
You better watch out! You better not cry! You better not pout, I'm telling you why! Santa Claus is coming to the blogosphere! Christmas in July Giveaway hop is hosted by Matter of Cents, Just Married with Coupons & Sweep Tight. Grand Prize is sponsored by Maggie Bags and is valued at over $600. Maggies Bags takes high-quality recycled material & gives it new life by creating sophisticated handbags that are eco-friendly! Save 25% off the Linear Line with Coupon Code: Christmas-n-July through 9/30. The 2nd Prize is an Ultimate Munchkin Gift Basket, Munchkin offers clever, innovative solutions to help make parenting safer, easier & fun.


My Giveaway Package

Do I have something special for you! Why not get your Christmas shopping started early with this prize...
A Personalized Hand-Knitted Christmas Stocking by Gigi82Knits! Open Worldwide!

Winner chooses colors with personalization of up to 8 letters or "Merry Xmas."Ready in about 2 weeks! Let's learn about the woman behind the knitting needles...

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hi, I'm Gigi, I live in Dublin, Ireland, but I'm originally from
Germany. I'll be 30 this July (oh no!) and I'm obsessed with knitting!

How long have you been knitting?

I've been knitting since I before I started school, though there were years when I didn't knit at all and I used to never knit in summer (it was too hot to hold the yarn). But now I live in Ireland and there are
no hot summers, so I knit all year round.

What inspired you to open an esty store?

Last year I opened my Etsy store because I wanted to start my own business and spread my art around the world: It's a pretty good feeling
to know that my Christmas stockings will be with families for generations. People have even contacted me looking for stockings for new family members, because the aunt or grandmother who used to knit them had passed away and they trust me to continue their traditional Christmas stocking.

Nice getting to know you Gigi! Read on for information on Gigi's Personalized Hand-Knitted Christmas Stockings and how you can win one!

Buy It: Want to buy a Personalized Hand-Knitted Christmas Stocking stocking now? Use coupon code CIJ2012 for a 10 % discount. Valid through July.

Win It: Enter my giveaway for one of Gigi's Personalized Hand-Knitted Christmas Stockings on the Rafflecopter Form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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