Voters in all or portions of 22 of Medina County’s 117 precincts will be voting in new polling places Tuesday. All registered voters affected have been notified by mail.
County election officials cited several reasons for the changes.
Some polling locations no longer were available. Others did not meet the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
Changes also were made based on the location of the new polling place and its capacity.
In addition to the changes in polling places, voters were moved to new voting places as a result of ward boundary changes.
One polling place was changed for the August special election: Chippewa Lake Village, from Church at the Lake to Chippewa Lake Community Building, 24 Circle Crest Drive.
Eight others switches for Tuesday’s election are:
• Hinckley Township Precinct E, from Our Savior Church to Hinckley Town Hall, 1410 Ridge Road.
• Litchfield Township precincts A and B, from Litchfield Town Hall to Litchfield Fire Station, 9487 Norwalk Road.
• Montville Township precincts A and B, from Fox Meadows to Medina Church of the Nazarene, 6901 Wooster Pike.
• Sharon Township precincts A and D, from Northside Christian Church to Sharon Town Hall, 6449 Ridge Road.
• Brunswick Ward 1, Precinct A, from Kidder School to Towslee School, 3555 Center Road.
• Brunswick Ward 4, Precinct D, from Hickory Ridge Elementary School to City Hall, 4095 Center Road.
• Brunswick Ward 4, Precinct E, from Hickory Ridge Elementary to Kidder Elementary School, 3650 Grafton Road.
• Wadsworth Ward 2, Precinct A, and Ward 3, Precinct C, from the Center for Older Adults building to Grace Lutheran Church, 146 High St.
Ward boundary alterations resulted in two polling place changes, starting with the May primary:
• Wadsworth Ward 1, precincts B and C, 22 voters moved from Masonic Temple to Northside Christian Church, 7615 Ridge Road.
• Wadsworth Ward 3, Precinct A, and Ward 4, Precinct B, 191 voters moved from Wadsworth City Hall to Salvation Army, 527 College St.
The following voters were moved to new polling places, starting with Tuesday’s election:
• Brunswick Hills Precinct A (split 16B) to Precinct D, 37 voters moved from Hope Church to St. Emilian Church, 1231 Substation Road.
• Brunswick Hills Precinct F to Precinct C, 134 voters moved from Hope Church to St. Emilian Church, 1231 Substation Road.
• Brunswick Hills Precinct F to Precinct B, 320 voters moved from Hope Church to Brunswick Hills Fire Station No. 1, 1918 Pearl Road, Brunswick.
• Brunswick Hills Precinct C to Precinct F, 150 voters moved from St. Emilian Church to Hope Church, 1905 Pearl Road.
• Lafayette Township Precinct D (split MC) to Precinct C , one voter stayed at Lafayette Fire Station, 6776 Wedgewood Road.
• Litchfield Township Precinct A to Precinct B, 264 voters moved from Litchfield Town Hall to Litchfield Fire Station, 9487 Norwalk Road.
• Liverpool Township Precinct B to Precinct A, 228 voters stayed at Liverpool Municipal Building, 6801 School St.
• Montville Township Precinct B to Precinct A, 177 voters moved from Fox Meadows Clubhouse to Medina Church of the Nazarene, 6901 Wooster Pike Road.
• Montville Township Precinct C (split MC) to Precinct E, 225 voters moved from Rustic Hills Country Club to Montville Township Hall, 6665 Wadsworth Road.
• Brunswick Ward 2, Precinct B (split 07B) to Ward 2, Precinct E, 125 voters stayed at Applewood Elementary School, 3891 Applewood Drive.
• Medina Ward 2, Precinct A to Ward 2, Precinct C, 304 voters stayed at Medina Recreation Center, 855 Weymouth Road.
Voters with questions about where they vote on Election Day are asked to contact the Medina County Board of Elections at (330) 722-9278 or online at the board’s website,
Residents also can vote early 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. today and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday at the board’s office, 4210 N. Jefferson, St., Medina Township.