
hello! happy sunday night. it sure is a good thing it’s a 3-day work week coming up, because this weekend did NOT have any downtime! i worked at the expo all day friday and saturday, which meant today was left for running errands and grocery shopping. i did manage to squeeze in a manicure/pedicure, though, so there was a little relaxing included in my day! just not quite as much as i’d hoped. ha.

so.. the expo was fun! thanks to those of you who came by to say hello. sorry if i looked like a zombie, promise i am usually more peppy! the what a woman wants expo has a LOT of random stuff. i had a chance to wander the aisles and browse the booths. i walked away with a few fun purchases!

i swear every other booth was selling crazy leggings. i snagged a few pair that caught my eye…

i also scored this knit scarf for ten bucks.

i was excited to see that swoob had a booth at the expo. they are a utah-local workout gear manufacturer. they specialize in sports bras that have a special pocket for your cell phone!

here’s a better pic from their website:

i know some of you are going to scold me for putting my phone in my bra when i work out.. *cough*mom*cough*.. but i am stoked on this bra! i put my phone in there anyway, so i am happy to have a sports bra that accommodates my habit. it’s a clever company name–swoob combines “sweaty” and “boob” in case you didn’t catch onto that. terms like swoobs and swass are common in my vocabulary. anyway, i am pumped to try this bra out! i haven’t hit the gym since last tuesday (whoops!), but you bet i will be heading there tomorrow. i hope i didn’t forget how to work out…

speaking of work out attire, i have been meaning to share my top 5 workout gear MUST HAVES.

contigo water bottle.

if you have read my blog for more than, oh, a few months, you know i am obsessed with contigo water bottles. i have tried many a water bottle in my day, but nothing compares to my trusty contigo water bottles. they legit make drinking water a better experience! that sounds weird, but if you have one of these babies you know what i am talking about. but it HAS to be the auto seal lid. i hate the lids that have the straw. i don’t even know why contigo messed with making those, because their autoseal lids are where it’s at! (they also make the most perfect coffee mug that will keep your coffee hot all damn day.)

you can find them online or at target. i have also seen them at bed, bath, and beyond before, too.

lululemon speed shorts.

some people knock on lulu because of the prices, but i have to say that the only workout shorts i like are lululemon speed shorts. i am a shortie, clocking in at 5’1″, and most shorts are too long for my short legs. these have the perfect inseam. the waistband is wide and soft, the fabric is top notch, and i can move very well in the shorts. i have bigger legs and a big butt (yup) and they are roomy and not confining at all! they also have a built in liner which is a plus. they aren’t incredibly expensive, either. they are about $50–considering how well they are made and how long they will last, i don’t think that’s a bad price tag at all. due to my bigger legs and butt, i do size up in these. i wear a 4 in all other lulu stuff but a 6 in speeds. just an FYI.

the only complaint i have is that when they come out with new, unique fabric patterns, once they sell out of that pattern you can NEVER get it again. i get it–it’s marketing brilliance–because you don’t have time to think the purchase over.. you either have to buy right away or miss the boat. then if you ever want to get that sought-after pattern, you would have to buy it for an arm and a leg on ebay. some rare patterns sell for $200 or more! crazy talk.

anyway.. i love speeds. i have about 8 pairs and never get sick of em. i even wear them through the winter, since i work out indoors.

beats by dre studio headphones.

i stole these from marshall! shhh.. haha. i had seen lots of people wearing these headphones at my gym, even running on the treadmill with them. when marshall bought a pair for himself, i stole them to try out at the gym. i was immediately hooked and vowed to never give them back. they deliver the BEST sound and they stay put no matter what your workout is! they are kinda pricy, but they do have a warranty and i think a solid pair of headphones is a good thing to invest in! otherwise you will keep buying crappy ones over and over.

i wish marshall’s fave color was purple and not green ;) haha, but it’s ok, they work the same! oh, and i listen to pandora while i am at the gym. obviously i use my phone to play my tunes (which is why i wanted that swoob bra to begin with!)  i used to make playlists, but pandora is so much easier because i can pick what i am in the mood for and it makes my playlist for me! some go-to stations are millencolin, saves the day, tegan & sara, and aesop rock.

cheap socks from target. 

i recently threw out all my other socks and only wear these ones that are like a buck per pair at target. i had the expensive socks made by nike, new balance, adidas, etc.. but i really don’t love any of them! even my lululemon $14 socks (way too expensive for a pair of socks but i caved to see the hype one time) slip down around my foot when i am running or jumping around. the target cheapies stay in place and are the perfect thickness and breathability. i know, who thinks so much about their socks? this girl.

bobby pins.

i have bangs, as you know, and i cannot work out with them down. i have to pin them back. i have tried a lot of headbands (the only two i like are the bang buster by lulu and bamr bands) but nothing compares to a couple of bobby pins. headbands slip off and can be a pain in the butt, but bobby pins are super reliable and never let me down. i always make sure to keep a few extras with me at all times!

well, i gotta go eat dinner. we are having pepperoni & goat cheese pizza!

mmmmm. marshall started cutting it and i said wait! picture! haha.

have a great monday!


1. what are some of your workout must haves?

2. what are your favorite workout tunes?

xo. janetha g.

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