
Bank Exam Syllabus: for IBPS PO, Clerk, Specialist and RRB Recruitment's

Dear expert mm readers! Planning to apply for a Bank Exam in 2016, and want to know the latest syllabus for IBPS recruitments? You have come to the right page. Being the primary facilitator of the Bank Recruitments, IBPS is the agency that formulates the “Bank Exam Syllabus” in India. IBPS consults with Banks and educationists to review and modernize their curricula at regular intervals, and they update it to the candidates through the exam notification.

Bank Exam Syllabus

As of 2016, the entrance exams for the recruitment to public financial institutions in India have an almost indistinguishable syllabus and pattern of organization. The situation is like, if you study for one IBPS Exam, you get a reasonably competent to the face the rest of the IBPS, SBI, and insurance exams. The modules are more or less the same; the only change is in the difficulty level that varies with the type of recruitment. Let’s check the common sections of the IBPS syllabus.

English: This test checks the candidate’s proficiency in the English Language in many ways. It includes objective questions that test the grammar, vocabulary, knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, and comprehension of a passage, ability to complete a sentence, etc. If necessary, there will be a direction before the question.

Numerical Ability: As of you know, clear understanding of the core mathematics is an essential requirement for a banker. This test aims to find the candidate’s calculation speed and ability to deal with numbers, and real-world problems.

Reasoning: This exam evaluates the candidate’s capability to think and respond. It includes the graphical questions as well as general brain-teasing problems that require logical understanding, comparison skills, mathematical skills, and a fairly good knowledge of the English language.

General Awareness: Emphasis is given to the banking sector when it comes to IBPS Exam’s segment on General Knowledge. IBPS often asks questions from topics like the history of banking in India, Insurance, Banking terms, New-age banking, Investment sectors, roles of the RBI, economic policies of the current government, etc.

Quantitative Aptitude: In simple terms, the QA exam in IBPS syllabus is a mix of Reasoning and Numerical Ability tests, questions being in an advanced level. It focuses on examining how fast a candidate’s logical and arithmetic thinking works when different types of data inputs (graphs, tables, images, etc.) are given for consideration.

Computer Knowledge: Whole of the banking industry now relies on computers and information technology, no other reason why IBPS has a test of computers in their syllabus. We have seen questions on browsers, security, MS Office (especially Excel and Word), Operating systems, shortcuts, and computer hardware, etc. in this portion.

Professional knowledge: IBPS’s specialist and RRB syllabuses include an advanced assessment section called “professional knowledge,” to examine a candidate’s mastery in some special duties that banking industry thinks important.  It includes questions on subjects like Business, HR, Marketing, IT, Law, Engineering,  Finance, Accounting, Agriculture Science, etc.

Start your bank exam quick preparation with meritmock.com latest and updated quiz to try a few questions based on the latest IBPS syllabus in 2016, taken from IBPS handout for PO, Clerk, Specialist and RRB Exams.

Start the following quiz to try a few questions based on the latest IBPS syllabus in 2016, taken from IBPS handout for PO, Clerk, Specialist and RRB Exams.

IBPS Clerk Exam syllabus

IBPS recently established a two-stage examination for IBPS Clerk Recruitment in 2015; the same is expected to continue in this year. The IBPS’s version of the syllabus for two online Clerk Exams that candidates need to take is given below.

The preliminary exam, the name IBPS calls the first test, is easier, shorter in duration and has only 100 questions to answer.  The purpose of the prelims is just to regulate the number of people appearing the Main Exam.

IBPS PO Exam Syllabus

There isn’t much difference between the syllabus for IBPS Clerk and IBPS PO in 2016.

Got it? Yeah, the difference is in the IBPS PO exam prelim’s syllabus, which do not have “Numerical Ability” but “Quantitative Aptitude” in place of that. However, things won’t be the same for examinations, except the IBPS PO questions to be tougher in both sessions.

IBPS RRB Exam Syllabus

IBPS Regional Rural Bank Recruitment is a single-session process that includes registration and examination to RRB Assistant, and RRB Officer Scales I, II, and III categories. The IBPS RRB Assistant Exam is equivalent to the IBPS Clerk; you can see the same in the syllabus attached below. Further information on IBPS RRB Exam

Here, candidates can choose either English or Hindi as their option for the Language Test. Candidates can also attend all modules in Hindi if needed. The same rule applies to IBPS RRB Officer Exams.

Some of the IBPS RRB Officer posts are for Specialists, and candidates who have previous experience in Banking & finance; you can see the addition of a suitable module in the syllabus for those exams.

IBPS Specialist Exam Syllabus

Banks have a few employees who don’t have the direct link with the regular customers, they work in the background, helping to run banking business smoothly: they are the Specialists. We have earlier discussed about IBPS Specialists recruitment in another article, do read it if you’re planning to apply for SO exam in 2017.

Coming to the syllabus for IBPS Specialist Recruitment, you can see there are only four units for this exam. The test of Banking Awareness is limited to Law Officer and RajBhasha Adhikari jobs. Importance is given to Professional Knowledge part, which gets 75 marks.

Okay with eligibility conditions and syllabus? Click here to know to which IBPS recruitment you can apply now, or check the dates of the upcoming IBPS Banks Exams in 2016.

The syllabus that IBPS quotes in their advertisement is not the elaborate for a beginner. We are trying to bring up full syllabus and model tests for each of the IBPS Clerk, PO, RRB and Specialist Exam modules in separate pages. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates.

IBPS Exam Syllabus 2016-2017

Although the exam will be conducted online this year, the pattern and syllabus for the exam have remained unchanged over the last year. The test is largely an aptitude and reasoning test. It is divided into 5 sections, viz.;


English language

Numerical ability

General awareness

Computer knowledge

Each section has 50 questions, with each question of 1 mark. Thus, the IBPS Clerk Written exam is a 250 mark test.

Since it is a aptitude and reasoning test, the level of question asked is very basic in nature. While there is no defined syllabus for the test, here is an overview of the different topics you can expect in each section:


The reasoning section has verbal and non-verbal reasoning questions. Generally, the type of questions can be divided into analogy, sitting arrangement, decision making, blood relations, syllogism, series completion and statement reasoning.

English language

Your English language skills are tested in the exam under the following fields:

Reading comprehension

Error detection

Passage correction


Idioms and phrases

Active and passive voice

Numerical ability

You won't be asked graduate or post-graduate level questions in the numerical ability section. You are tested on your general aptitude. Thus, getting your basics right upto standard 10th should suffice while preparing for IBPS Clerk Written Exam.

In general, questions in this section can be divided into:

Arithmetic, which includes numbers, percentage, time and distance, logs, permutation and combination, probability etc.

Data interpretation, which involves interpreting charts and tables.

General awareness

This section tests your general awareness levels. The questions in this section are a blend of banking knowledge and current events. Usually, the weight age of banking related questions is higher than that of current event questions.

Computer knowledge

Questions in this section are related to basic hardware and software related questions. You don't need to be a computer geek to crack this section.

IBPS Computer Knowledge New Syllabus 2016 Pdf Download for Clerk , PO , RRBs

IBPS PO Syllabus 2016 (Pre & Main) with Exam Pattern
Check IBPS PO Syllabus 2016 with Exam Pattern - As we know that Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts examinations for PO (Probationary Officer) every year. Every Years, lakhs of aspirants try harder to qualify these exams but most of them not able to do so. You can find the syllabus with exam pattern here. If you are preparing for IBPS exams in 2016, then there are a few things you need to have i.e. syllabus, exam pattern, best books for preparation, time table and study with practice.

IBPS PO Syllabus 2016-17 with Pattern for both Pre & Main exam

IBPS had announced exam pattern of PO exam. Check  latest syllabus / exam pattern below.
Preliminary exam will have questions of low level to sort out candidates while Main exam will be difficult.

All the candidates who successfully register themselves under CWE PO/MT-V will be called for Preliminary Examinations. Based on Pre exam, candidates will be shortlisted & called for Main Examinations.
There will be 100 questions & 3 sections in the Preliminary Examination with 1 hour duration.

The marks obtained in the Preliminary examination will not be considered for preparing the final merit list.

Marks obtained in the Main Examination will only be considered for short listing for interview.

IBPS PO 2016 Pre Exam Pattern & Syllabus:

It is as per official notice that IBPS PO Pre exam will be of 1 hour duration. The number of questions asked will be 100 from the basic sections of this exam given below. The difficulty level of these questions will be of easy to moderate while that of Main exam would be high. The syllabus of this section will be same as that of mains. Only the difficulty level varies.

IBPS PO Pre Exam

Sr. No.

Name of Tests

No. of questions

Max. Marks



English language



1 hours


Quantitative Aptitude




Reasoning Ability






The syllabus of these sections is provided below.

IBPS PO Main Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2016-:
IBPS PO Syllabus 2016-17

This probationary officer exam written test paper is divided in 5 sections. These five sections are Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, General Awareness with special reference to banking industry and Computer knowledge. So IBPS PO Exam Syllabus 2016 consists of these 5 sections topics. All the 5 sections completely detailed syllabus is given below.

IBPS PO Main Exam

Sr. No.

Name of Tests

No. of questions

Max. Marks



English language



2 hours


Quantitative Aptitude




Reasoning Ability




General Awareness with special reference to banking industry




Computer Knowledge






1. IBPS PO Reasoning Section Syllabus:
Note: The number given in Brackets are the number of questions usually asked in exam (based on previous year pattern).

This section will have question on following topics.

Verbal reasoning: Alphabet test, Mathematical operations test, Series test, Analogy. Odd Man out, Classification, Syllogism (5), Coding-decoding (5-7), Blood relations (5). Number, ranking and time sequence, Causes and effects, Analytic reasoning, Direction sense test. Sitting arrangement (5-10), Decision making, Input output (0-5), Puzzle (4-7), Statement and conclusions (2-4). Statement and assumptions, Statement and arguments (2-4), Statement and action’s courses. Passage and conclusions (2-3), Assertion and reasoning, Figure Series, Word formation, Series (5).
Also Check Out : IBPS Computer Syllabus with pdf

Also check out - IBPS PO General awareness questions

2. IBPS PO Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus:

Topics are - Number system (2-3), HCF & LCM, Number series, Problems based on numbers. Approximation Wrong Number, Decimal fractions, Square root and cube root, Simplifications (5). [Partnerships, Percentage, Ratio and proportions, Average & Ages Ratio & Proportion]: (4-6). [Profit and loss, Simple interest and compound interest]: (2-4), [Time and work, Time and distance, Mensuration]: (2-4). Permutation and combination (1-2), Probability (1-2)

Data Interpretation (12-16): Pie charts, Bar graphs, Line graphs, Mixed graphs

3. IBPS PO SYLLABUS for English language section

Topics of this section are - Spotting the errors (3-5), Phrase substitution, Ordering of sentences or jumbled up sentences (3-6). Double blanks in a sentence, Fill in the blanks (0-5). Cloze Test, Idioms & Phrases, Choosing the appropriate filler. Synonyms and antonyms (0-3), Reconstruction of sentence & passage. One word substitution, Commonly misspelled words, Comprehensions (8-15).

Salary Structure of Clerk Job In PSU Banks

Check IBPS PO Cut off

4. IBPS PO General awareness with special reference to banking industry-section Syllabus:

Banking Terms, Current Rates (Bank rate, Repo Rate, Reverse repo rate etc.), Abbreviations / full forms, Important days / dates, Currency and capital, Ministers and their departments, Indian Economy, International Economy, Questions related to International Financial Institutions (World bank, IMF, UN, ADB related - Members, recent development, functions), Finance, Shares, Various schemes of Government (MNREGA, Swabhiman, Swavlamban, Bharat Nirman etc.), Books & Their Authors, Types of Banks, GDP related, RBI, Fiscal-Monetary Policies etc., Social Function of Banks, UNO, Marketing, Awards & Honors, Sports, Budget, Agriculture, Current Affairs (last 6 months) etc.

5. IBPS PO Syllabus: Computer knowledge section:

Basic computer knowledge (MS Office), Operating Systems, Number System, Software & Hardware questions (Database & communication), History of computers, Computer abbreviation, Microsoft-office, Basic knowledge of Internet & Networking etc.

Official website: www.ibps.in

Click here for IBPS RRB Syllabus detailed

Check Important GK Question Topics for all IBPS Exams

That was the syllabus of IBPS Probationary Officer Examination 2016.

We have provided Syllabus of IBPS PO 2016 with Exam Pattern to make candidates understand the complete pattern of IBPS Exam for respective post.

Time Management for Exams like SSC, IBPS is also given in the website. Just search for that. A list of collection of Best Books for IBPS exams is also given at Books tab on navigation menu. The last thing remains is the study with practice. So we have provided some easy shortcuts for you of some very difficult and time consuming questions.
Just click on the Tricks section provided on the Top navigation bar of the www.MeriView.in
So that was the collection of syllabus for all the posts of IBPS Exams 2016 for all posts named PO (Probationary Officer). You can see the detailed IBPS PO Exam syllabus with exam pattern and get to know the type of questions in exams and also you can download the syllabus as PDF for offline use. This syllabus is prepared based on previous years pattern of IBPS PO exams.

We have provided complete syllabus of all the sections including Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, Banking Awareness, Computer Awareness etc. and also the exam pattern including number of questions asked in the examination and time to do them and type of marking. We have also provided many shortcuts formulas, tips and tricks on this site to help you solve the questions in IBPS CWE exams quickly so that you can score more and perform well. Please go to the Tricks link given on top of the site.


IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2015 - Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Clerk 2015 Syllabus, IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern - IBPS conducts clerk recruitment in india every year. This year also, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is going to conduct clerks online written examination in December 2015. Large number of candidates appears for this test every time it is organised but only a few are able to qualify it. However, most of the aspirants tries their best in this exam to qualify this test. Here, you can check IBPS Clerk Exam Syllabus as well as download it in pdf format for offline use. Also you can see the exam pattern to get fully familiar with IBPS clerk exam.

IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2015

IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination 2015 (CWE - V) will be held on following dates: 05.12.2015, 06.12.2015, 12.12.2015, 13.12.2015.

IBPS Clerk Main Examination 2015 will be held on 02.01.2016 & 03.01.2016.

Those who qualify the online written examination will be called for Interview.
Check IBPS Calendar
The complete syllabus and exam pattern of all these sections is provided below.

IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2015

IBPS had changed exam pattern of PO exam 2015. Now there will be Pre & main written exams.

IBPS Clerk 2015 Exam Pattern & Syllabus:

It is as per official notice that IBPS Clerk Pre exam will be of 1 hour duration. The number of questions asked will be 100 from the basic sections of this exam given below. The difficulty level of these questions will be of easy to moderate while that of Main exam would be high. The syllabus of this section will be same as that of mains. Only the difficulty level varies.

IBPS Clerk Pre Exam

Sr. No.

Name of Tests

No. of questions

Max. Marks



English language



1 hours


Numerical Ability




Reasoning Ability






The syllabus of these sections is provided below.
IBPS Clerk Main Exam 2015:

IBPS Clerk Main exam paper consists of five sections i.e. Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness with special reference to banking industry.

The Online CWE for clerks consists of 5 sections. The test will be carried out online. A computer will be provided to appeared candi. and questions will appear on the screen of that computer. There will be 200 questions that will be asked and their answer is to be given in 2 hours. 5 options will be given on the screen and candidates can select one answer.

IBPS Clerk Main Exam

Sr. No.

Name of Tests

No. of questions

Max. Marks






2 hours


English language




Quantitative Aptitude




General Awareness (with special reference to banking industry)




Computer Knowledge






Negative Marking: There is a panelty for giving wrong answer in IBPS Clerk exam. 0.25 marks out of 1 mark question will be reduced from candidate’s marks if any wrong answer has been given.

IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2015 for Pre & main exam

1. Reasoning section:

Questions in this section will be asked from Analogy, Puzzle, Odd Man out, Syllogism, word formation, Statement and conclusions, Statement and assumptions, Statement and arguments, Passage and conclusions, Coding decoding, Blood relations, Alphabet test, Series test, Number, ranking and time sequence , Direction sense test, Sitting arrangement, Decision making, Input output, Assertion and reasoning etc.

Also check out - IBPS Clerk Cut off
IBPS Clerk Notification, Exam dates

2. Quantitative Aptitude Section:-

Data Interpretation, Profit and loss, Simple and compound interest problems, Time and work problems, Time and distance problems, Average problems, Simplifications, Partnerships, Percentage, Ratio and proportions, Average & Ages Ratio & Proportion, Pie charts, Number system, HCF & LCM, Number series, Approximation Wrong Number, Finding next number in series, Decimal fractions, Square root and cube root, Bar graphs, Line graphs, Case study, Mensuration, Permutations and combinations, Data tables, Probability.

3. English Language Section:-

Spotting errors

Fill in the blank Cloze Test

Idioms & Phrases

Synonyms and antonyms

Reconstruction of sentence & passage

One word substitution

Phrase substitution

Jumbled up sentences

Double blanks in a sentence

Commonly misspelled words

Comprehension passages

4. General awareness with special reference to banking industry-Section
Abbreviations / full forms, Important days / dates, Currency and capital, Ministers and their departments, Indian Economy, International Economy, Budget, Census, Ministers and their ministry, important persons, head of the organizations, tag lines, Important days / dates, ministers and their departments, world countries and their capital and currencies, UNO, Marketing, Awards & Honors, Sports, Finance, Agriculture etc. History of Banking, current affairs of last 6 months, countries/currencies, Books & Their Authors, Banking Terms, RBI, Fiscal Monetary Policies etc., Social Function of Banks

5. Computer Knowledge Section:-
Basic computer fundamentals, History and Future of Computers, Computer abreviation, Microsoft-office, Basic knowledge of Internet use, Shortcut keys, Basic Software & Hardware and their functionalities, History and Future of Computers, Networking, etc.

Download IBPS Clerk Syllabus pdf here

Check IBPS SO Syllabus

You can download the PDF from the link given above.

CHECK IBPS PO SYLLABUS with Exam Pattern and PDF

official website: www.ibps.in

Tips on how to qualify for IBPS Clerk Exam:

1. There are a few things you need, to prepare better.
These are:
IBPS Clerk Syllabus & Exam pattern
Cut off marks
Time Management
Knowledge of Important Topics / Questions / Exam Analysis

2.  In the online exam, always start from a section which is your strength. Then move on to the tougher sections. Divide the time slot for each section and each question of the exam according to their toughness and easiness.but it should be done before the exam.

3. Always do the easy questions first in any section you are.

4. Always prepare to the maximum.

5. Never stuck on any question. If you are not able to give a question's answer within its time slot as decided by you, then move on to the next one.

6. Do as many questions as you can answer correctly. If you are confused about a question's answer, leave it.

7. Stay calm while solving paper.

8. Always make a plan of how you will solve your paper on the examination date before the exam.

9. Time management is the key to solve maximum no. of questions.

10. Make shortcuts of mathematical problems for the exam and apply those shortcuts in the exam to solve quickly.

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