It rained yesterday, and I got a lot of writing done, so that was great. And my post about my feet proved weirdly popular. Next, I'll talk about my elbows. (Not really.)
I was going to wait to do this, but the San Diego ComicCon is this week, and thousands and thousands of people are going to be there having fun without us. They'll be seeing fun panels, and buying fun stuff, and we'll just be here.
I posted a second sample chapter of The Siren Depths, the third Books of the Raksura, after The Cloud Roads and The Serpent Sea, due out from Night Shade Books this December: Chapter Two. (Scroll up to see chapter one.)
And after my career crash of a few years ago, I am still beyond ecstatic and grateful to have new books coming out to remind people about. That will never get old. I hope I keep having them for a long, long time.
If you missed it on Saturday, I also posted a new missing scene from The Cloud Roads with Moon and Jade.
If you want to preorder The Siren Depths, it's available at Barnes and Noble, Chapters, Amazon US, Powell's, Mysterious Galaxy, The Tattered Cover, Books-a-Million, Book (free shipping worldwide), Book, Amazon UK,,, or look for it at an independent book store in the US through IndieBound.
It will also be available in ebook, including in the Baen DRM-free ebook store.
If you've read one of my books and liked (or didn't like it, that's fine too), leaving reviews on Amazon, B&N, or wherever, or on GoodReads or LibraryThing, or just talking about it to your friends or online really, really helps. Word of mouth is the only thing that really sells books. And if you look for a book at your library and they don't have it in their collection, remember that you can put in a request that they get it.
Other stuff that is current or coming soon:
My next novel after The Siren Depths will be a YA fantasy, Emilie and the Hollow World, coming out from Strange Chemistry Books in April 2013.
"Revenants" in Tales of the Emerald Serpent, edited by Scott Taylor. Out now in trade paperback: and ebook:,,,, It's also supposed to be available in Nook, but for some reason Barnes and Noble hasn't listed it yet.
"Donna Noble Saves the Universe" in Chicks Unravel Time, edited by Deborah Stanish and L.M. Myles. Due out in November, preorder at Barnes and Noble or