
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share new about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.


Another week gone. Where does the time go? I can't believe we are in February already! Last week was a good week for reading. I got several pages under my belt and feel as I'm getting somewhere. *phew* The next few reads that I'll do are going to be without my handy dandy notes. That's usually what slows me down, so the next few reads are for fun. :) Of course I'll make notes for reviews but not in the story.

Now, I have to figure out how to sideload my epub books I've purchased from kickstarters and publishers on to my new Nook...


The Fit Booker:

Goal:  Workout on Wii Fit (or any form of exercise) 2x's a week. (to feel better and hope to drop a few pants sizes)

How did I do last week...ugh. I only got one day in. My two days that are free to do what I need to do were cut as one day I had to get some running done, so one day to workout.

I decided to try something different. On Comcast they are to have free workouts. Ha. I laugh because there is a program you can order for $6.99 a month to get all the good stuff. But I tried to do what they had for free. O.o One was a yoga to strengthen arms. Cool, I thought, I'll try this. LOL! I ended up laughing half way through it. The man was standing on his arms with his legs out at the sides. Um, yeah, no. I can't even bend that far to get my hands on the ground where he did. But I worked through it, acting like I was doing what was to be done...or close to it. My son even came down and was watching the guy, in disbelief. lol. I told him to try it, but his back was hurting from playing football that day. Then I did the 5 minute Ab workout. Ooff... I thought I was going to pass out. Oh well, will have to do that one more often. lol.


What's Happening in Books:

Current Read:
Rhune by Michael J. Sullivan

Current Podcast Book Listen:
The Horde by Patrick Scaffido

Finished Last Week: (in last month)
Danube Waves by Katharina Bordet
Interlude by Krista D. Ball

Finished Podcast Book Listen:
None finished yet.


Last Week on the Blog:

Cover Reveals: (click titles to go to post & learn more)

Heartstealer by K.T. Bryski


Around the Internet...


The Stillness of the Sky by Starla Huchton

Harlan's Wake by John Mierau

The List by John Mierau

Podcast Review:

Mama Bitchstress Reviews:

Starla Huchton has an amazing giveaway running for Shadow's on Snow AND The Stillness of the Sky in PRINT!

Weekly Posts:

Mythical Monday
Throwback Thursday


This Week to Come on the Blog:

What's to come....I am still working on this feature. I hope to get back on track enough to have this all worked out BEFORE Sunday Post comes.


Received Last Weeks:

Review & Review Consideration:

A Curse Unbroken by Cecy Robson
Goodreads Synopsis:
Fans of Keri Arthur will love the Weird Girls, four sisters cursed with supernatural powers. In Cecy Robson’s latest urban fantasy romance, the search is on for an unholy grail, while evil is licking its wounds—and looking for revenge.

The preternatural world is changing. After a massive magical throwdown tore apart the established order, the dark elements are rebuilding their ranks unopposed. Celia Wird’s world is changing, too. She’s the mate of the pureblood were Aric, and his Warriors are honor-bound to protect her family as she and her sisters recover from unimaginable horrors.

Celia hesitates to reveal the true extent of the Wird sisters’ trauma, but they aren’t the only ones keeping secrets: Aric and the werewolf Elders are tracking a stone that grants limitless power. So is a tough coven of witches. Then Misha, a master vampire with his own plans for the stone, sends Celia after it. Can she and the vamps beat both the weres and the witches to the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands?

Fearing for Celia’s safety, Aric begs her to stay out of the hunt. What they don’t realize is that they’re the ones being hunted. But Celia’s ready to prove that she’s not easy prey.

Heartstealer by K.T. Bryski
Synopsis from Authors Site:

Autumn came early that year…

Sara Wolfe was told three things:

Her husband and sister-in-law died in a backwater village. Wraiths are only stories. Her nephew needs her.

She believes none of it.

Following her husband’s supposed death, Sara travels to Grey Run in search of answers, quickly becoming embroiled in the village’s old hurts and older magic -

Grey Run sits on the crossroads between the human realm and the Gloaming: a shadowy world of ghosts and little gods. With the curtain between the worlds thinning, Sara must unravel the truth behind her husband’s disappearance—

Because the wraiths are not the only ones lurking in the night.


Hustlers, Harlots, and Heroes by Krista D. Ball
Goodreads Synopsis:
Get ready to step into the back alleys of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens's London, and explore the alternative worlds of steampunk in this new guide book by fantasy author Krista D. Ball. Ball takes readers on a fascinating journey into the world of the Have-Nots, and explores the bustling, crime-ridden London during the Georgian and Victorian eras. Discover the world of knocker-uppers (it's not what you think), mudlarks, and costermongers. Learn how to scrub floors and polish knives, pick for bones, and catch rats. Learn about race and social status, and the difference between a lady's maid and a scullery maid. With her usual wit, insight, and snark, Ball gives historical, romance, and steampunk authors the tools to create vibrant, realistic worlds. Whether you're an author, a Janeite, or just a fan of history, Hustlers, Harlots, and Heroes gives you a fresh look into the dark past.

Into Thin Air by Val Griswold-Ford
Goodreads Synopsis:
Shipping heiress Sapph Pendragon never thought about how to use her unique psychic gifts. Not until a phone call brought her to a small town in New Hampshire to help a pair of ghost hunters discover what really happened to a missing girl. But will the detectives investigating the case accept their help? Or will Terri Reynolds be missing forever?


Free Ebooks:
(On my Kindle App)

What's New Pussycat? by Dakota Cassidy
Goodreads Synopsis:
Martine Brooks is in a pickle. Derrick Adams is in a jam.

Pickles and jam. Not exactly a hot combo. Unless the "pickle" is a sultry, sassy cat shifte  r and the "jam" is a gorgeous hunk of wolf.

Derrick is cursed to die if he doesn't make the woot-woot with his life mate on the night of the next full moon. Martine's been held captive by a power-hungry warlock for six long months, forced to do his bidding before finding herself stuffed in a cat carrier and ditched at a 7-Eleven.

After rescuing her from a Dumpster, Derrick and Martine strike a mutually beneficial deal: Mate, save a life, walk away—both alive and kicking. Win! Yet, there are kinks in the plan. Like the fact that Martine's one-time captor is on the hunt, planning to extinguish all of her nine lives at once. Or the fact the curse threatening Derrick's life is about to throw him a monster curve ball.

But the biggest kink might prove to be Derrick and Martine themselves, two avowed commitment-phoebes...who are beginning to wonder what forever looks like.

Gravity by Melissa West
Goodreads Synopsis:
In the future, only one rule will matter:

Don’t. Ever. Peek.

Seventeen-year-old Ari Alexander just broke that rule and saw the last person she expected hovering above her bed—arrogant Jackson Locke, the most popular boy in her school. She expects instant execution or some kind of freak alien punishment, but instead, Jackson issues a challenge: help him, or everyone on Earth will die.

Ari knows she should report him, but everything about Jackson makes her question what she’s been taught about his kind. And against her instincts, she’s falling for him. But Ari isn’t just any girl, and Jackson wants more than her attention. She’s a military legacy who’s been trained by her father and exposed to war strategies and societal information no one can know—especially an alien spy, like Jackson.

Giving Jackson the information he needs will betray her father and her country, but keeping silent will start a war...

The Perigee of the Moon by Resa Nelson
Goodreads Synopsis:
Maria used to be an astronomer in Mexico City. And a good mother. But since the death of her beloved husband Antonio last year, Maria has lost her job and ignored her children in an effort to cling to the memory of her husband. But Antonio wasn’t a scientist like Maria. He was a spiritist. And now Maria has taken up his practice so she can be close to his spirit.

But when her eldest son Pablo claims he has had a close encounter with aliens from outer space, everything changes. Seventeen-year-old Pablo insists the aliens have told him when they will return, and he’s determined to meet them again. But Maria believes Pablo has unwittingly encountered witches who will cast a spell over him if they haven’t already. Pablo is intent to meet the aliens again and Maria must find a way to protect her son from what appears to be grave danger.

(On my Nook)

Free Audio Books/Stories:


Reviews to Come:

Ravenwood by Nathan Lowell - a podcast reading of the book

The Secret World Chronicle: The Hunt by Mercedes Lackey & Steve Libbey (in audiobook while at work)

The Secret World Chronicle: World Well Lost by Mercees Lackey,Steve Libby, Cody Martin, & Dennis Lee

Tales from the Archive: 5 (part 1 & 2) - Those Dark Satanic Mills by Suna Dasi

Soulless by Skyla Dawn Cameron
The Sentinel by Chris Lester

The Muse by Chris Lester
Metamor City: Making the Cut by Chris Lester
Metamor City: Whispers in the Wood by Chris Lester

Dirty Magick: Los Angeles edited by Charlie Brown
Edgelanders by Jennifer Melzer
Master of Myth by Starla Huchton

Tales of a Tesla Ranger: Tribute to P.G. Holyfield by (anthology)

Danube Waves by Katharina Bordet

Interlude by Krista D. Ball

Show more