
Three years in, the YouTube and Vimeo video-discovery service Shelby.tv is lowering the barrier to entry into its world of nonstop, must-see videos (that your friends love). Its latest iPad app no longer asks you to sign up or provide any kind of social media credentials to start consuming video.

For new users, Shelby.tv's free, updated iPad app, which launches on Friday, offers a single channel of trending video that includes all the channels you might find on YouTube or Vimeo. It still presses you to connect your Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts.

See also: The 25 Best Free iPad Apps

The idea is that the more social media accounts you connect, the more precise your video recommendations will get — turning the left column into a list of videos your friends are watching or love. That said, Shelby.tv founder and CEO Reece Pacheco acknowledges that not requiring an ID at the door is necessary. Read more...

More about Video, Youtube, Business, Startups, and Tv

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