
awhile back i found this buffet on pinterest.

i think i entered “green buffet” to see what came up.

and that was that.

i was in love!

i tracked down the artist and asked her HOW did you make this look like this?

she told me she used milk paint and a dark cream and wax.

(she has lots of beautiful pieces that she has created!)

so i started looking around online for these things… i know… you probably know all about this but i didn’t.

i ended up on amazon and i came across Jodi from Back40Life and thought “hey… i know that girl!”

because i did!

i have worked with Jodi in the past over the internet so i emailed her and said “tell me the real scoop on what i need to make my buffet look like this”

She sent me all the supplies i would need to complete the project that i was dying to work on.

i had NEVER used milk paint before.

honestly i didn’t even know that milk paint was a “thing” let alone how big of a following it has.

did you know that people go to milk paint classes?!


where have i been?!

this is the buffet i wanted to paint.

i got it from an antiques shop 9 years ago and haven’t done a thing to it in those 9 years.

it was finally time!

(disclaimer…our bedroom has really funky lighting and it is HARD to get a great photo)

very first…i rubbed all the edges of this piece with the wax puck for sanding later.

did you know milk paint comes as a powder?!

i used my blender to mix it up (because the package told me i could).

i thought “this is crazy that i am using my ninja for paint!”

but i did.

and it worked.

and the ninja survived.

BUT you can buy a little hand mixer that would be way better… i recommend that.

i decided to not use the bonding agent since i wanted the paint to be super chippy.

that was me just guessing and hoping it worked.

i figured if the paint didn’t stick then i would just start over… it’s only paint!

nothing that can’t be fixed.  :)

this color is called Boxwood.

i painted a few coats.

and let it dry.

it is very flat paint.  i was nervous.  this is not my style at all.

and then came back and saw it was CHIPPING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

my mood changed immediately!

i was giddy.

i used this scraper and the paint just fell off.

i wasn’t putting pressure on the scraper… just moving it over the green paint.

before and after the scraping.

after i scraped the chippy stuff off… i lightly sanded everything to get it even chippier!

i LOVED this stage!

i wiped it all down with a rag to remove the dust and extra dry paint.

THEN i used the hemp oil over the entire piece… put it on a clean rag and applied it.

when it was completely dry i finished the piece by sealing it with Antiquing Wax using that great big brush.

i was nervous about this part but really it just made it look finished and not flat anymore!

i like it!

of course i can’t decide on the drawer pulls so those are still missing.

i was so pleased with using Milk Paint!

there are so many different styles and variations you can do depending on color or the piece you painting… if you use the bonding agent or not…SO MUCH FUN!

You can get all the supplies for any milk paint project you have from Back40Life in their etsy shop.
They sell Miss Mustard Seed Paints and supplies.

they were great to work with…helpful and knowledgable!

and look at all these great colors there are to choose from?!

have you ever used milk paint?

what do you want to paint next – or for your first project?

Which color would you pick?

i am crushing on that mustard seed yellow…. or the tricycle… or typewriter….

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