In case you missed it, the Color Block Tights premiered as a guest post for the Vintage May Series over at Craftiness is Not Optional...
When Jess asked if I wanted to be a part of their Vintage May Series, I was thrilled. You see, I had just stumbled across this pile of vintage patterns at our local thrift store and I couldn't wait to give one of them a try. I finally settled on the Butterick 2949 Vintage Jumper.
And after falling in love with this gorgeous tribal / geometric patterned linen at our local fabric store, I simply had to work with it. I absolutely adore how the dress came out. There is just something about vintage patterns - the attention to detail, the pleats, pins, and tucks, the classic style - they just always have that little extra something.
Whenever I do old fashioned patterns, I always like to mix it up a bit. Either with a funky, more modern print. Or pairing it with something that has an edge, giving the vintage trend a more current feel. By doing that I find my kids get more use out of the items, and I get to stretch my imagination by trying to pair the vintage meets modern look.
But for the Vintage Series, I wanted something a bit extra. That's where the color block tights come in...
After all, what is more trendy then color block tights? And how fun is it to throw them in the mix with all of these vintage lovelies we are seeing lately?!!
Not that I am sticking my tongue out at the Vintage Series or anything - HA! I just cant give you a tutorial for the dress as it came from a pattern :).
Making your own pair of color block shape tights is super easy. First, you will need a good tights / leggings tutorial. I found Made by Rae's baby tights a long time ago and have never needed another one. Her tute can be found HERE. Just cut the feet off for leggings.
Once you have your own pair of tights for sizing / pattern info, simply...
And that's it! Feel free to make the curved edge as wide or thing as you desire. Just imagine how slimming this would be on an adult, hmmm....
Thank you again so much for having me here Jess for your Vintage May Series! And for all of you Craftiness is Not Optional readers...remember that Vintage Pattern pile I mentioned at the beginning of this post? I just happen to be giving some away today. Hop on over to my site for your chance to win!
What did I learn from this post?
Never use a white backdrop when photographing white clothes. I got a lot of feedback about my daughters sickly legs. No fun.
Still love these tights though!
Thanks so much for stopping by, and until next time...
Happy Sewing!