genetic change in long run. For example, scientific evidence shows: “Normally males (even in animals too) are taller than females. By experiments the scientists found that the inner hankering and desire of males to get shorter females and that of females to have taller male, made themselves such. So existential culture which is closely associated with life-enjoyment, has great chance to be transmitted into heredity in long run, and becomes hereditary character.” [Source: /Science Section]
Apart from that if females get married to the self-selected higher hereditary characters of male (hypergamy), then they get promoted to the higher heredity through their higher instinctive children. Hence they (progeny) also become the qualitative asset of the society towards the social journey.
<big>Indoaryan social law:</big> <br />
Now in Indoaryan outlook of social existence, as also viewed by Sree Sree Anukulchandra – one of the latest world Seers, there are few objectives for total existential-becoming, those are: Initiation, Education, Marriage and Social division of labour according to hereditary instinct. Firstly on the basis of social division of hereditary profession; people should have to accept a right efficient guide to follow to learn better survival strategy, it is ‘Initiation’ (Diksha). Secondly everyone should have proper nourishment to activate the inherent good instinct, is ‘Education’. Thirdly right of selection in marriage, which mainly goes to females; so that she could select her best mate in terms of better hereditary instinct, culture, efficiency, education, character, health, etc. whom she can love, respect, regard for ever; so that “progression” and “superior eugenics” could be guaranteed. This (rational human resource) makes the foundation of the future world order.
<big>Missing link still exists:</big> <br />
Now if we compare all the previous bio-sociological evolutionary discussions in the light of Indoaryan-ism, with the latest scientific experiments, thoughts and research works; we get amazing similarities. Though this thought yet to be accepted to many modern social thinkers, so “Missing-link” of natural laws in human life still does exist!
However in the track of biological evolution we found three factors played vital role for existence of life, those are: Concentric desire of existence, Specific laws of eugenics and Division of labour within to make itself more complex to be exist in the changing bio-chemical ecological environment. Where as in the social evolution we found few key factors, those are: Following social leadership to be united and upbringing, Marriage for well breeding and Social division of labour for better social management. This is “Indoaryan-ism”. Now recent genetic experiments on “Human Genome” especially on Indoaryan society, found the followings:
• Aryans started to be dispersed different parts of Europe and Asia from Central Asia near around Ural Mountains to Caspian Sea.
• Genetic similarities and linguistic science prove that people of Europe, west Asian countries and India having common root.
• The “Varna” division of the present Indoaryans took place among the Aryans, well before they entered into present territory of India (Aryavartya).
• In Indoaryan Varna system most of the people of so-called “upper Varna” having genetic similarities with the Caucasians or Europeans. And the Genetic similarities of the people of so-called “lower Varna” having with the Negroid and Africans.
• In Indoaryan marriage system the woman from the lower Varna had chances to be upgraded by marrying the “upper Varna” males. But males were not allowed to marry “upper Varna” females.
[Source: Negligible Male Gene Flow Across Ethnic Boundaries in India, Revealed by Analysis of Y-Chromosomal DNA Polymorphisms. / / / / ]
<big>Analysing and comparing Indoaryan cultural facts over above said discussions it is found that:</big><br />
• In genetic point of view the group divisions (Varna) do exist. It sharply shows the genetic similarities among the Europeans as well as Africans. As we have also found the division of similar groups of characters exist in the prior stage of evolution, in the plant and animal kingdom.
• The Indoaryan marriage system was just similar to the scientifically proved natural laws of eugenics for plants and animals. Because here all breeding were allowed, but qualitative point of view breeding between higher hereditary quality of female and that of lower male were strictly prohibited.
<big>Science behind Indoaryan social law:</big> <br />
But still now, scientists literally do not accept the ‘Caste’ division and caste based marriage restriction of human society, in the view point of the issue of “social discrimination” and “decline of freedom”! But the purpose of it is not of those but to restore and secure human rights. This natural system (such as fundamentals of Varnashram structure, which was NOT man-made) was managed to make everyone as “Brahmin” i.e. a person of wisdom, who searches out and works more of social welfare to fulfil Ideal-Seer, rather than self. To make one hereditary-Brahmin, everyone was motivated to cultivate the existential culture generation after generation to be promoted into genetically highest social strata. Apart from this, hypergamous-marriage (female’s self-selected qualitative higher male) was also meaningfully introduced to be promoted to higher strata through their genetically higher quality children. The Nobel winner on invention of DNA structure and chairman of ‘Human Genome Project’ genetic scientist Dr Watson in favour of Indoaryan social system says – “Genetic point of view this marriage system (Varna based) is marvellous…” [Source: Report, Indian Science Congress, Chennai, Lecture as Chief Guest]
<big>Indoaryanism:</big> <br />
Man is the most evolved form of the plants and animals. Even though natural laws of eugenics which has evolved, is applicable to the animals and practiced in the early human societies. But, it is still not acceptable to the many present scientists and social activists. So there is a sharp thought of “Missing-Link” between the specific natural law of eugenics for the plants-animals, social customs of the early man; with the modern human beings. We are just discarding the scientific fact on the ground of so-called “social-discrimination”, which could be easily avoided in other way! Here more research work and awareness is necessary for ‘Indoryanism’.
<big>Existentialism:</big> <br />
We find uni-centricity in the universal motion of planets around the stars and even in nucleus centric actions of tiny cells to uphold its’ existence. So existence is the prime factor of life along with evolution. This bio-material existence depends on the socio-biological ecological balance, as existence of each one is universally associated with the existence of the bio-socio environment, because we all (matter & life) are the evolved form of the beginning “one” – which started since “big-bang”. When we realize the fact of our integrated relationship with this socio environmental ecology and we feel “oneness” with the whole system; - then a universal love grows within us. These desire of existence, upholding bio-socio-ecological balance and feeling of oneness with the system is - “Existential-ism”. More we get grip over this ecological mechanism to invest for upholding humanity, more we become efficient; this is actually attainment of ‘God’ – goal of life. The man who knows this mechanism the best is ‘Living-God’ or Seer. So actually Dharma is nothing but the science of universal existence. Indoaryan materially reveals and scientifically redefines Dharma – which certainly removes the so-called barriers of materialism and spiritualism. And God which is always ONE and the Seers uphold the same according to time and space to save mankind.
<big>Heading towards Communism</big>: <br />
Hence to accelerate social evolution – the inner sense of Initiation, Education, Eugenics and Hereditary social division cannot be ignored for true social management and progress. And the elimination of the social division could happen to promote all the people into “Superior Class‟ culturally (mentally) and biologically (hereditarily) as well. Thus qualitative change is possible by Initiation, Education, Marriage and realization of “oneness-feeling” with the existence of total bio-chemical and socio-environmental ecology. This qualitative change of human will also develop individual’s efficiency and skill to develop self-reliance people’s economy, that will slowly minimise socio-economic exploitation and secures freedom and sovereign as well. This is “Indoaryan-Socialism” which makes foundation of a new world order – Communism, as the ultimate resultant of social evolution. This is divine Aryan-communism. So, Indoaryan-Existentialism calls to the humanity to – “Conserve the balance of socio environmental ecology (SEE) and realize the oneness-feeling with the whole mechanism !!!”
<big>Findings and conclusion:</big> <br />
• Division of labour on hereditary instinct and Natural law of eugenics were also normally developed in the early human societies.
• To be and become Bio-Psychic assets must be properly nurtured and developed.
• Psychic qualities could be upgraded by psycho-sexual attachment with a Master-man.
• Biological qualities could be richer by practicing higher culture and proper marriage.
• Law of eugenics and division of group of similar instincts had been verified in the plants-animals and same evolved normally in the early human societies, but the scientists are against any “marriage restriction on genetic-grouping” in the name of Social-discriminant.
• Qualitative change of individual by Initiation, Education, Marriage and oneness feeling with the total ecology, emerges into World Aryan Communism or Global Divine Communism.
<big>References:</big> <br />
1) Thesis on “Relevance of the Ideology of Sree Sree Anukulchandra in Modern Society – A Sociological Analysis” presented by Dr. Srikumar Mukherjee, In Sociology Dept., Ranchi University, India.
3) World History in Outline by Iyengar S.Thothadri / Indian History by Antanova K., Kotovosky.G.
4) Alochana Prasange (Vol 1-22); Nana Prasange (Vol 1- 4); Katha Prasange (Vol 1-3); Samaj Sandipana; Bidhyan Binayak; Narir Pathe by Sree Sree Anukulchandra
5) []
6) Kingfisher Enclyopedia / Fundamental Of Society by Gisbert. P. / Heredity and Evolution of Modern Zoology by Gupta Ramesh / Social Anthropology by Bogardus, P.
7) []
8) ‘Dialectical Materialism’ – Morris Cornforth
9) []