
On April 17, 2014, the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade will be hosting an event at the Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility. Branded as “Show Me The Money!”, this event will focus on cash flow planning options to innovate and accelerate growth within Canadian businesses.

With expert speakers, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities, Show Me The Money! is an ideal event for companies looking to increase their working capital, expand into new markets, adopt new software and hardware, purchase capital equipment, and/or hire and train their workforce. Funding is available for all of the aforementioned activities – this event will inform attendees where to look and what programs to take advantage of in order to accelerate their strategic initiatives.

Show Me The Money! Event Details

This breakfast event is an informational event, geared towards small and mid-sized businesses incorporated and located within Canada. Based on funding availability, manufacturers will certainly discover a variety of funding programs available to them, however other industries such as the knowledge based industry (KBI) will also find a wide range of Canadian government grant and loan options. This event is open to both members and non-members of the Ajax Pickering Board of Trade.

When: Thursday, April 17 @ 7:00-10:00am
Where: Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility, 2700 Audley Road North, Ajax ON, L1Z 1T7
Register for Show Me The Money! Event Now

Event Agenda

7:00-7:25am: Registration, networking & hot breakfast

7:25-7:30: Welcome and Opening Remarks

7:30-9:30: Interactive Presentations & Q & A

9:30-9:45: Wrap Up and Closing Remarks

9:45-10:00: Peer to Peer Networking

Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade April 17, 2014 Event Speakers

Bernadeen McLeod, President & Founder of Mentor Works Ltd.

Bernadeen will cover a wide variety of Canadian government funding programs to support small and mid-sized business in their strategic initiatives and barriers to growth. The programs are dependent on not only the company’s industry and size, but also the timelines of the project and expense types. Discover funding for business expansion, capital investment, research and development, human resources, and training.

Jeanine Lassaline-Berglund, Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) & Interactive Manufacturing Innovation Networks (iMiN)

Jeanine will discuss the benefits and resources available to EMC and iMiN members throughout the year. EMC is Canada’s largest manufacturing consortium, representing more than 180,000 individual members across Canada. EMC has a captive audience of over 40,000 employers and 600,000 manufacturing employees. iMiN was created by EMC as an online network to connect the Canadian manufacturing sector in order to overcome regional and economic barriers.

Malcolm MacTaggart, I-T-M Investment Counsel

Funding is also available through private non-government financing options, including Angel Networks. Malcolm will be discussing this topic as an option for companies looking for additional capital to grow their business.

Marilyn Tassone, Executive Director, Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre

Marilyn will be discussing hiring and training government programs available to local businesses.

Discover Additional Funding Event Opportunities

Mentor Works presents at events and workshops across Ontario in order to educate the local community regarding government grants and loans available to Canadian small and mid-sized businesses. If you are unavailable to attend this particular event, please be sure to refer to our List of Upcoming Funding Workshops, as well as subscribe to our Weekly Funding E-Newsletter, where we provide updates on funding programs and events available to Canadian small businesses.

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