Employee recognition means more with personal images.
One of the amazing aspects of digital photography is the incredible array of new output opportunities being created. We have talked in prior blog posts about home decor and packaging, but there are many other non-traditional opportunities to consider.
For example, the awards and recognition market (including trophies, gold watches, plaques, gift cards, etc.) is estimated at $54.4 billion, according to the Incentive Marketing Association. Further, more and more employers are discovering improved employee retention and performance among those companies that have incentive programs, compared to those that don’t.
Personalized photos can make that incentive or award much more meaningful. Sure, a crystal or acrylic sales award may be sought after, but how much more impressed would recipients be if that acrylic award featured a photo, printed directly on it? Today’s five- and six-color printing processes can really make images printed on acrylic “pop”, especially when using white ink or clear varnishes.
There are many other types of awards suitable for personalized photo images, like certificates, plaques and trophies. Experts note successful employee incentives don’t have to be expensive, as long as the items are good quality and are truly valued. And what’s more valuable than personal images?
With today’s visual composition systems, like Mediaclip’s most recent release, photo-realistic previews can be created, allowing for precise alignment of the image and the message. This reduces waste and increases productivity, as the customer is able to precisely design what the award should look like.