1. The Musical Milkman
From the Soibelman Archive found on This isn’t Happiness
2. India’s Toy Candy Houses that inspired by Ettore Sottass
The oldest house dates back to 1941 and no doubt influenced Italian designer Ettore Sottsass after his extensive travels around India. Found on Ad Magazine.
3. North Korea’s 28 State-Approved Hairstyles
The world’s favorite hermit state is implementing state-sanctioned haircuts for men and women. Found on TIME
4. Abandoned Checkpoints Across Europe
A ghostly reminder of before the European Union, Polish-born photographer Josef Schulzand documents the defunct boundaries of Europe. Josef turns up the nostalgia by ‘subtly blurring the photographs’ backgrounds in post-production to remove them from their original context – which gives them the appearance of being captured in a different era entirely’ – Found on It’s Nice That
If you’ve traveled in the last decade through Europe by car, you will have noticed these rather sad abandoned checkpoints that have lost their purpose, symbols of forgotten or discarded political power. What should be done with them?
Find more of Josef Schulz’ abandoned checkpoints here.
5. A Floating School in Nigeria
Makoko Floating School is a prototype floating structure, built for the historic water community of Makoko, located on the lagoon heart of Nigeria’s largest city, Lagos. As a pilot project, it has taken an innovative approach to address the community’s social and physical needs in view of the impact of climate change and a rapidly urbanizing African context. Its main aim is to generate a sustainable, ecological, alternative building system and urban water culture for the teeming population of Africa’s coastal regions.
More information found on NLE Networks
6. A Vintage British Pop-up Supermarket
Every year, the Goodwood Revival festival in the UK goes all out to bring the past back to life. In 2011 a Vintage Tesco’s Supermarket popped up at Goodwood Revival full stocked with classic British product packaging of yesteryear to fill the shelves is a trip! You have to see the repackaged vintage classic british candies for sale! They even had soft serve ice cream from a vintage machine!
Found on Tasteologie.
7. A Cilician-bride, Armenia
Why can’t Western wedding attire have a little more colour to it?! Found on Desert Dreamer
8. An Ice Cream Parlour in Vienna
The Eisdieler Ice Cream Parlor designed by March Gut
9. Luxury Man Hole Covers in Paris
A project by street artist Method Graphic found on From-Paris
10. A Secret NYC Latino Restaurant hidden inside a Freight Entrance
Scouting NY stumbled upon an NYC hidden foodie treasure:
There are a zillion unremarkable freight elevator entrances on 37th Street, and normally I wouldn’t look twice … But something caught my eye about this one. It had a restaurant sign … And sure enough, nestled in the corner was the coziest little Latin restaurant in New York!
With a constant stream of people getting orders to go, this hidden lunch counter is apparently a midtown favorite and has some great reviews, including a 9/10 from the Guardian (actually beating out Fette Sau in a contest of “tasty but cheap”).
Find the secret lunch spot on ScoutingNY.
11. A Young Marilyn
Marilyn Monroe photographed by Andre de Dienes, found on The English Group Blog
12. Vintage Matchbox-sized Office Supplies
Miniature boxes of office supplies by Dennison, circa 1940-60, containing gummed labels, rubber bands, gummed patches, key tags, paper clips, and stamp container.
The Dennison Manufacturing Company of Framingham, Massachusetts was founded in 1844 and eventually merged with Avery in 1990.
Found on Design Related
13. A Thirteen Year-old Eagle Huntress
Meet Ashol Pan, a thirteen year-old Kazakh eagle hunters from west Mongolia. She is the daughter of an experienced eagle hunter. It’s an old tradition that’s passed from generation to generation, but very few people are left on the Earth who still deserve the title. Eagles Hunters tame eagles and use them for hunting smaller animals, such as foxes and marmots. It is not merely a title to them, but a way of life.
Discover the Eagles Hunters of Mongolia, photographed by Asher Svidensky
The post 13 Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. XVII) appeared first on Messy Nessy Chic.