
So yesterday, I threw myself down on the floor and said I would pawsitively EXPIRE if mom didn’t help me put up a bloggie right away!

Well, she sighed and did a little eye roll BUTT she said okay. And so here we are! YAY!

Now, since we’ve been gone for what seems like about 87 million years, I have a few little things I wanna catch you up on:

1. Precious

Remember back in November when we did Rescue Me Week? One of the doggies I blogged about was named Precious and she was a rat terrierist like Brudder Ranger and she was with Second Chance who rescued me.

Well, guess what? We found out that she got adopted! And if that wasn’t super awesome enough, guess WHO adopted her? MY Angel Donna Fostermommy!! Isn’t that the absolute BEST news ever? Precious sure is gonna have a Most Wonderful life, that’s for sure!

2. Toddlers & Tiaras

Okay, if you follow me on Facebook, you prolly already know this but my mom has gone all wacky pageant mom on me. See, she entered me in a Cutest Pet contest with this company called Kimpton and she really, really, REALLY wants me to finish at least in the top 5. Like really. A lot. She said it’s cuz she wants to show the world that rescue dogs are adorable. But between you and me, I think it’s cuz she wants to live vie-care-ee-usly through me or something.

Anywho, for some silly reason you can only vote if you’re on Facebook. So if you haves a Facebook page, could you do me a favor and just click on this linkie here, sort by “popularity,” and then “like” the picture of me? Right now, I need abouts 25 more votes to be in the top 5
and gets my mom off my back

Thank you, thank you!

3. Jed

You mighta already heard this from Mango but our furend Jed from Merryland has the sickies and his family is pretty worried abouts him right now. They don’t have a bloggie of their own but they comment on lots of other bloggies and Jed’s sisfur Abby is the Guardian of Ethics for MangoMinster. So if you could go over and leaves a nice comment for Jed at Mango’s bloggie, I know that Jed and his family would really appreciates your support.

Whew! I think that’s it! I’m gonna try some other threats and ultimatums to make sure mom doesn’t neglect my bloggie for so long from now on. I’m thinking about maybe hiding her Easter candy or something. Do any of you have any other ideas?

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