
I’ve posted previously on what to pack for women visiting Morocco, and what to pack for men, so that leaves just one group to discuss – children! I’ve found many people don’t think “family destination” when they think of Morocco but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Morocco is a country that not only is welcoming of children, they embrace them! Traveling with kids requires a bit of additional preparation but don’t let that scare you away.


Packing List Suggestions

Clothing that can be layered. Daytime temperatures can get quite hot, even in the spring but drop 30-40 degrees (farenheit) once the sun sets. A t-shirt or tank top might be perfectly comfortable at mid-day but a cardigan or light jacket may be needed by evening.

For Boys: A baseball hat or sun hat. t-shirts, 1-2 light weight long sleeve shirts or button up shirts, a medium weight hoodie or sweatshirt, a heavier jacket – weight depending on season, lightweight pants, elastic waist pants for comfort, pajamas, socks, and underwear.

For Girls: A hat to protect face and neck from the sun, leggings and/or light weight pants, sun dresses or maxi dresses, cardigan, medium weight hoodie or sweatshirt, a heavier jacket – weight depending on season, pajamas, socks, and underwear.

Bathing suit and plastic flip flops – because you never know when a pool might present itself!

Good walking shoes that have been broken in. Nothing is worse than a child who has a new pair of shoes that are hurting. Nothing.

Children’s shampoo. I always pack kid’s “tear free” shampoo that I also double as body wash.

A reusable water bottle. We purchase large bottles of water (1 liter+) so having a smaller bottle on hand makes it easy to give children an easy-to-handle container.

Snacks. If you have picky kids this is especially important. Small, light items like granola bars and nut butter packs take up little space and can be a lifesaver.

Electronics converters if you’re traveling with anything that does not have European (220) voltage plugs.

Toys that are non-tech. What happens when the batteries die and you’re hours from the closest re-charge? Cards, paper, pens, and stickers are just a few suggestions.

If your child has allergies to food or medication, an alert bracelet is worth considering. If possible, one that is pictoral (like these) and has the allergy name in French if possible.

Over the counter medication kit. Pharmacies in Morocco may not carry the brands and dosages that your child is used to. Packing an emergency kit will help you avoid any issues. You never know when your child will get sick, and if the pharmacy will even be open. Things like ibuprofen are not available in stores in Morocco, you get medications from the pharmacy. Many other things such as antibiotics are available from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

Traveling with a Toddler 

The age of your child will make a difference in the things you should plan to bring. If you’re traveling with a little one, that is either non-mobile or is under 4, consider bringing;

A stroller;  you’ll need to decide between an umbrella stroller or a stroller made for uneven terrain. An umbrella stroller will be easier to get around crowded streets while a stronger stroller may hold up to the bumps and uneven surfaces better. I’ve used both and have found both helpful.

A car seat. If you plan to rent a private vehicle or have a driver bringing a car seat is not a bad idea. They are not so easy to find in Morocco and the quality not that good. The majority of people here do not use car seats for children or babies. Don’t be surprised to see women riding on motorcycles with a baby tied on her back or a child sitting between her and the driver.

Teething rings/toys/formula/breast pump – I’ve made this a catch all category. Formula is available here but it may not be the brand your child is used to. Breastfeeding is widely supported and encouraged, you’ll face no issues when doing so.

If you’re traveling with an older child here are some additional items to pack;

Journaling supplies – a new notebook, drawing pencils etc. will keep your child busy and encourage them to record their adventure.

Their own camera. Make the trip their own by letting them take pictures

A coin purse with some local currency for souvenirs. Help them learn about budgeting and tracking their own money (adjust amount based on age/maturity).

A day pack in a size that they can realistically carry for the day.

What to Pack for Kids: Morocco

Visiting Morocco with Kids? Check out some of my other posts on this topic;

Visiting the Sahara Desert with Kids

Eating in Essaouaira

Visiting the Ourika Valley with Kids

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