Holly has always had the nickname, Da'Wheez, due to the fact that Lara mis-heard Holly's middle name when we first introduced her to her baby sister (Holly Louise). In her new personalised tracksuit from personallypresented.com, Holly looks very hip, almost gangster - Da'Wheez is in the house.
Joking aside, Holly's new personalised hooded tracksuit is awesomely snuggly and she is totally at home in it. Comfy... as a tracksuit should be.
Holly's tracksuit came from a new online personalised baby gift brand, Personally Presented. PersonallyPresented.com make personalised baby gifts such as bibs, taggy toys, bears, sleepwear and clothing. Holly tried out their hooded tracksuit which is available in pink, grey or blue for £25 including personalisation. The tracksuit is available for babies aged 3 months to 18 months.
I got to choose the text and font for the writing on both the front and back of Holly's hoodie. The tracksuit arrived beautifully wrapped in tissue paper, encases in a thin purple drawstring bag - it would make a beautiful gift for someone.
The very first thing that I noticed about the tracksuit was the quality. Often, personalised products can be very poor quality but this is totally different. It is a cotton, polyester mix and is sourced ethically using fair trade principles from a co-operative in Tanzania. The fabric also hold skincare certifications to ensure that it does not irritate tiny baby skin. To me these things make a difference.
PersonallyPresented.com are offering Mellow Mummy readers a 15% discount if you use the code Baby15 at the checkout. We love our tracksuit and in fact my only complaint is that they don't make them in bigger sizes as well because Lara wants one (and so do all of their older cousins!).
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