
Only the best real estate photos will help the sale

An excellent real estate photo will help attract buyers. There are certain ways that help lure buyers and there are other ways that might actually repel prospective buyers. This blog article shows the way to attracting buyers with better real estate photos.

Do real estate photos actually help to sell a property? They may, obviously. When the property looks better, it will be more attractive to more prospective purchasers.

What is it that a prospective house buyer really wants to know? It really all boils down to a few basic buyers’ questions that buyers may pose: where is it, what does it cost and most importantly: what’s it look like? When looks are so important, why are real estate photos often of such poor quality? Many real estate photos appear to have been taken by a seven-year old. But why?

It’s actually quite easy to mess up real estate photos. The light can be wrong, the composition can be off, the image can be crooked, out of focus, poor viewing angle and many other faults that a beginning photographer could make. However, when almost every property buyer really focuses on what a property looks like, it must be important to at least show the property at its very best. This takes a bit of extra care. Property photography is an important part of marketing real estate.

Really, no matter what it is that you’re trying to sell, you make it look as good as possible – assuming you wish to receive full value for it. It remains a mystery why so many real estate listings show atrocious images of a valuable home. It’s not hard  to take some half-decent real estate photos, everybody can learn that in a fairly short time. It’s not expensive any longer to acquire a better than average digital camera. Still, most property photos show a host of basic photography errors. Many real estate listings give a poor first impression.

Although “ugly” homes sometimes still might sell, we can all agree that people will tend to pay more for a nice house than for an “ugly” one (everything else being the same). When a property doesn’t show at its best, the buyer can’t really see it and the seller loses a marketing opportunity.

The image left by a good real estate photo is of lasting value. It’s a first impression that’s more important than anything, after that point. That’s why good  photos are so important.


It’s entirely true that the first thing you see of a home will be of a lasting impression. If all you’ve seen are bad real estate photos, then that will stick. Imagine that a buyer has the choice of viewing a home that looks good in the photos and one that doesn’t. The buyer is most likely going to choose to view the better-looking one.

The home with the better-looking real estate photos has a form of added value because of this. Conversely, the home with the not-so-good photos loses out. The conclusion is simple: a small investment in professional real estate photos will be worth your while. Making a home look its best is mostly the owner’s job. Still, with better photography we have the ability to make a house shine; to show it at its best.

Everybody can snap a photo these days, if not on a $49 camera, then on one’s phone. Professional Real Estate photos are nothing like portrait photography or wedding photography. It’s even different from general scenic photography. Capturing the true sense of a house is not always easy if one wishes to reach a realistic image quality. Any glamour should be subdued and the imaging must be completely truthful. Real Estate Photography will bring out the best in a property but should never try to over-state it.

What we don’t want to happen is that people step into the house and are disappointed – because the real estate photos showed it better than it really was. Similarly, we don’t want to under-state our case either – because then people may not even want to visit the house at all. It’s a fine line between being factually realistic and artistically pleasing in one’s real estate photos. The best real estate photos are BOTH!

A good real estate photo will show detail in perspective of what’s being offered for sale. Overstating the subject can actually backfire. It’s a fine line to do this just right.


Obviously, there’s no benefit to luring people to a property with overstated promises generated by distorted or over-corrected photos. When a person walks into a house and says “the room doesn’t seem as big as in the real estate photos” or “the view isn’t as striking as depicted”, then we have a problem. Over-marketing is as bad as under-marketing!

A “false promise” would lead to a disappointed buyer; who therefore won’t buy. Although they might still buy something, it’s now more likely that they’ll purchase something else. You’ve just softened them up to buy something else.

Although it’s terribly easy to do it wrong, one doesn’t need to be highly trained yo take good real estate photos. Good photographic equipment helps to do the job right. This includes a non-distorting super wide-angle lens; not of the fish-eye type. A bit of training and experience are also important, as well as the ability to clean up photos that show unexpected blemishes. No more dark room but a computer lab.

In advertising and marketing, bigger is usually better. To publish extra-large real estate photos, offering great detail, is a benefit not to be underestimated.


The presentation of high-resolution photography helps too. Real estate photos that fill up the entire computer screen give excellent detail, akin to taking a virtual walk through the house. We can really get a good idea of what’s being offered in a certain house by including top notch real estate photos on the website. For instance, on www.realtor.ca, you’ll see a handful of smallish real estate photos with each listing. When you link through to the agent’s website, you may have access to high resolution real estate photos. Some agents go as far as to include a hot-link to the feature sheet for that specific listing. This gives quick access to the best real estate photos.

However, not everybody appreciates large real estate photos and not every computer user has the ability to load large images quickly. Viewers on the Internet can be given a choice of resolutions, that way it’s right for everybody. This ensures that all computer users can get the most out of the on-line feature sheets.

This is particularly important, these days, with “mobile” devices that often have relatively slow loading capacities or just plainly have a very small viewing screen (compared to an actual computer). With modern technology, shouldn’t everybody insist of having super-sized real estate photos available?

There’s more to the marketing of real estate than to publish good real estate photos. Below are some other blog articles that may interest you as well.

MORE READING materials about marketing real estate are available in the following blog articles:

Real estate photos and homes for sale: http://www.lotuslandrealestate.com/properties/.

Victoria, still affordable after all those years: http://www.lotuslandrealestate.com/affordable-real-estate/

Marketing and more: http://www.lotuslandrealestate.com/victoria-virtual-tour/.

Other than real estate photos: http://www.lotuslandrealestate.com/photography/archives/victoria-panorama-images/.

The post Good real estate photos are important appeared first on Lotus Land Real Estate.

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