
The first official trailer for “Transformers: The Last Knight,” the fifth movie in the action film franchise of Director Michael Bay has been released on December 5 and it gave a glimpse that the film is going to be the darkest one yet.

As a continuation of “Transformers: Age of Extinction” shown in June 2014, “Transformers: The Last Knight” shall follow Optimus Prime, the leader of the shape-shifting Autobots, as he returns to his home world of Cybertron.

Every fan of “Transformers” know that Cybertron is already a dead planet and Optimus Prime will learn that he was actually responsible for the death of his own planet.

So he will find a way to bring the planet back to life but in order to do so, he needs to find an artifact which could only be found on Earth, details The Telegraph of UK.

“Transformers: The Last Knight” will be officially hitting theaters on June 23, 2017, and it will feature the return of actor Mark Wahlberg as the main protagonist, inventor Cade Yeager, alongside Stanley Tucci as Joshua Joyce, the creator of the villainous Galvatron.

There will also be other familiar faces from the previous “Transformers” movies including Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, and several others.

It has also been confirmed that English veteran actor Anthony Hopkins will star in the movie but his role has yet to be disclosed. There are rumors that Hopkins could either take on the role of either Winston Churchill or King Arthur, whose stories will be featured in “Transformers: The Last Knight,” in a creative way, though.

A Transformers cinematic universe in the making?

If Marvel and Disney have a Marvel Cinematic Universe, and DC and Warner Bros have a DC Extended Universe, “Transformers: The Last Knight” shall already usher the Transformers Cinematic Universe from Hasbro and Paramount Pictures.

There are also reports saying that Hasbro’s other action-figure franchise Rom, the Space Knight, shall also have a movie and it will be part of the Transformers Cinematic Universe.

Rom is able to travel through space and is the last of a race of knights which makes the speculations believable.

There are also reports saying that Hasbro is also planning a shared cinematic universe with Micronauts, G.I. Joe, M.A.S.K., and the Visionaries, but it would be separate from the Transformers Cinematic Universe, details the Cheat Sheet.

However, all these remain as speculations pending the confirmation from Hasbro and Paramount Pictures so all information should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Certified for IMAX theaters

Prior to December 5, Consumer Protections BC already disclosed that the first trailer for “Transformers: The Last Knight” has been certified and rated by Paramount Pictures for arrival in IMAX theaters with the movie “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”

The trailer ran for 121 seconds, which critics found to be quite long for a teaser trailer that normally is over in 90 seconds or less.

However, based on the past “Transformers” movie, the first trailers of the films usually feature footage created specifically for the trailer rather than from the movie. But since the sequel has been in production for months now, the producers were rumored to show off some of what they shot. As expected, the trailer was online just minutes after it made its official theater debut on December 5.

The last time that a movie’s trailer was made for IMAX was when Warner Bros prepared the footage they were going to show for “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” which ended up being an IMAX event before footage made its way to the internet.

It turned out that “Transformers: The Last Knight” was just run in front of an IMAX release, which is actually “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”

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