Nowadays there are plenty of options for webdesign that mean you can do the job of styling your ecommerce site without employing a designer. But if you choose not to use a pro, make sure you don’t get carried away with your own ideas at the expense of the shopping experience.
Your Magento store is your virtual shop floor for online customers. Think about it. In a physical shop in town, visitors spend a bit of time looking around before they leave because it took time and energy to get there. But visitors to your Magento store will weigh it up in mere moments, and the exit is only a click away. Here are some tips:
Site navigation
It has to be easy and obvious. If your online customer gets lost, they won’t stop to ask for help, they’ll click and end up next door with your competitor, without a second thought. So simplify the whole pathway, from browsing to checkout.
Contact information
Keep it to a minimum. Don’t request more data than is strictly necessary. Research has shown that sales are abandoned at the last minute when customers feel pressured to give information that doesn’t look strictly essential.
Shipping costs
These tend to be a make-or-break issue for online sales. Nasty shocks at the checkout often end in abandoned shopping carts. Offer free or low-cost delivery to maximise sales and make a feature of it.
Calls to action
Encourage visitors towards the purchases you want them to make. Make your language proactive and persuasive, without being pushy. Show your customers you understand their needs, and offer them solutions that will improve their lives.
Don’t give visitors any extra reasons to exit and shop elsewhere. Get your Magento ecommerce store up to scratch and help convert more passing visitors into regular customers.