
Vincenzo Villamena, the Online Taxman, gives a free seminar at Espacio

In less than a month, every American citizen, whether they still live in the United States or overseas, has to deal with something almost no one likes.


For some people, it’s just a hassle. For me, it’s an issue of principle.

After a stint with the federal government while I was in graduate school in Washington, DC, I saw up close how much money our leaders
 spend so doing my taxes makes me sick to my stomach.

That’s why I’m happy there is someone in Medellín to make it more palatable.

That would be Vincenzo Villamena, also known as the Online Taxman.

Vincenzo is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who recently moved to Medellín.

Before founding Online Taxman, Vincenzo “served as partner in 4 Corners Inc., focusing on individuals and businesses for accounting and tax preparation matters as well as advising high net worth individuals in private equity investing.” He also has audit and corporate accounting experience as a result of his time with PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Rates start at $250, and depending on how complicated your taxes are, can cost up to $500.

Included in the tax preparation fee is a commitment to customer service:

All questions receive a response within 24 hours.

Your last three years of returns will be reviewed for free.

Full IRS representation in case of an audit.

If you’re not 100% satisfied, there’s a money back guarantee.

Let’s face it, most of us are not experts at taxes. It can be difficult trying to figure out what we owe when we’re making money overseas, putting money in foreign banks, spending it on a variety on new expenses.

I was confused when trying to get my taxes done after I moved in August 2009 from Florida to Virginia, so much so that I hired H&R Block to do my taxes and even they got it wrong.

Vincenzo can help you get it right.

This information is now more useful than ever because so many Americans are moving overseas, either to work or retire, because let’s face it…the United States economy is still struggling a tad bit and cost-of-living expenses still pose a challenge.

It’s the reason I left, and I know it’s the reason so many others have left.

A lot of these people showed up recently at Espacio, where Vincenzo held a free tax seminar and provided everyone there with handouts that explain a handful of important aspects of doing your taxes as an American expat. It was a packed room.

The ones that stood out for me:

If you make $400,000 or more in a year, the federal government can take up to 39.6 percent of your money. Ridiculous.

If you haven’t done your taxes for a couple of years, there’s a good chance the government will forgive you and not fine you, as long as you don’t owe a lot or if you don’t owe anything at all. That’s a little better.

You are not subject to the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obama Care, if you qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion.

You can take advantage of the Foreign Housing Deduction if you are self-employed by writing off expenses such as rent, utilities, real and personal property insurance, repairs, residential parking, and rental furniture and other accessories.

Thanks to the Online Taxman, I am in the process of filling out a spreadsheet that will help me write off a lot of expenses. I have a little Ziploc bag with all my receipts from the past year.

I saved them just in case. It’s my only way to protect myself against the flawed and unfair tax codes the United States uses to get at our money.

If you haven’t kept all your receipts, you’ll probably need more help. That’s where the Online Taxman comes into play. His advice can save you time, energy and anxiety when it comes time to prepare and file your taxes.

To take advantage of the free consultations being offered by Vincenzo and his team of experts, head over to Online Taxman, and simply fill out the form on the home page with your name, email address, and country.


The 138-page, all-original Medellín Travel Guide by David Lee is now available for purchase on Kindle and PDF.

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