The Peer Revue, an event series that puts science professionals on stage to perform stand-up comedy, will be Wednesday, March 16, at Stargazers Theatre & Event Center, 10 S. Parkside Dr.
“Think of it like TED Talks – but funny,” states the news release, which calls The Peer Review “the first U.S. event of it’s kind.”
Comedians include a former test pilot, psychiatrist, graduate researcher in evolutionary biology, geologist, geographer, and biogeochemist. Among this group are instructors from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Colorado College; and Colorado Technical University. They will be performing comedy about their backgrounds for the first time. The headliner, Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, has 30 years of experience as a professional comedian and practicing veterinarian. He has been on 11 seasons of Animal Planet’s “Emergency Vets” and has published over 150 scientific journal articles and 41 veterinary textbook chapters, along with 10 expeditions to research endangered species from Antarctica to Mongolia.
Doors open at 6 p.m. with display booths from local STEM sponsors in the atrium. The show starts at 7.
Tickets are $10 plus ticketing fee, available at