
Today I'm hosting a carnival of blog posts on behalf of Babyhuddle.  Babyhuddle have an army of elite bloggers with a lifetime's worth of parenting experience behind them and today we are all sharing our tips and experiences of weaning.

I really enjoyed reading this weaning tips and experiences post from Woman Wife and Mum.  Alongside the basic practical things like When to wean?  she shares her experiences of weaning her third child the baby-led-weaning way.

At My Two Mums you can read about that daunting first week of weaning.  I thought this post was a really good learning example for other mums about how quickly you adapt to your baby in those first days and you learn when it is a good time to try and offer food and the reaction you get when you introduce new tastes.

At Lucy's Mad House there are some awesome photos of those first tastes of food!  She also admits to that feeling of guilt (which I'm pretty certain we all feel!) when you don't make all your baby's food from scratch.

This post from A Strong Coffee also looks at how her approach to weaning has changed over three attempts for three babies.  She also shares her biggest and best weaning tip (I won't give it away here... you'll have to read it).

Foz at Muslim Mummy has only very recently started weaning her little one.  This post talks about the signs which told her it was time to start weaning and she shares some of her ideas for first weaning purees.

Ghostwritermummy wrote a very thought-inspiring post about how the question of when to wean is such a tricky one when we are presented with conflicting advice and that in the end, the decision is one personal to baby and parent.

And right here on Mellow Mummy I have lots of weaning posts to share - for me weaning is sooooo much fun.  In this post I explain why I chose to start weaning before 6 months. And one of my favourite weaning posts looks back on Lara's first year of food.  For Holly, food is still a relatively new thing but she loves every meal she shares with us.

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