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DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against datasets derived from Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data. The paper describes the extraction of the DBpedia datasets, and how the resulting information is published on the Web for human- and machine-consumption. Then, some emerging applications from the DBpedia community are presented and it is shown how website authors can facilitate DBpedia content within their sites. Finally, the current status of interlinking DBpedia with other open datasets on the Web is presented and as well as how DBpedia could serve as a nucleus for an emerging Web of open data.


DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against datasets derived from Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data. The paper describes the extraction of the DBpedia datasets, and how the resulting information is published on the Web for human- and machine-consumption. Then, some emerging applications from the DBpedia community are presented and it is shown how website authors can facilitate DBpedia content within their sites. Finally, the current status of interlinking DBpedia with other open datasets on the Web is presented and as well as how DBpedia could serve as a nucleus for an emerging Web of open data.



=== Jury comments ===


=== Comentaris de la jurada ===




''DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data is the paper with the most citations on the Wikimedia Award shortlist, and an opening to discuss the future of wikidata and semantic data, a major issue for the year to come. Since 2007, it has stood the test of time with many developments like Wikidata, Sémanticpédia, a let of [http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Publications related litterature].''


''DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data is the paper with the most citations on the Wikimedia Award shortlist, and an opening to discuss the future of wikidata and semantic data, a major issue for the year to come. Since 2007, it has stood the test of time with many developments like Wikidata, Sémanticpédia, a let of [http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Publications related litterature].''

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