
@marimphil wrote:

syllabus & curriculum

National Board of Examinations

National Board of Examinations
(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029
Ph: 011 26589090 ● Fax : 011 26589781
Website : www.natboard.nic.in
The National Board of Examination was established in 1975 with the primary objective of
improving the quality of the Medical Education by elevating the level and establishing standards
of post graduate examinations in modern medicine on all India basis. There are more than 450
N.B.E accredited institutions/ Hospitals , imparting DNB training programmes in 28 Broad
specialties and 16 super specialties. Besides, there are Post-doctoral fellowship programmes in
14 specialties and Post-graduate dental programmes in 9 specialties. In order to have
standardized and quality training in all the accredited hospitals, National Board of Examinations
has a well structured curriculum. The curriculum is being revised periodically to incorporate
newer topics and introduce more innovative training methods. The present curriculum has been
revised by National Board of Examinations’ experts and has details of the training objectives,
schedule, methods, technical contents. There are lists of skills in various procedures/ surgical
techniques which a DNB candidate must acquire during the training, reference and text books
as well as the journals in the speciality. The curriculum also gives sample theory questions and
common cases for practical skill assessment during training every six months in the form of
concurrent assessment. The guidelines for thesis and maintenance of log book to record day to
day activities carried out by the candidates are also given.
It is expected that the revised curriculum will be useful to the DNB consultants in
organizing the DNB training programmes in their respective hospitals. The DNB candidates will
also benefit from this document.
Tentative schedule for training
Methods of training
Concurrent assessment and final examination
Annexure-I, Syllabus
Annexure-II, Details of the skills to be acquired during the training period
Annexure-III, Sample cases for presentation and discussion
Annexure-IV, Sample questions for concurrent assessment
Annexure-V, Suggested list of books and journals
Annexure-VI, Guidelines for writing thesis
Annexure-VII, Guidelines for local appraisers for six monthly assessment
Annexure-VIII, Format for log book
Program Goals
To train a postgraduate in Pediatrics who will be able to
! To practice as a Child and adolescent Health Specialist (up to the age of 18 years)
equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills necessary for care of the normal and
sick child.
! To practice Child & Adolescent Health in the community (urban or rural) and to perform
professionally at levels of the existing health care system.
! To practice with empathy and impart the highest ethical standards of the profession.
! To continue to strive for excellence by continuing medical education throughout his or
her professional career.
! To teach by sharing knowledge and skills with colleagues.
! To research and find solutions to newer challenges in health care.
Objectives to be achieved by an individual at the end of 3 years of DNB training
The objectives to be fulfilled at the completion of the course are as follows:
! Describe, identify and monitor normal patterns of growth and development of children
and adolescents.
! Describe etio-pathogenesis, principles of clinical diagnosis, investigations and treatment
of disease of childhood and adolesence.
! Demonstrate an understanding of Basic (Pre and Para clinical) Science and its
application to the normal and abnormal processes.
! Analyze clinical and investigation data approach and manage a health related problem.
! Identify and understand socio-economic environmental –cultural factors in healthcare.
! Recognize problem outside his or her abilities and appropriately refer.
! Update one’s knowledge and skills by self directed learning and by participating in
continued medical education program utilizing media-spoken, written and electronic.
Teach and share knowledge and skills with colleagues.
! Audit and analyze work, assist in research and publish scientific articles in peerreviewed
! Acquire knowledge about Basic Research Methodology
! Elicit appropriate clinical history
! Demonstrate appropriate clinical and physical examination skills on children.
! Plan & decide upon and interpret appropriate cost effective investigation.
! Perform, resuscitate and stabilize children in Pediatric or Neonatal emergencies.
! Learn procedures directed both towards therapeutic and diagnostic purposes e.g., bone
marrow, lumbar puncture etc.
! Learn proper examination including use of oto-scope and ophthalmoscope
Communication and Attitudes
! Communicate appropriately with guardians and children, assisting in their health care
decision making.
! Practice child health care at the highest ethical level, protecting the child at all costs.
! Respect patients (and their guardians rights and professional relationships) (Doctor-
Doctor-Nurse, Doctor Patient, Doctor-Society).
! Apply the highest level of ethics in research, publication, references and practice of
Tentative Schedule for three years of DNB Training
Clinical postings
Acquisition of practical competence is the keystone of postgraduate medical education. A
candidate has to look after the hospitalized inpatient in the hospital everyday besides
different training and teaching activities mentioned later.
Learning in postgraduate program should be essentially self directed and emanating from
clinical and academic work. A postgraduate student during a period of three years for his
training should be posted in neonatology for a period of at least 6-9 months and training in
social pediatrics preferably for a period of 3 months in a primary /community health center.
Methods of training and teaching
In addition to regular bed side teaching, a typical week for postgraduate could be as
Weekday Activity
Mon Seminar 3 days in a month: interdepartmental meeting once a month
Tue: grand rounds, records rounds
Wed: Bedside clinic/case presentation
Thur: Mortality meeting once in a month: Clinico-pathological Conference/Journal club once
in a month
Fri: Hospital conference / interdepartmental meeting
Sat: Unit activity
Orientation/didactic lectures could be held in the beginning before actual regular teaching
program starts.
The detailed guidelines are given in annexure.
Assessments/ Examinations
Concurrent examination/assessment
The purpose of the concurrent assessment is to give regular feed back to the DNB candidates
about their performance and to prepare them for the final terminal examination by giving them
exposure to the examination pattern. As a part of the concurrent evaluation the DNB candidates
will be assessed every six months by an independent local appraiser selected by National
Board of Examinations. This would include theory examination (100 marks of three hours
duration) containing 10 short structured question related to the topics covered during the
preceding six months by the accredited hospital/institution.
The practical examination (300 marks) will include long case, short case, spots, ward
round, viva voce on the topics covered during the period by the hospital/institution.
Final examination
Final examination shall consist of two parts, i.e., theory and practical
PAPER I Clinical Pediatrics
PAPER II Preventive and Social Pediatrics Including growth and development and
perinatal medicine
PAPER III Specialities of Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Neurology,
Haematology, Nephrology
PAPER IV Basic Medical Sciences as applied to Pediatrics
Practical Examination:
Long & short cases and OSCE should be given to the students for history taking and
examination. Spot case should be given to the candidate in the presence of the examiner/s, to
be examined (including history taking by the candidate) and assessed by the examiners Viva
Voce on-Instruments, Pathology specimens, Drugs & X-rays, Sonography etc.
Patho-physiology of body fluids and fluid therapy (approach and management)
Physiology of fluids, electrolytes and acid bases, Dehydration and fluid management, Dyselectrolytemia,
Acid Base Disorders, Special Situations-Pyloric stenosis, Central Nervous
System disorders, burns, perioperative, Hirschsprung disease, endocrine disorders, renal failure
& fluid management in the neonate
Acutely ill child
Evaluation in emergency, Control,Emergency medical services,Pediatric critical care respiratory
failure and shock acute neurological dysfunction, resuscitation-basic and advanced, Neonate
Ambulatory Life Support /Pediatric Ambulatory Life Support, post resuscitation stabilization
,Cold/Heat injury,Transportation of sick children/neonates, Post operative supportive care
Fluid abnormalities, Electrolyte abnormalities, Thermoregulation problems,Hypertensive crisis
Congestive cardiac failure,Cardiogenic shock,Pericardial tamponade,Cyanotic spells,Unstable
and stable Arrhythmias,Vomiting and diarrhea,GI bleeds- Hematemesis, melena,
hematochezia,Adrenal crisis, Metabolic problems-hyper ammonemia, lactic acidosis, acid base
abnormalities, hypoglycemia,Septicemic shock, viral infections and shock Systemic,
Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Muttiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome, Pneumothorax,
empyema, leural effusion, ascites, Severe anaemia, bleeding child, neutropenia.,Pain
management, drug therapy, Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Respiratory
failure,Burns/electrocution,Animal bites,Pre-anaesthetic check up (PAC), Sickle cell crisis,
severe complicated malaria,Oncological emergencies e.g., cord compression and Sup.Vena
caval syndrome, Acute severe asthma, bronchiolitis, Status epileptics,Febrile seizure, Coma,
Increased intra-cranial pressure, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Shock, Upper airway
obstruction, Near drowning, Poisoning, Snake bite, Scorpion sting, Physical abuse, .Sexual
abuse, Pediatric anesthesia, Organization of a PICU/NICU, Equipment for intensive care, Levels
of care in NICU/PICU
Human Genetics
Molecular basis of disorders, Molecular diagnosis,, Inheritance patterns, Chromosomal / genetic
clinical abnormalities (Trisomies etc), Genetic counseling, Dysmorphism, Gene therapy,
Pedigree charting, Screening for genetic disorders
Metabolic disorders
Approach to Inborn Errors of Metabolism defects, Amino acid metabolic defects-common,
Carbohydrate metabolism-common, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Hypoglycemia, Porphyria, Lipid
metabolism –common, Purine and pyrimidine, Amino acid metabolic defects- Rare, Lipid
metabolism-rare,Errors in CHO metabolism-common, Mucolipidosis,
Human Genome Project
Fetus and newborn
Mortality and morbidity, Newborn-history, examination, routine, delivery care, nursery care,
bonding, High risk pregnancies, Dysmorphology,Fetus well being (including NST, partogram,
cardiotocogram), Growth/development, Fetal distress, Maternal medications, Detection,
treatment, prevention of fetal disease, Antenatal diagnosis, Fetal therapy, Antenatal therapy,
Counseling, Teratogenesis/radiation, High risk infant, Multiple pregnancies, Prematurity,
Postdated, Intrauterine Growth Retardation/Low Birth Rate, Large for gestational age,
Congenital anomalies/malformations (Neural tube defects, Intestinal atresia, malrotation etc),
Birth injuries, Hypoxia-ischemia, asphyxia, Neonatal Encephalopathy, Organisation and levels
of newborn care, Normal newborn, Common problems in normal newborn, Delivery room
emergencies NALS, Respiratory disorders (Hyaline Membrane Disease, Mecorium Aspiration
Syndrome, MAS), Chronic Lung Disease, CLD, Apnea, Air Leak syndrome), Oxygen therapy,
toxicity, Ventilation, GI disturbances including Nacrotising Enterocolitis, Gastroesophageal
reflux, Feeding Intolerance, Hyperbilirubinemia, Cardiac problems, Persistent Pulmonary
Hypertension, Blood disorders – Polycythemia- Anaemia - Hemorrhagic disease of newborn –
Thrombocytopenia Genitourinary disturbances, Metabolic disorders Endocrine disorders-
Idiopathic Diabetes Mellitus, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia,
Ambiguous genitalia, Fluid and electrolytes in newborn care, Nutrition and feeding the newborn
term/preterm, Low Birth Weight,, Intrauterine Growth Retardation, Large for gestational age,
Total Parenteral Nutrition, Neonatal transport, Neonatal Seizures, Intracranial hemorrhage,
Surgical problems, Tracheo-esophageal fistula, Anorectal malformations, Diaphragmatic
hernia/eventration, Hirschsprung, Urogenital anomalies, Necrotising-enterocolitis,
Congenital labor emphysema volvulus, Thermoregulation, Arthritis & Osteomyelitis, Neonatal
follow up Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), hearing, early intervention, Neurodevelopmental
follow up, Neonatal Screening, Neonatal Equipment, Hemodynamic monitoring , Surfactant
Neonatal infections
Epidemiology, Intrauterine infections, Viral infections, Neonatal sepsis/meningitis, Pneumonia,
UTI (Urinary Tract infections), Hepatitis, Perinatal HIV, Nosocomial infections, Universal
precautions, Prevention of infections, Therapy-antimicrobials, adjuvant
Adolescent health
Epidemiology, Sexual development and Sexual Maturity Ratings stages, Deliveries of health
care, Pregnancy, Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Disorders/HIV, Menstrual problem,
Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, Life Skills Management, Accidents and risk taking behavior
Immunological system
Basics of immunology, Approach to immunodeficiency, Human Immunodeficiency virus, Bone
marrow transplantation, Primary B cell disease, Primary T cell disease, Complement and
phagocytic disease, Chronic granulomatous disease, Chediak Higashi disease, Neutrophil
abnormalities, Adhesion disorders
Allergic disorders
Allergy and Immunological basis, Diagnosis, Therapy-principles, Allergic rhinitis, Asthma,
Atopic dermatitis, Urticaria, angioedema, Anaphylaxis, Serum sickness, Adverse drug reactions,
Adverse food reaction, Insect allergy, Ocular allergy
Autoimmunity, Laboratory evaluation, Neonatal lupus, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis,
HLA Typing, Ankylosing spondylosis, Scleroderma, Mixed connective tissue disease,
Dermatomyositis, Behcet, Sjogren
Mental disorders
Depression, Suicide, Substance abuse, Sleep disorders,
Skin / orthopedics
SLE, Vasculitis, Erythema, Nodosum, Newer Drug therapy & disease modifiers, Kawasaki
disease ,Non- rheumatic conditions
Respiratory system
Development and function, Disorders of upper respiratory tract, Disorders of lower respiratory
tract, Pleural disorders, Chronic respiratory disease, Interstitial fibrosis, ILD, empyema, lung
abscess, Bronchiectasis, Recurrent respiratory disease, Ventilation, Pulmonary function tests,
Cystic fibrosis, Obstructive sleep apnea, Pulmonary hemosiderosis, Neuromuscular skeletal
disorders, Bronchial asthma, Foreign Body, Congenital disorders of nose, Hypoventilation,
Hypostatic pneumonia, Kyphoscoliosis, Central hyperventilation, Obesity, Cough syncope
Cardiovascular system
Investigations-lab, ECG, CXR, ECHO, Physiology and pathophysiology of transitional circulation
embryology, Congenital heart disease epidemology approach, cyanotic and acyanotic , Cardiac
arrhythmia, Acquired heart disease infective, Endocarditis rheumatic heart disease, Disease of
the myocardium-Myocarditis, Cardiac therapeutics, Hyperlipidemia & Hypertension; Sick sinus
syndrome, Tumors of heart, Heart lung, Heart transplants, Aneurysms and fistulae,
Infectious diseases
Fever, Clinical use of micro lab, Fever without a focus, Sepsis and shock, CNS infections,
Pneumonia, Gastroenteritis, Osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, Compromised host infections,
Bacterial infections, Anaerobic infections, Viral infections, Mycotic infections, Candidiasis,
Aspergillosis, Parasitic infections, Helminthiasis, Protozoal infections , Malaria, Kalazar,
Leishmania, Giardia, Amoebiasis, Antiparasitic drugs, Antimicrobials, Antiviral drugs,
interferon, Antifungals, Preventive measures, Health advice for traveling, Infection control,
Immunization-principles, schedules, controversies standard and optional vaccines recent
advances in vaccines
Digestive system
Normal tract-physiology, anatomy, development, Clinical features of disorders, Disorders of
esophagus, Disorders of stomach, Disorders of intestines except food allergy, Disorders of
pancreas, Disorders of liver and biliary system acute hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis,
metabolic liver diseases, cholestatic liver diseases, neonatal obstructive cholangiopathy,
complication of liver disease-portal hypertension, encephalopathy, coagulopathy, Disorders of
peritoneum, GI functions tests, Liver Function Tests, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Celiac Disease,
Antiviral therapy for Hep B & C, Approach to malabsorption
Development of hematopoetic system, Anemia, Inadequate production, nutrition-iron, folate, B12,
Bone marrow failure, Hemolytic, congenital and acquired, Constitutional pancytopenia,
Thalassemias, Sickle cell anemia, Granulocyte transfusions, Pancytopenia, Blood and
component transfusions, Thrombotic disorders, Hemorragic disorders-acquired and congenital,
physiology, bleeding disorders, coagulation disorders, Hypersplenism, trauma, splenectomy,
Physiology and disorders of the spleen, Lymphoreticular malignancies
Principles of diagnosis & Epidemiology, Principles of treatment & Molecular pathogenesis,
Leukemia & Lymphomas, Neuroblastomas & Kidney tumors, Bone neoplasms & Soft tissue
sarcomas, Brain Tumors & Retinoblastoma, Gonadal, germ cell tumors, Liver neoplasm, GI
neoplasm X, Carcinomas X, Skin cancer X, Benign tumors
Structure and function of kidney, Hematuria & Proteinuria Evaluation, HUS (Hemolytic Uraemic
Syndrome), Evaluation Renal Function Test, Proteinuria, Nephrotic syndrome, Acute
glomerulonephritis, Tubular disorders ATN (Acute Tubular Necrosis), Function RTA (Renal
tubular acidosis), DI( Diabetes Inspidus), Renal failure (Ac & Ch) & ESRD (End stage renal
disease),, RPGN (Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis), Renal replacement therapy, Bartter
syndrome, Investigations, Toxic nephropathy, Membranous Glomerulo-nephritis, Lupus
nephritis, Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis), Interstitial nephritis, Cortical necrosis
Urological disorders
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), Congenital anomalies, Dysgenesis kidney, Vesicoureteral reflux,
Bladder anomalies, Obstructions, Anomalies of Urogenital System, Obstructions, Scrotal
anomalies, Genitourinary trauma, Urinary lithiasis, Investigations-imaging, renal function tests,
Neurogenic bladder
Gynecological problems
Menstrual problems, Vulvovaginitis, Developmental anomalies, A child with special gynae need
Good pasture Syndrome
Neoplasms, Breast disorders, Hirsutism, polycystic ovaries, Gyne imaging, Athletic problems
Hypothalamus and pituitary, Hyperpitutarism, Hypopitutarism, DI (Diabetes Inspidus), ADH
(Antidiuretic hormone), Physiology of puberty, Disorders of puberty, Precious puberty, Delayed
puberty, Thyroid, Thyroid studies, Hypothyroidism, Thyroiditis, Goiter, Hyperthyroidism,
Parathyroid and disorders;Diabetes mellitus, Adrenal disorders, CAH (Congenital adrenal
hyperplasia), Cushing, Addison, Excess mineralocorticoids, Feminizing adrenal tumors,
Ambiguous genitalia, Menstural Disorders, Obesity, Short Stature
Examination, localization of lesions, Congenital anomalies, Seizures, Headaches,
Neurocutaneous disorders, Coma, Brain death, Head injury, Neurodegenerative disorders,
Approach, grey/white, Acute stroke, Brain abscess, Tumors, Spinal cord disorders,
Investigations, Antiepileptic drugs, SSPE (Subacute Sclerosing panencephalitis), Rabies
vaccine encephalomyelitis, Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis, Approach, investigations of
Upper Motor Neuron, Lower Motor Neuron, extra pyramidal, cerebellar lesions, Cerebral palsy,
Neuroinfections, Encephalopathies , Movement disorders
Evaluation, investigations, Muscular dystrophies, congenital, Neuromuscular transmission,
Bell’s palsy, Floppy infant/Ac Flaccid paralysis, Myasthenia gravis, Motor sensory neuropathy,
Autonomic neuropathy
Examination of eye, Diseases of eye movement and alignment disorders, Disease of
conjunctiva-conjunctivitis, Diseases of lens- cataracts, Diseases of optic nerve-papillitis,
Diseases of cornea- clouding, Vitamin A deficiency, Lacrimal problems- dacrocystitis,
Retinopathy of prematurity,Visual Evoked Response, Orbital Cellulitis Cavernus sinus
thrombosis, Retinoblastoma , Injuries to eye
Clinical manifestations, Hearing loss, External otitis, Otitis Media, BERA, Rhabdomyosarcoma
Ear Drum & Sinus Diseases
Morphology, Evaluation, Principles of therapy, Neonatal Skin, Ectodermal dysplasias, Vascular
disorders, Cutaneous nevi, Pigment disorders, Hyper pigmentation, Hypo pigmentation,
Vesiculo-bullous disease, Eczema, Cutaneous infections-bacterial, viral, fungal, Arthopod bites,
infections, Acne, Nutritional diseases, Drug reactions
Evaluation, Diseases of foot, toes, Torsional, angular deformities disorders, Arthrogryposis,
Common fractures, Arthritis-approach, investigations, management, Congenital dislocation of
hip, Osteomyelitis, Septic arthritis, Idiopathic hypercalcemia, Disease of the hip, Disease of the
spine, Disease of the neck
Metabolic Bone Disease
Bone and Vitamin D, Familial Hypophosphatemia, Rickets-nutritional and non nutritional
Unclassified disease
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), Langerhan Cell Histiocytosis, Cystic fibrosis,
Lead poisoning, Envenomation, Mammalian bites, Common poisoning- Organo phosphorus,
kerosene, Phenobarbitone, iron, etc.Radiation, Chemical pollutants, Mercury, Non bacterial
Epidemiology and Medical statistics, Immunization, National Programs,Acute Flaccid Paralysis
(AFP) Surveillance, Reproductive & Child Health, Integrated Management of Childhood illness,
Impact of Air, Water and environmental pollution, pesticides, Impact on Growing fetus, Medical
Waste Disposal, Medico Legal Aspects
Name of
As Observer As first assistant Independently
Venous Cannulation 5 10 50
Arterial Cannulation 5 5 30
Central Venous
3 5 20
PICC 2 3 20
2 3 10
5 3 2
Acsites tap 5 3 2
Pericardialcentesis 5
2 3 25
2 3 10
Lumbar Puncture
10 30 50
Subdural Tap 5
Tuberculin test 5 5 50
Chest Phsiotherapy 5 5 50
Nebulization 5 5 50
Chest Tube 5 5
5 10 50
2 2 10
Resuscitation of
acutely ill child
5 5 25
5 5 25
5 5 15
Peritoneal Dialysis 5
Bone Marrow
aspiration & biopsy
5 5 25
Kidney Biopsy 1 2 2
Skin Biopsy 3
Muscle Biopsy 3
FNAC 5 25 25
BCG 5 5 50
OPV 5 5 50
DPT 5 5 50
Measles 5 5 50
MMR 5 5 50
Investigations/Tests, which the candidate must know to interpret
Gram Staining
AFB Staining
Ascitic Fluid
USG Interpretation
X Ray
CT Scan
NCV/EMG (Desirable to know)
! Fever
! Fever and rash
! Chronic/persistent/recurrent fever
! Pyrexia Unknown Origin
! Cough Chronic/persistent/recurrent cough
! Acute diarrhea
! Vomiting
! Seizures
! Ear discharge
! Dysuria
! Coma/altered sensorium
! Jaundice
! Short stature
! Mental retardation/delayed development
! Acute diarrhea
! Regression of milestones
! Bleeding tendency
! Coagulation abnormalities
! Rash
! Congenital heart diseases-Cyanotic, Acyanotic
! Abdominal pain, Recurrent abdominal pain
! Recurrent respiratory infections
! Floppy infant
! Hemiplegia
! Paraplegia
! Quadriplegia
! Monoplegia
! Recurrent infections
! Organomegaly
! Anemia
! Gastrointestinal bleeds
! Ambiguous genitalia
! Describe prenatal development of the lungs i.e., morphogenesis of lungs.
! Delineate diagnosis and management of GE reflux
! Give differential diagnosis of Upper airway Infectious obstruction
! Management of complete airway obstruction secondary to foreign body
! Diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep apnea
! How will you diagnose and manage a suspected case of retropharyngeal abscess?
! Hoe will you diagnose a case of cystic fibrosis? Write a short note on gene therapy for cystic
! Write a note on recent management of cystic fibrosis.
! Write a note on Pulmonary hemosiderosis.
! Write a note on chylothorax.
! Write a note on role of steroids in Bronchial asthma.
! What’s recurrent abdominal pain. What are the red flags signs in a case of pain abdomen in a
! How would you approach a case of jaundice in a child persisting beyond 2 weeks of age
! Describe pancreatic function tests.
! Describe the clinical presentation and management of Achalasia Cardia.
! Meckels’s Diverticulum
! Intussusception
! Short term notes management of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C
! What are indications of liver transplantation in a child
! Describe Juvenile tropical pancreatitis
! What’s mucocele of Gall Bladder. Write a short note on its etiology and management
! Describe the role of Probiotics in diarrhoea
! New Osmolarity ORS
! Role of Zinc in diarrhoea
! What are the glycogen storage disorders which affect the liver. How would you diagnose and
treat then
! Octerotride
! How would you manage a case of abdominal koch’s
! How do you differentiate abdomen tuberculosis from crohn’s disease.
! What are the serological tests used to diagnose coeliac disease. Write a short note on them.
! Enunciate the steps in management of status epilepticus.
! Name the X- linked neurological disorders in children.
! Briefly discuss the etiologies of acute cerebellar ataxia in children.
! Discuss role of Botulinum toxin in childhood diseases.
! Describe the differential diagnosis of Acute Flaccid Paralysis.
! What investigations would you recommend in childhood occlusive arterial stroke?
! Name the drug of choice for: a) Primary Generalised Epilepsy b) Abscence seizures, c)
Myoclonic epilepsy, e) Partial seizures , f) Infantile Spasms.
! Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis.
! Pervasive Developmental Disorders .
! Investigate a child with Coma
Recommended Reference Books
! Behrman Ehrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.
Harcourt Asia Pie Ltd. 17th edition, 2004.
! Rudolph AM, Hoffman JIE, Rudolph CD. Rudolph’s Pediatrics. Appletion and lange, 20th
edition, 1996. Campbell AGM, Mclntosh N. Forfar and Arneil’s Textbook of
Pediatrics. ELBS. 4th edition, 1992.
! Ghai OP, Gupta P, Paul VK. Essential Pediatrics. Interprint, New Delhi, 5thedition, 2001.
! Singh M. Pediatrics Clinical Methods. Saga, Publications, ist edition1992.
! The Harrier Lane Handbook. Mosby & Harcourt India.
! Singh M, Deorari AK. Drug Doses in Children.
Growth and Development
! IIIingworth RS. The development of the infant and young child. Normal and abnormal.
Churchill Livingstone
! Alleye GAO, Hay RW, Picou DI, Stanford JP, Whitehead RG. Protein energy
malnutrition. Jaypee Brothers
! Management of severe malnutrition: a manual for physicians and other senior health
workers. WHO, Geneva, 1999.
! Suskind RM, Lewinter-Suskind C. The malnourished child. Nestle Nutrition Workshop
Series. Volume 19,1990.
Infectious diseases
! Feigin RD, Cherry ID. Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. W.B. Saunders,
! Remington JS Klein JO. Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant. W.B.
! Weatherall DJ, Ledingham JGG, Warrell DA. Oxford Textbook of Medicine;Volum
I.Oxford University Press.
! Cook G. Manson’s tropical diseases. ELBS and W.B. Saunders Co.
! Seth V, Kabra SK. Essential of tuberculosis in children. Jaypee Brothers
! Pizzo PA, Wilfert CM. Pediatric AIDS. Lippincott Williams.
Intensive care
! Singh M Medical emergencies in children. Sagar Publications.
! Nichols DG. Textbook of Pediatric intensive care, Williams & Wilkins
! Neonatal and Pediatric emergencies Sachdeva et al Jaypee Brothers.
! Singh M. Care of the Newborn, Sagar Publication, 2000.
! Avery GB, Fletcher MA, MacDonald MG. Neonatology- Pathophysiology and
Management of the Newborn. Lippincott William and Wilkins.
! Cloherty JP, Stark AR. Manual of Neonatal Care. Lippincott-Raven Publishers.
! Kattwinkel I. Textbook of neonatal resuscitation. American Heart Association and
American Academy of Pediatrics.
! Swaiman B, Kenneth F, Ashwal S. Pediatric Neurology: Principles and Practice. St.
Louis Mosby.
! Brett EM. Pediatric Neurology. Churchill Livingstone.
! Menkers JH. Textbook of Childhood Neurology. Lea and Febiger.
! Allen HO, Clark FB, Gutgesell HP, DJ. Moss and Adam’s Heart Disease in Infants,
Children and Adolescent. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
! Park MK. Pediatric cardiology for practitioners. Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
! Suchy FI, Sokol RJ. Balistreri WF. Liver disease in children. Lippincott Williams and
! Bhan MK, Bhatnagar S. Guidelines for management of diarrhoea in children. Ministry of
Health, GOI and WHO/SEARO, 2000.
! Lifshitz F. Pediatric Endocrinology. Marcel Dekker, Inc.
! Sharma S. Singhal T, Bajpai A. Management protocols in pediatric endocrinology.
! Desai MP, Bhatia B, Menon PSN. Pediatric Endocrine Disorders. Orient Longman, 2001.
! Barratt TM, Avner ED, Harmon WE. Pediatric nephrology: Baltimore Williams and
! Srivastava RN, Bagga A. Pediatric Nephrology, 3rd edition, Jaypee, New Delhi, 2001.
Hematology & Oncology
! Nathan DG, Orkin SH. Nathan and Oski’s Hematology of Infancy and Childhood. W.B.
Saunders. 5the edition, 1998.
! Cassidy JT, Petty RE. Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology. W.B.Saunders.
Respiratory Medicine
! Chernick V, Boat TF. Kendig’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children. WB
Research shall form an integral part of the education programme of all candidates registered for
Diplomat of NB degrees of the Board. The Basic aim of requiring the candidates to write a
thesis/dissertation is to familiarize him/her with research methodology. The members of the
faculty guiding the thesis/dissertation work for the candidate shall ensure that the subject matter
selected for the thesis/dissertation is feasible, economical and original.
I. The thesis may be normally restricted to the size to 100 pages. To achieve this, following
points may be kept in view;
(i) Only contemporary and relevant literature may be reviewed.
(ii) The techniques may not be described in detail unless any
modification/innovations of the standard techniques are used and reference may
be given.
(iii) Illustrative material may be restricted.
(iv) Since most of the difficulties faced by the residents relate to the work in clinical
subject or clinically oriented laboratory subjects the following steps are
! For prospective study, as far as possible, the number of cases should be such that
adequate material, judged from the hospital attendance, will be available and the
candidate will be able to collect the case material within a period of 6-12 months so that
he/she is in a position to complete the work within the stipulated time.
! The objectives of the study should be well defined.
! As far as possible, only clinical or laboratory data of investigations of patients or such
other material easily accessible in the existing facilities should be used for the study.
! Technical assistance, wherever necessary, may be provided by the department
concerned. The resident of one speciality taking up some problem related to some other
speciality should have some basic knowledge about the subject and he/she should be
able to perform the investigations independently, wherever some specialised laboratory
investigations are required a co-guide may be co-opted from the concerned investigative
department, the quantum of laboratory work to be carried out by the candidate should
be decided by the guide and co-guide by mutual consultation.
! The Clinical residents may not ordinarily be expected to undertake experimental work or
clinical work involving new techniques, not hitherto perfected or the use of chemicals or
radio isotopes not readily available. They should however, be free to enlarge the scope
of their studies or undertake experimental work on their own initiative but all such
studies should be feasible within the existing facilities.
! The residents should be able to use freely the surgical pathology/autopsy data if it is
restricted to diagnosis only. If however, detailed historic data are required the resident
will have to study the cases himself with the help of the guide/co-guide. The same will
apply in case of clinical data.
! Statistical methods used for analysis should be described in detail.
Rules for Submission of Thesis/ Dissertation by candidates for DNB
(i) The protocol of Thesis/ Dissertation should be submitted to the office of the NBE through
head of the institutions within three (3) months of joining the training in Medical
college/university/DNB accredited institution.
(ii) No correspondence will be made in regard to acceptance of the protocol except only in
the case of rejected protocols for which individual will be informed by office through
(iii) The guide will be a recognized PG teacher in Medical college or university or NBE
Accredited institutions. The teacher should have the experience of 5 years in speciality
after obtaining the post graduate degree. The certificate of PG teaching and being
Guide recognized by University/NBE must be enclosed alongwith thesis/dissertation.
The Guide can guide one MD/MS candidate and one university diploma candidate
desirous of taking the DNB examination, or one direct NBE candidate. Total number of
candidates should be two including all sources.
(iv) Candidates who will be appearing in the subject under the heading Super Speciality (like
Cardiology & Cardio Thoracic Surgery etc.) need not write their thesis/dissertation if they
have already written their thesis during their MD/MS/NBE examinations. However they
have to submit a proof in support of their having written thesis during their MD/MS
(v) If the candidates appearing in the broad specialities have already written their thesis in
the MD/MS examination, they need not submit the thesis/dissertation. However they are
required to submit a copy of the letter accepting the thesis by the University.
(vi) If thesis is rejected or needs to be modified for acceptance, the Board will return it to the
candidate with suggestion of assessors in writing for modification. The result of such
candidate will be kept pending till the thesis is modified or rewritten, accordingly as the
case may be and accepted by the assessors of the Board.
(vi) If any unethical practice is detected in work of the Thesis, the same is liable to be
rejected. Such candidates are also liable to face disciplinary action as may be decided
by the Board.
(vii) The thesis is to be submitted 6 MONTHS before the commencement of the DNB
examination. Theory result of the candidates whose thesis/dissertation are accepted by
the Board will be declared.
Guidelines for Writing of Thesis/Dissertation
Title - Should be brief, clear and focus on the relevance of the topic.
Introduction – Should state the purpose of study, mention lacunae in current knowledge and
enunciate the Hypothesis, if any.
Objectives- General & Specific
Review of Literature – Should be relevant, complete and current to date.
Material and Methods- Should include the type of study (prospective, retrospective, controlled
double blind) details of material & experimental design procedure used for data collection &
statistical methods employed; statement of limitations ethical issues involved.
Observations– Should be Organized in readily identifiable sections. Should have correct
analysis of data to be presented in appropriate charts, tables, graphs &
diagrams etc. These should be statistically interpreted.
Discussion- Observations of the study should be discussed and compared with other
research studies. The discussion should highlight original findings and should also include
suggestion for future.
Summary and Conclusion
Bibliography - Should be correctly arranged in Vancouver pattern.
Appendix—All tools used for data collection such as questionnaire, interview schedules,
observation check lists etc should be put in the annexure.
Ref. National Board of Examinations/ Monitoring DNB trg2006
Dated 23.6.2006

Thank you for agreeing to act as appraiser for the subject ________________________ at the
You are hereby requested to carry out the followings:
i. Prepare one paper containing ten short questions in the areas covered by the
hospital/ institution in the last six months.
ii. Conduct the theory examination for the candidates in the subject in the hospital.
iii. Review the thesis progress and log book records for each candidate.
iv. Conduct practical examination for the DNB candidates in the discipline.
v. Appraise the infrastructure and facilities in the hospital in the concerned subject as
per the enclosed format.
vi. Send the report in the enclosed format to The Executive Director, National Board of
Examinations, Ansari Nagar, Ring Road, New Delhi-110029.
vii. Give suggestion for improving the DNB training and appraisal.
You are requested to contact_____________________________ of the hospital
_____________________________ at Phone No. ________________________________ You will
be paid the honorarium for these activities by the concerned hospital as per the enclosed
Thank you for your co-operation and support.
Yours sincerely
(A.K. Sood)
Copy to

Director/DNB Coordinator should make the necessary arrangements to conduct appraisal by the 31 July 2006.

National Board of Examinations
Guidelines for local Appraisers
1. NBE is pleased to suggest your name as local appraiser. The purpose of introducing six
monthly appraisals of NBE accredited hospitals/institutions is to further improve the quality
of training, assess the training infrastructure for the DNB candidates and also assist the
local institutions to develop in to a center of academic excellence. This would further add
value to the services being rendered in these accredited hospitals/institutions. Please do
not think that this assessment has negative connotation. Please plan your appraisal in such
a way as to minimally affect the routine working of the department.
2. The Board expects the local appraiser to be a post graduate in the speciality with teaching
and research experience. He/She should have enough time and expertise to carry out the
following activities in the allotted hospitals/Institutions:
2.1 He/she should participate in thesis protocol/progress presentation & discussion; assist the
DNB candidates in their thesis work by giving them suggestions and monitoring their
progress. He/she should give specific remarks to improve the Thesis work after reviewing
the objectives, methodology (sample size, sampling technique, data collection tools etc.),
data analysis plan and statistical tests, results and discussion plan etc. of thesis of each
candidate. These remarks should also be communicated in writing to the supervisor and
the concerned candidate by the appraiser and a copy be sent to National Board of
2.2. He /she is expected to examine the log book maintained by the candidates and give specific
remarks to improve the log book maintenance after reviewing the contents of the log book (
name of procedure, details of the case, salient findings, remarks of the supervisor for the
improvement of the candidate etc). These remarks should also be communicated in writing
to the supervisor and the concerned candidate by the appraiser and a copy be sent to
National Board of Examinations.
2.3 He/ should prepare question paper containing ten short structured questions in the
speciality on the topics covered during the preceding six months and evaluate the answer
sheets. He/she will maintain total confidentiality in these activities. The arrangements for
six monthly theory and practical examination will be made by local accredited
2.3. He/she will formally conduct practical examination (On the topics/areas covered in
preceding six months). The practical will have long case, short cases; ward round, spots
and viva voce as per the DNB format.
2.4. He/she will communicate the result of assessment to the concerned candidates along with
detailed feed back on their performance. He/she will give detailed suggestions to each
candidate in writing for improving his/her performance. He/she will act as counselor and
give specific remarks for improving the overall performance level of the candidate. These
remarks should also be communicated in writing to the supervisor and the concerned
candidate by the appraiser and a copy be sent to National Board of Examinations.
2.5. He/she will prepare the Examination worksheet for each candidate and submit the same to
the concerned hospital for records with a copy of the same to the National Board of
2.6. He/she will submit the report to the Executive Director, NBE, on the format (enclosed
2.7. He/she will also send six monthly report on the infrastructure, patient load and manpower in
the concerned speciality of the accredited hospital, to Executive Director, National Board of
Examinations, Ring Road, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.
3. Remuneration/honorarium to the Appraisers
NBE recommends that suitable honorarium be given to the local appraisers by the
concerned accredited hospital/institution, considering the activities performed and
number of DNB candidates in the speciality. The recommended minimal amount be given
as follows:
3.1. Assessment of Infrastructure and facilities in the hospital/institutions in the speciality =
Rs. 500/-.
3.2. Participation in thesis protocol presentation and discussion = Rs. 500/-per candidate.
3.3. Development of theory paper = Rs. 500/-.
3.4. Assessment of theory paper(s) = Rs. 500/-
3.5. Holding of practical examination = Rs. 1000/- per candidate.
This expenditure will be met out of the fee collected from the candidates.

01. Name of the Hospital, Address,
Telephone number, Fax number
and e-mail
Name of the Department
offering DNB
03. No. of beds in the speciality Total
General (Free)*
Paying Subsidized
04. Number of indoor admission
during the last six months
General (Free)*
Paying Subsidized

Free – which recovers the cost only and are available for training of DNB trainees.

National Board of Examinations
(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Ansari Nagar, Ring Road, New Delhi-110029.
Tel.No. 011- 26589119, 26589517, 26589656
Website : www.natboard.nic.in

Facilities for supportive services
Please list the type and number of tests done in the reference period of last
one month
Blood Bank
Any other

Physical facilities :-
Please list the facilities related to the specialty present in the department

Library facilities
Budget spent on library in
last six months.
Total Number of books in
the specialty with latest
Number of journals in the specialty
Names of Indian journals
Names of Foreign journals
Internet facilities and number of computers available for candidates
Whether the hospital has installed reception equipment for satellite reception of CME
programmes, Yes/ No, If no the reasons


Consultants Details of PG
Total experience
after PG
Name of Senior Consultants
Name of Junior Consultants
Name of Whole time Sr. Residents

Please attach a copy of salary/ remuneration slips for the last six months.

Track record of the candidates for the last three years : (in the specialty)
Year Registered Appeared Passed Left (with reason)

Please attach the details( such as the topic covered, date, the resource persons etc.) of
various academic activities carried out by the department like -
i. Guest lectures
ii. Case presentations and discussions
iii. Clinical conferences
iv. Seminars
v. Teaching sessions/ lectures for candidates
vi. Other activity specify

Any other information

FROM_____________TO ____________

Name and registration
number of the candidates
Score in
held at the
end of six
Score in
held at the
end of six
Remarks of the assessor for improving the overall
performance level of the candidate in the examination, like
how to improve attempting theory and practical. These
remarks should also be communicated in writing to the
supervisor and the concerned candidate by the appraiser
and a copy be sent to National Board of Examinations

Thesis work assessment
Name and
registration number
of the candidates
Specific remarks of the assessor to improve the Thesis work after reviewing
the objectives, methodology ( sample size, sampling technique, data
collection tools etc.), data analysis plan and statistical tests, results and
discussion plan etc. of thesis of each candidate. These remarks should also
be communicated in writing to the supervisor and the concerned candidate
by the appraiser and a copy be sent to National Board of Examinations

Log Book Assessment
Name and
registration number
of the candidates
Specific remarks of the assessor to improve the log book maintenance after
reviewing the contents of the log book ( name of procedure, details of the
case, salient findings, remarks of the supervisor for the improvement of the
candidate etc. These remarks should also be communicated in writing to
the supervisor and the concerned candidate by the appraiser and a copy be
sent to National Board of Examinations

Name & Address of Hospital ___________
Name of the candidate and registration No.
Training Year of the candidate - First/ second/ Final
Name of Appraiser ___________________
I Clinical Examination
Marks Awarded Total Marks
Case Agreed
History Clinical
Examination Diagnosis Management In words In Figure
case -I
case -I
case -II
Total 180
Sub II. Ward Round Total I + II (Max. Marks = 220)
M. Marks = 40
Marks in
Awarded in
figure In words
In figure
III. Viva voce Max. Marks = 80
Marks Pathology X-rays
surgery Total
Marks Awarded (In words)
Marks Awarded (In figure)
IV. Grand Total (Sum of I+II+III) Max. Marks = 300
Marks Awarded in words
Marks Awarded in figure
V. Result ______________________________________________
VI. Specific description of the strong points in case of pass candidate and of weak points in case of
failed candidate. Please list out the specific details which need to be communicated to the
candidate to help him improve.
VII. Examiner’s Name & Signature ______________ ________________
National Board of Examinations, Ansari Nagar, Ring Road
New Delhi-110029
Instructions to the DNB candidate-This feedback format is meant for knowing your views and
suggestions for improving DNB training programme in your hospital. You may not reveal your
identify on the format. The information given by you will be used for improving your training.
Please send this form directly to the Executive Director, National Board of Examinations. You can
also down load this form from the National Board of Examinations website www.natboard.nic.in
and email the form to [REMOVED]
I. Name of the Hospital and Address
II. Name of the department
III. Please respond to the following questions related to your DNB training in past six
3.1 Have you refereed to the DNB curriculum for your specialty in the last six
months, if yes how many times ?
3.2 How many times you have consulted the DNB coordinator in your hospital
in the last six months?
3.3 How many seminars you have attended in the last six months?
3.4 How many cases you have presented to your consultant(s) in last six
3.5 How many times you have attended the formal lectures covering various
aspects of your speciality curriculum?
3.6 How many guest lectures have been held in your speciality in the last six
months in your hospital?
3.7 How many times you have used internet for your studies in your hospital
in the last six months?
3.8 How many times your thesis progress has been reviewed by your thesis
guides/ external appraiser in the last six months?
3.9. Please mention the names of any three standard text books in your speciality ‘ which
are available in the library of your hospital and you have referred to them in the last six
3.10. Please mention the names of any one National and any one International journal which
you have referred to in your hospital library in the last six months-
3.11. How many clinical procedures you have done under supervision in last six months
Please mention names and number of any three of them
3.12. How many clinical procedures you have done independently in last six months
Please mention names and number of any three of them.
3.13. Please give five suggestions to improve your training in your speciality
Instructions for the supervisor
P.G. Training Programme - The post graduate programme broadly should include
lecture/demonstration on applied basic sciences, bed side clinics, case presentations. Faculty
lectures, symposia/seminar journal clubs, biopsy, radiology discussions and graded clinical
Evaluation - It is essential that the trainee maintains a detailed account of the work done by
him. The record book will in addition remind the trainee of what he should observe, learn and
perform in a programmed and phased manner during the course of training. It is hoped that this
record will stimulate the trainee towards greater effort in areas where he is below par and also
record his progress. It forms the basis for assessment and evaluation of the trainees progress.
Some of the possible criteria on the basis of which a trainee could be evaluated are - soundness
of knowledge, application & judgment, keenness to learn, punctuality and promptness, initiative,
reliability, clinical skill, behavior with patients, attitudes towards patient’s relatives, colleagues,
seniors and other staff, ability to express
Depending on the qualities and the level of attainments, a candidates could be considered for
appraisal, on the basis, for example, of the following 5 letter grading system.
A Excellent Above 75% B Good 60% - 65%
C Satisfactory 50%- 60% D Poor 30% - 50%
E Bad Below 30%
Besides the grading as indicated above, each student should also be given a formal feed
back on his/her weak points and how to overcome his/her deficiencies.
1. Name of Trainee :_________________________________
2. Name of Hospital/Institution :_________________________________
3. Address :_________________________________
4. Specialty :_________________________________
5. Name of Supervising Specialist :_________________________________
6. Name of Medical
Director/Superintendent :_________________________________
Date :_______________ Signature of Supervising Specialist
Name (Block Letters) :
Permanent Address :
Date of Birth :
Fathers Name & Address :
Education :
MBBS Specimen Signature
Name of the College Date of
Date of
No. of
Subject Date of
Date of
Primary Diplomat of N.B.
Subject Date of
No. of Attempts
Final Diplomat of N.B.
Subject Date of joining
Posting schedule
Specialty From To Period
Date Topic and name of the resource person
S. No. Date Topic and name of the facilitators Evaluation
Journal Clubs
S. No. Date Topic and name of the facilitators Evaluation

Clinical Procedures/Operations Performed
S. No. Date Details of the patients and the procedures/Operations
performed; names of the supervisors
Clinical Procedures/Operations Assisted
S. No. Date Details of the patients and of the procedures/Operations
performed along with the names of the supervisors
S. No. Date Details of the Case Names of the
S. No. Date Details of the patients and management of emergency cases
Panel Discussions
(A) Radiology
S. No. Date Details of the case discussed Names of panelists
(b) Biopsy
S. No. Date Details of the case discussed Names of panelists
(C) Death review
S. No. Date Details of the case discussed and names of the resource

where have u done ur dnb paediatrics?can u guide me for choosing a seat?i am interested in dnb paediatrics only..do u have any idea regarding narayana hrudayalaya,bangalore and saint martha's,bangalore?can it be opted if available?also suggest some good institutes apart from those from maharashtra.i will b really grateful to u..

this post is for people preparing for DNB theory exam, not for those who r yet to join. I'm not discouraging u, joining DNB is a bad option, unless u have no other options dont join. Irrespective of the hospital u choose the pass percentage is low (infact very poor). so think before u join. anp plz pur ur queries in other forum.

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