
I was never actually a fat kid. I was never obese, or that big. I just always had these voices inside my head telling me otherwise. I do not even remember being that healthy. When I was eighteen years old and trying out for the University football team, I was diagnosed with Hypertension. I am supposed to take a drug every single day for the rest of my life (which I am not taking) and I was supposed to start living a healthy life since then. But I didn’t. I got myself in the football team, God knows how, and still ate like there was no tomorrow.

A few years later, I tried to live a healthier lifestyle. I stopped eating junk food completely. I exercised every day. I tried my best to stop drinking soda (and coffee). For some time, I thought I was successful. I quit. Then I tried again. Then I quit. Then tried again. It was a tiring cycle. I had to stop. After that, I met people along the way. I went out to party like there was no tomorrow. I had soda every day for breakfast. I ditched exercise completely, and stayed in bed when I had nothing to do.

I am now twenty four and I still refuse to take the drug every day (unless my blood pressure shoots up higher than I can handle.) Months ago, I quit my day job to pursue my career in writing. And if you’d ask me, it’s just wonderful to get to write whenever you feel like writing, and stop when you feel like stopping. The only thing that has been bothering me is that, since I stay in my room most of the time, I eat a lot. To most people, this will not bother you. What? It’s fun to eat, and eating is good for the soul.

Two weeks ago, I remembered the girl who had the will to try. I remembered how she pushed herself to change because she knew that it was the right thing to do. I remembered how she got up every day excited to exercise and sweat and have fun along the way. I remembered how she felt when, at the end of the day, she would realize how difficult it was to say no to junk food or soda or caffeine, but she did anyway because she believed in herself. I remembered how much she wanted to give up when she failed, but she got back up and tried again. The girl I used to be a few years back inspires me now to do better things not because I am fat or I feel fat, but because it is the right thing to do. You can do that too. Trust me: You will do achieve great things as long as you inspire yourself to do so. Life is about living it and enjoying the journey. What are you still waiting for?

Cheers! xx Mary

PS: I want to tell you more about this journey. I’ve never been more excited to start living a healthier life. It would be awesome if you’d allow me to share my experiences with you. SUBSCRIBE TO MY MAILING LIST HERE, and let’s be friends.

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