
Mary & Pete Gregory with Scentsy Family Owners, Orville and Heidi Thompson

Scentsy Leadership Training in Cancun

We just returned from our trip to Cancun where we attended a week of amazing Scentsy Leadership Training. Yes, we received lots valuable tidbits of information which we will be sharing over the next few weeks, but we returned with reinforced feelings of Scentsy Family Spirit. It’s no secret, actions speak louder than words, and great leaders lead by example. That’s what our Scentsy Family Owners and leaders, Orville and Heidi do best. It’s so very obvious that our Scentsy Family Spirit starts at the top, and trickles down through the company and throughout the entire family of consultants. Our leaders truly do lead by example, doing so by continually demonstrating and practicing the values from which Scentsy was built. As Scentsy Family independent director team members, we are proud to follow that lead. To be successful leaders we strive to lead by example and inspire others to do the same. We are happy to practice and demonstrate the values of Simplicity, Authenticity and Generosity, passing them on to our team. We believe these values represent the Scentsy Family Spirit and we look forward to sharing them with everyone we come in contact with.

Our Scentsy Family Values are Blessings

When we joined Scentsy we learned to embrace the three core values of Simplicity, Authenticity and Generosity. These values appear at the beginning or the new consultant start up guide, and are the values from which Scentsy was built. When we first read these words, that’s exactly what we thought they were, just words! I don’t think we really expected Scentsy was serious about them, but we later discovered differently! Additionally, the Mission Statement is so much more than a statement. The statement is real and is reflected in the way Scentsy business is conducted.

We Adopted the Scentsy Mission

the Scentsy Mission is exactly as follows: To bring value to the world by providing an industry-leading, family-friendly business opportunity selling creative, artistic, high-quality products that warm the heart, enliven the senses, and inspire the soul.

As this post is titled, our Scentsy Family spirit starts with Orville and Heidi Thompson, but it cannot end there! To achieve our goals we’re inspired to follow their lead. We plan to continue our mission with strong commitment, dedication, and hard work, following the simple path to success while embracing our Scentsy Family values, as created by Orville and Heidi Thompson.

Mary and Pete Gregory

Scentsy Family Independent Directors


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