
Roman Fitness Systems was founded by John Romaniello in 1792. He was experimenting with reanimation of human corpses (yeah, Mary Shelley straight-up ripped that idea off) and stumbled upon a formula for creating freakishly strong, muscular, and — perhaps most importantly — upsettingly good-looking humans. He knew he was onto something truly remarkable, but feared there was more research to be done than could be accomplished within the span of a normal human lifetime.

Acutely aware of his mortality, Roman searched the deepest shadows and darkest alleys of New York City for an unlikely ally.In exchange for a 600lb deadlift, the vampire Brandt turned Roman, granting him an eternity to perfect the Dark Art of Hugefaction. In the two centuries since, Roman has built an army of large, shredded, beautiful monsters. Join us.

“We have been thoroughly impressed with the platform and level of personal, one-one service that we’ve had from Day 1. Maropost is really changing the game of Mid-Enterprise Tier ESPs while maintaining a close level of interactions with their customers.”

John Romaniello, Founder, Roman Fitness Systems

A testimonial from John Romaniello, Founder, Roman Fitness Systems

“We began using Maropost in January 2015, having been introduced to the platform by a trusted colleague who was having great success since switching over. Prior to Maropost, we had been using an ESP with a narrower range of features and we were experiencing issues with deliverability and basic ease of use.

For us, the importance and value of the platform lies in the ability to quickly and simply execute our demand generation email campaigns. The performance of our ESP is paramount to our success. If our ESP is not delivering, neither will our bottom line.

Since switching to Maropost, the uplift in our opens and click throughs has been legion. Our overall performance is head and shoulders above our previous platform. Our opens and engagement rates had been declining over time before switching but in the past six months, we are enjoying deliverability in the high 90% and opens consistently in the 30—40% range.

We love the automated email workflows that enable us to drop a new contact into a drip program that is customized with the content and products that are of interest to them, based on their preferences. We have created a wide variety of triggered workflows and the dynamic segments enable us to easily move contacts to another workflow, once they have progressed through a series.

We are able to segment based on male vs. female, by products and by geography, which enables us to fine tune our content to increase engagement. Equally important is the ability to suppress other segments, to remove contacts not relevant for a particular campaign. It’s been critical to our success, to be able to use forethought & ingenuity to segment and monetize every segment of our large list.

We are presently exploring the four varieties of email scheduling options and we especially like the send time optimization. It’s been having a very positive impact on our engagement rates and delivering more value from our campaigns.”

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