
A New York neighborhood is suffering from extensive, hazardous and potentially costly illegal dumping after a New York State Department of Labor [DOL] inspection suspended work at a renovation project. The stop-work ruling was the result of a DOL inspector's suspicions that the apartments undergoing renovations could potentially have asbestos. As a consequence, the large trash containers used by the site contractors to collect renovation debris are required to stay on the property. Now, these open, unsecured bins are attracting dumpers and critters alike.

The apartment renovation project in the City of Newburgh is under the control of Toll Road Manor LLC, a developer who purchased the property from the Newburgh Community Land Bank for the purpose of redevelopment.

However, with the stop-work order, the construction bins are attracting community members to secretly and illicitly dump unwanted items. From dead animals to couches to televisions, the construction bins are now filled to the brim, allowing the illegal dumpers to resort to the street to place their trash.

The DOL's concern was that the apartment complex may contain asbestos, a highly toxic material, and consequently, the construction bins may also hold asbestos debris. Further inspector revealed that the construction bins do not contain asbestos, but the DOL wants the dumpsters to be treated as if they contain the hazardous materials.

The efforts to control the construction bins are falling short. Not only are the bins unsecured – thus allowing the illegal dumpers to gain access – but they remain outside of the construction zone. If there was asbestos present in the apartment building and construction bin, then there is a considerable potential for environmental contamination and a health scare. Exposure to friable or disturbed asbestos can lead to serious health concerns including mesothelioma cancer, lung cancer or asbestosis.

Another growing concern of neighborhood residents is what is being illegally dumped into the construction dumpsters may also be hazardous. Without the construction dumpsters being secured anything can be left.

The dumpsters are required to stay on the property until at least next week.

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