Holly and I were asked by Comfy Babies to put their baby carrier to the test. Comfy Babies sell quite a few different baby carriers but we tried out the 3-in-1 Easy Baby Carrier which Comfy Babies sell for a very attractive £26.95.
The 3-in-1 baby carrier can be used in three different ways - as a baby carrier on your front where your baby faces you; where your baby faces out (once they are able to support their own heads) and also as a baby carrier that you use on your back, a bit like a backpack for slightly older babies.
The Comfy Babies 3-in-1 Easy Baby Carrier comes in either a pale pink or a burgundy with black straps - we chose the darker colour because we knew that Mr. B wanted to use the carrier without looking too girly! Someone recently gave us a great tip that in order to save time and effort changing the settings on your baby carrier each time you swap between parents, it makes more sense to buy a couple of less expensive baby carriers so that you can both have your own and leave them both permanently set up for each parent. This means that you know, when you go to put on the carrier, that it is in the correct positions and settings for you.
The 3-in-1 carrier says it is suitable from about 8lbs upwards so we waited a while before using Holly in it. I would say though that it was better suited to an older baby; not just because two of the three settings require your baby to be able to hold their head upright, but also because in the forward facing setting as I am using it in these photos, the carrier doesn't provide much support for a wobbly newborn baby head. In these pictures I have the carrier tightened up to its smallest settings around Holly's legs, waist and head and there is still quite a lot of space for her to move around.
Saying that, when I am walking with Holly in the carrier I am comfortable and confident; she doesn't wobble around very much and seems quite content to be up close next to me.
The carrier completely unfastens and flaps down from around your baby's body to allow you to get your baby in and out easily. Unfortunately, the piece of the carrier that fastens around you (around your back) is almost impossible to do up on your own - I have to get Mr. B to do this for me which means I can't use this carrier when he is not around.
The Easy Baby carrier is made from a squidgy foamy material which means it is soft and comfy for both you and baby. It seems quite breathable too which is important as you can both heat up quickly when you are so close together. I found the plastic clips to be tricky to do up and to unclip - they aren't that robust. The comfy Babies 3-in-1 carrier is not the highest quality baby carrier on the market but it is practical and perfectly functional and no-nonsense. There are no special ergonomic features or braces to support healthy hip placement for your baby (another reason why I would recommend this carrier only for an older baby of about 6 months upwards).
If you compare the 3-in-1 baby carrier to some of the bigger named brands on the market such as Baby Bjorn or Britax then you'll see that it is half the price and I would say it was just over half the quality so it presents good value for money.
This content is copyrighted by Emma Button of http://www.mellowmummy.co.uk .
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