Pessimism, discontentment, whining, criticism, cynicism…Terms we equate with negativity. Behaviors of this type, in one way or another, push people away.
Image by Snow Kisses Sky via Flickr
Are you negative? Answer the questions below:
Are you are always in a melancholic mood?
Do painful memories haunt you?
Do you always look at the bad side of incidents and events ?
Are you are a perfectionist?
Do you always refuse to do the requests of family and friends?
Are you always afraid?
Do you have sleepless nights over a problem?
Are you easily irritated over small things?
Do you harbor grudges?
Do you easily get impatient?
If you answered “Yes” to most of the questions, you have a negative personality. Work on it early on because it may have a negative impact on your marriage.
The mind is a fertile and peaceful field for those who are naturally positive. People who always choose to look at the bright side are people who are able to roll with life’s punches. If you’re chronically negative, there are ways to get rid of that gray cloud. Try these simple but effective tips:
Revamp your diet. Eat healthy.
Get enough sleep. It will help clear your mind. When you get adequate sleep, you’re more alert and ready to do anything.
Exercise. It releases certain chemicals in your brain which help you feel relaxed and refreshed.
Listen to positive music. No garbage.
Spend time on a creative hobby like painting or making crafts. Make it your outlet, so you’ll avoid focusing on those negative thoughts.
Indulge in life’s simple pleasures like a bubble bath or an apple pie.
Explore nature. Go hiking. Stargaze.
Learn to appreciate people and things around you.
If something bothers you, act on it at once. In a way, think of a solution but “quit thinking about the problem.”
Practice “Garbage in. Garbage out.” Every night, go through the process of “cleaning your mind.” That way, you’ll have a good and peaceful sleep each time.
List down your worries, anxieties, or things that bother you. Write down solutions as well.
If you feel a negative thought coming, don’t entertain it. Force your mind to push the negative thoughts back, and replace them with positive thoughts. Don’t focus on your feelings too much. Don’t try to analyse everything. In a way, drive your focus away from yourself. For instance, try to make others happy. “What will you give your spouse for his or her birthday? What can you do for that old widow who lives alone next door?
It’s good for you to hang out with positive people. Positivity is contagious. Learn to give compliments instead of criticism. Tell your spouse that white shirt is a good fit. Don’t be stingy in giving praises and encouragement. With every positive thing you do for others, you’ll feel that working on becoming positive becomes less of a conscious effort. Later on, things will just come naturally.
In your efforts to be a positive person, it’s good advice to tell your spouse everything you’re going through. Get him or her to join you in your daily walk, for instance. He or she is the best person to help you reach your goals.
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