
by Maya White , Master Destination Astrologer

Here’s your June 2014 Star Sign Horoscope.

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These horoscopes are completely original and based on the planetary movements combined with my channeled guidance. Woven into these forecasts you will find words of wisdom from masters of Kabbalah and other spiritual teachers. This is my gift to you, my valued clients and newsletter subscribers. Look for YOUR star sign below.

Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Your life unfolds like a mystery novel this month, Aries. Don’t be surprised when someone from your distant past shows up unannounced; it’s only a call for your clear decision. Yes – or – no? Maybe it’s too late – water under the bridge and all.

What is going on is that the Universe is offering you an exquisite opening to be free of old, lingering entanglements. If you choose to accept this invitation, you must first face the fact that there have been some long and lonely miles on the journey, and then – understand why it had to be that way. Find comfort in your own heart, and make a place to set the past free.

The Full Moon of June 12th illuminates your 9th house of wisdom and Higher Mind. Know that the angels, the Masters, and Guides await your instruction on how they can assist you.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Mercury retrograde this month comes bearing a white flag of surrender to your 2nd house of earned income and self-worth, Taurus. The secret to finding peace in this time recognizes that money is not exactly what you need – rather it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor that puts everything together.

Make time to look at the balance sheet of your life. Have you felt as though there was a tradeoff between love and money? Are you nurturing yourself as well as you take care of others? June is a sweet month for you, Taurus. Your ruing planet, Venus is in your sign until the 23rd, and she’s busy creating harmony in the world at large.  Put your work on the back burner for a change, and spend more days at the beach. It’s summer!

The Full Moon of June 12th reveals secrets in your 8th house of mystery and legacy. You need time to figure things out now; something or someone is calling you, but you must be ready to step up and accept the opportunity.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

 Take a step back, Gemini, and reclaim your childlike innocence. It’s time to get back to the basics of who you are, and what you want to do – each and every day.  Whisperings from your past speak volumes about your future – what did you want your life to be – so long ago?

Have you seen all of the places that you wanted to; explored the dream? Your life is unfolding like a painting on canvas, and you add the colors and textures. The art of a life well lived does come with some tradeoffs. That person who supports you the most may sometimes feel like a dead weight rather than an anchor; give in just a little bit, Gemini, because there is always a price to pay – even for ultimate freedom.

The Full Moon of June 12th comes with revelations to your 7th house of relationships. It also delivers an opportunity to get clear in your body, heart, mind, and soul about your options; you see which ones are good for you, and the ones that are not.


Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

June is a good month for you to adopt a ‘harvest’ mind set, Cancer. True, the summer crops are not yet ready to collect, but you’ve been working diligently for a very long time now, and this is your time to call in some favors, and wrap up that project. Practice the art of completion, Cancer. We so often forget to finalize our efforts.

Being cardinal in nature, yours is an action starting sign, but now you must practice perseverance. There will be some discomfort as old, emotional hooks are released from your energetic body; you must be soft and nurturing to yourself this month. I recommend spa days, massages, dining out, and lots of special time with someone you love.

The Full Moon of June 12th brings peace to your 6th house of Mastery. Put your best foot forward in all areas of your life; you have the capacity to hit a home run – now show the world just what you can do.


Leo (July 22 – August 22)

Clarity is a wonderful quality- it answers questions, and sets you free to pursue your other passions. As if a cosmic clock is chiming a new hour, you are in a position to really see the truth, and plan your next steps accordingly. Trust your instincts on the 19th  when you must dig for a straight answer.

Neptune, retrograde after June 10th allows you to see beyond her veils of illusion, and Mercury, retrograde June 7 – July 1st gives you the mental space to make your move. Your long range plans may be a bit different by the end of this month than they were at the beginning; know that this time, you have it right, and that getting on the right path is the quickest way to your destination.

The Full Moon of June 12th unlocks joy in your 5th house of creativity and freedom. Take time with your children, grandchildren, or someone you love and unlock this season of pleasure.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

June is your month to practice what you preach, Virgo. Your accountability is valued and much appreciated by others; and Pallas Athena now in your sign helps you show the world just how good you are at what you do. This is a great time to complete projects and finesse existing ones.

Someone at home needs you now; he or she just needs the reassurance that you’ll be there for them and that they can count on your support. Take care that Mercury retrograde June 7 – July 1st doesn’t upset your healthy lifestyle; this one delivers a bout of nervous tension to your constitution. Avoid risk on the 25th  when Uranus and Mars engage in a battle of wills; if in doubt – sit it out.

The Full Moon of June 12 fulfills a shift in your 4th house of family, home, and your inner world. Honor and understand the needs of others in your family, for they are an integral part of you. Be kind, patient, and maintain your excellent sense of humor.


Libra (September 23 – October 21)

It’s time to fully acknowledge just what you’re really good at, and leave the rest to others. Highlight your skill and mastery, Libra; nobody else can do exactly what you do, and your gift is desperately needed by others who call upon you. You may be feeling a bit bored with the status quo, but, rather than succumb to lack of motivation, just understand that you have what you need to take the next step ahead.

There is nothing that can or will keep you from your destiny. You have a handle on the greatest lessons of all –love and compassion. Everything else is icing on the cake. Mercury retrograde shifts the focus from your career (10th house) to your education (9th house) but the truth here is – you already have all the learning you need, it’s time to activate the wisdom of your words.

The Full Moon of June 12th impacts your 3rd house of information and communication. Go with the flow, Libra; when you cannot contact others, or don’t understand their message, just understand that it’s not really important. You have and you are all you need.


Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

Chances are, the past few months have brought forth some valuable lessons, Scorpio; if not, then you just aren’t paying attention. The reward of your work is that you are privy to a new sense of power and even self-esteem. You may have more money than you did before, but, you also own the value of your potential, which is worth more than cash in the bank.

June is a time to catch your breath, but don’t drop the ball! Continue your efforts to hold a more powerful energetic space, and take on a call and response with the abundant world. You give, and you receive, and then maintain your gains. You’re plugging energetic holes and healing wounds of your past, Scorpio. Keep up the good work.

The Full Moon of June 12th energizes your 2nd house of earned income and self-worth. Maintain your stance as an energy samurai, and turn your attention to those heart muscles. Love is the greatest treasure in this world.


Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Allow for June to be a time of bountiful harvest, Sag. Take time to run free and match your energy with the pace of Universal time. There is a quickening in your world as the planets move into positions that support and harmonize with you. Hopefully you’re feeling good, and you are able to match this monumental shift.

This Mercury retrograde will likely bring up people from your past. It may be old friends, lovers, neighbors – anyone who reappears now is a messenger who brings something for you to resolve. You want to move ahead unencumbered into this time of awakening; pay attention to the feelings that surface with these visitations. Even you, free bird, must sometimes let go.

The Full Moon of June 12th shines vividly into your 1st house of appearance, personality, and the light you want to shine in the world. Self-examination is your journey, and authenticity is your destination.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Pesky issues keep popping up this month, Capricorn. It’s those nagging little things that keep coming around, like a particle of sand in your flip-flops. Honestly – I think the best thing to do is take them off and walk barefooted. Feel the grass between your toes, and enjoy all of the sand at the beach.

You’re hardwired to be an initiator and to take action, but this month the Universe is in the driver’s seat, no matter what you try to do or say. Mars is kind, Venus is happy, and Mercury now retrograde, is in a state of confusion. You’ll have to ride out some rough waters on the 14th and the 25th, but mostly, it’s smooth sailing this time around. Enjoy.

The Full Moon of June 12th sheds some light into your 12th house of mystery and illusion. Take time to process those irritating issues; karma has a way of showing up when you least expect it.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Clarity is your greatest asset this month, Aquarius. Maintain your crystal clear state of mind, and everything else takes care of itself. Just say ‘no’ to rose colored glasses, and ‘yes’ to the truth of a multifaceted prism; the big picture is better, anyway.

You’ll have to defend your point of view on or around the 14th when Mars and Pluto conspire to challenge your authority. There is no problem because – you know what to say, when to say it, and how to get your point across. Even though you’re on target with your statements and your position; pay attention to the golden nugget of truth in the encounter.

The Full Moon of June 12th delivers satisfaction to your 11th house of long term plans, community, and even your old age. Really, Aquarius, you can know exactly where you’re going now; just remember that the Universe is on a spiral continuum.


Pisces (February 19– March 19)

For now, the old way is a better path – stick with what you know and trust while everybody else figures it out. Neptune, your planetary ruler works slowly and thoroughly. Mythology portrays Neptune as being male, but consider that s/he is an infinite goddess; temperamental, yet powerful. You are invited now to surrender your will, but not your identity. Trust in the Divine Feminine, and she will be there to guide and nurture you – always.

Feed your creative soul, share your creations, and speak words of value and love for all to hear. There may be some changes on the home front this month, also. When those long overdue repairs show up, give thanks for the blessing and count the gift of the present.

The Full Moon of June 12th highlights your 10th house of career and your public identity When people show how much they appreciate and love you – believe them. It’s your turn to shine, Pisces – bring it on.


Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place to Live

Certified  in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2014/All Rights Reserved

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