
Dobbs is the exclusive (and free!) forum for Malaysian doctors which we have maintained for 13 years now.

This is the latest newsletter on important forum updates:

Dear  Dobber,

I trust you had a restful long weekend.

This newsletter is to inform you of some important major changes to Dobbs that I have implemented recently.

Firstly, the forum theme or design has been updated to BuddyBoss 3.0. The menus have been simplified and most importantly the mobile view on your smartphone has changed drastically.

For an overview of the new mobile view, please read this blog post Using the new mobile view in Dobbs

If anyone has issues with the new theme, please share and discuss in the Feedback thread BuddyBoss 3.0

Secondly, and the most important of all, is that we have upgraded the Forums to bbPress 2.4 which is a more modern implementation of web forums compared to the legacy Buddypress forums we were using. It has lots more features such as the ability to Quote replies, Vote up and down posts and replies and even Like forum posts.

The notifications have changed and you will be notified by email of replies if you check the option in your posts, or you can Subscribe to whole threads if you wish. Instead of Subscribing you can also Favorite a thread. Subscriptions and Favorited threads appear in your Profile : forums section.

For updates and help in using the new forums, please see the Feedback thread Major update – we are now on bbPress

Thirdly, because of the upgrade to bbPress, forums are now completely separate from Activities which are basically updates on your “wall” or the wall of each Group’s home page. These are much like the status updates in Facebook and you can share what you will, including pictures, comment on or like activities etc.

Group notification subscriptions (you can select the type of notification in the Group home page) will keep you informed of activities but not forum postings.

If you need help on any topic, please post in the Feedback forum and we now even have a Support topic  feature for your posts . You can check that what you are posting is for forum specific help (e.g. using a forum function or even help on locating past threads) as a Support request. These will be marked Resolved when the request is fulfilled.

Well, I hope you enjoy the new forum features. It was fun putting them up!

Selamat Hari Malaysia,




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