
Everyone is welcome.  These classes run as a series but each class is self-contained so you can also just drop in.

NEW | Mindfulness 4 week series | starts 2 Nov, with Buddhist Monk Gen Kelsang Gomchen | 10-11.30am

Introduction to Mindfulness | 2 Nov

A practical introduction to what mindfulness is, how we can start to develop it and the many benefits that come from integrating mindfulness practice into our busy modern lives.

Cultivating Awareness | 9 Nov

To gain control over our thoughts we need to train in mindfulness in conjunction with another part of the mind called “alertness”. This mental factor or function is closely related to mindfulness and once cultivated enables us to become more aware of the different minds that arise enabling us to let go of harmful thoughts and distractions and channel our focus more constructively.

Guarding the Mind from Negativity | 16 Nov

Geshe Kelsang says that there is no practice more important than keeping our mind free from negativity. In this class we will explore some simple techniques used by the ancient Buddhist masters of the past that will enable us to protect our mind from the influence of negative thought patterns.

Mindfulness in busy life | 23 Nov

Mindfulness training is very extensive and can be practiced way beyond the meditation cushion. Although this will have been explored to an extent already in our other classes, this session aims to focus particularly on how to use mindfulness techniques “on-the-move” in our busy modern lives.


£25 for the 4 week series

Book Here

Gen Kelsang Gomchen

Gen Gomchen is a Kadampa Buddhist monk and a teacher in London. He has been a devoted student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for many years, receiving teachings, lineage transmissions and empowerments from him directly. He has taught Kadampa Buddhism since an early age; completed an intensive Special Teacher Training Program with our General Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, and engaged in almost a year of solitary meditation retreats on both Sutra and Tantra. He is known for his ability to inspire others through sincere practice and to present the deeper meanings of Venerable-Geshe-la’s books in a way that is practical and relevant to all who listen.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a mind that is single-pointedly focused on a virtuous object and whose function is to make the mind peaceful.

What is Buddhist meditation?

In Buddhism meditation is regarded as the principal tool for personal development. It enables us first to understand our mind and then to begin to control it.

What is an object of meditation?

For example, when our enemy harms us and we practise patience, our enemy is our virtuous object, the object of our patience, but if instead we get angry with him he is our non-virtuous object, the object of our anger.

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