
We Announce the Winner of

Quilt Alliance 2014 Contest, Exhibition and Auction!

The Slow Stitching Movement with Liza Lucy and Meg Cox

Quilt and Sew Expo Quilt Tour

Essential Sewing Reference Tool: All in One Visual Guide

9 Ways To Add More Adventure To Your Weekday

June 25, 2014

Just log onto www.toginet.com for a brand-new,

LIVE, 1-hour

Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski!


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Call in anytime during the live show with your questions or comments for my guests

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Mark Lipinski Introduces The Slow Stitching Movement

ENCORE! ENCORE! DON’T MISS IT this time around!

On Thursday, July 10 from 1 until 2:15-ish PM EST, I will be giving an ENCORE and LIVE presentation of The Slow Stitching Webinar!

Can’t make this time either? Sign up and a copy of the webinar will be sent to you so you can watch and listen at your own leisure! xoxom

CLICK HERE AND SIGN UP TODAY:   http://www.shopfonsandporter.com/product/Mark-Lipinski-Presents-The-Slow-Stitching-Movement-Creating-Promoting-and-Sustaining-a-New-Vision-in-Quiltmaking/web-seminars





JULY 10, 2014

JULY 10, 2014

JULY 10, 2014

JULY 10, 2014

1:00 PM EST


Quick, fast, easy. In our busy, multitasking world, those buzzwords capture our attention. But speed can kill creativity and the enjoyment of our creative pursuits.

Maybe what we really need to do is slow down, enjoy the process, and create fiber art that we’re really proud of. But how?

This NEW and ILLUMINATING web seminar introduces a revolution within the quilting industry, The Slow Stitching Movement, launched by international quilting personality Mark Lipinski. With Mark as your inspiration and guide, The Slow Stitching Movement web seminar will prepare you for a higher form of creativity and important quiltmaking.

With this web seminar you’ll learn to:

Approach your quilt making in a totally different way.

Recharge your passion for patchwork.

Engage the connection between your body, your quilts, and your legacy.        .

Expand your creativity, self-esteem and even your spiritual journey.

Tap your right brain, to train and develop your imagination.

Find the creative genius in you.

Implement your creative thought in today’s too-fast world.

Heal your life, emotions and boost your physical health.

Create groups and habits to support your creative vision.

If you’ve hit a creative wall, if you have more fabric and notions than you do inspiration, if all of your quilts are beginning to look alike, or if you’ve been quilting for years and have nothing wonderful to show for it . . . The Slow Stitching Movement is for you.

Mark brings years of professional and personal experience to the seminar, as he explores with you informational and transformational message of The Slow Stitching Movement.

There will be an opportunity for discussion through a question-and-answer session during the web seminar, and after.


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MR. ELECTRIC is in the house for Segments 1 and 8!

We’re talking about:

9 Ways To Add More Adventure To Your Weekday

Here’s the link to read the article we discussed.

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My Pals and Partners in Slow Stitching Crime



About Liza and Meg…


Liza can not remember a time when she wasn’t making stuff out of yarn or fabric and thread. Her mother and grandmother sewed and knitted. Her family owned a small town department store and the “remnant” department was her favorite corner of the store with the brilliant squares of craft felt, magical drawers filled with embroidery thread and bolts of cotton fabrics.

Her quiltmaking began at college where she sewed 25 bandanas together to make a quilt for her boyfriend’s water bed.  After college she went to graduate school to become a clinical psychologist and worked evenings and weekends at a high end needlepoint shop. She soon dropped out of school, to work full time at the shop.  Following that she opened her own store and many years later,when it closed, she became a knitting yarn sales rep. One of the companies she represented was the brand new Rowan Yarn Company whose lead designer was Kaffe Fassett.

Kaffe and Liza became good friends and when she took up quiltmaking again, she convinced him to work with her to do a book. That was 1993 and since then the two of them have written 5 hardcover books and collaborated with others on 15 soft cover books. They convinced other friends to start the Rowan Patchwork and Quilting Company and it has grown beyond their expectations.

Kaffe and Liza consider themselves traditional quiltmakers but with a contemporary sense of color and design.


Meg Cox, journalist and author, learned quiltmaking from her mother in 1989 and has been a passionate quilter ever since. She spent six years researching and writing a resource guide for 21st century quilters, The Quilter’s Catalog: A Comprehensive Resource Guide (Workman Publishing, 2008). A working journalist since graduating from Northwestern University in 1975, Cox spent 17 years as a staff reporter for the Wall Street Journal, where her beats ran the gamut from agriculture to culture. Known nationally as an authority on family traditions, Cox has written two books on the topic, The Book of New Family Traditions (Running Press, 2003) and The Heart of A Family: Searching America for New Traditions That Fulfill Us (Random House, 1998). She has contributed articles to a wide range of national magazines and lectures frequently on both quilting and family traditions. Cox lives in Princeton, New Jersey with her husband Richard Leone, a foundation president, and their teenage son, Max.

To Visit Liza’s website  CLICK HERE

To Visit Meg’s website CLICK HERE

To Visit The Slow Stitching Movement website CLICK HERE

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Executive Director of Quilt Alliance


About Amy…

Amy Milne is the Executive Director of Quilt Alliance and has worked as a nonprofit administrator, an educator and an artist for the past 17 years. She holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design from North Carolina State University and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Michigan. Amy joined The Alliance after serving 5 years as Executive Director of SeeSaw Studio in Durham, N.C.

Commenting on her appointment “Quilts have always brought people together,” says Amy. “Quilt Alliance has built on that tradition, uniting people interested in quilts from inside and outside the quilt world around a shared vision and bringing their talents together in collaborative ventures. I was thrilled to join this organization. And as a native of western North Carolina, I’m proud to see a national organization of The Alliance’s caliber move its headquarters to Asheville in 2006.”

The Executive Director works closely with its Board of Directors, Board Committees, members, partners and supporters to carry out the planning and implementation of the organization’s projects. Amy travels to national quilt shows and meetings that allow her the opportunity to network and meet with members of The Alliance’s virtual community and to share our mission with new audiences. If your guild or group has an opportunity for our Executive Director or a member of our national board to address your organization, we’d love to talk with you about it!

Exclusively on Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski

we announce the winner of . . .

JoAnn Hoffman of Hill City, South Dakota is the Handi Quilter Grand Prize winner in the 2014 Quilt Alliance “Inspired By” quilt contest! Hoffman’s quilt, “Inspire” (pictured below) was chosen by the judging team of Marianne Fons, Mark Lipinski and Paula Nadelstern and was inspired by a quilt made by 2011 Q.S.O.S. interviewee Cynthia Mumford of Battle Creek, MI (who was in turn inspired by a quilt made by Jean Wells)!

These are the three quilts chosen as Judges’ Choice:


“Blue Crossing” by Sherri Lipman McCauley of Lakeway, TX, selected for a Judges’ Choice Award by Paula Nadelstern.

“The best feeling is when a design idea reveals itself in a sudden intuitive realization.  All of a sudden, there’s an internal awareness that you now know something you didn’t know a second before.  I have no idea whether this was the case for the maker of Blue Crossing — I’d like to think so –but I had a lovely “aha” moment when I compared the new quilt and its inspiration quilt.  I got it:  the color reference, the subtle circles, the spontaneous scribble alluding to the complex patterning of the circles.  I think this quilt is very successful – not only does it fulfill the contest theme, it also makes me want to see it both up close and far away which is my criteria for a worthy quilt.”


“Pathways (We Are Here)” by Amy Anderson of Asheville, NC, selected for a Judges’ Choice Award by Marianne Fons.

“I enjoy quilts that include a written message—especially when the message is pieced or appliqued rather than embroidered or quilted. Pathways appeals to me on several levels. I love the simplicity of the message, which can as easily be taken as naive or profound. I love the connectedness of the ribbon-like script, and how the quilt manages to make a statement about connectedness in addition to the obvious message written in strips of fabric.”


“Going Dotty, Aunt Sarah!” by Ellen Hernandez of San Antonio, TX, selected for a Judges’ Choice Award by Mark Lipinski.

“I like how the very traditional, 1915 Quilt Index quit was transformed into the modern, Going Dotty, Aunt Sarah!, using versions of the same updated colors and patterns – yet, in the new interpretation, the entrant included another layer —  adding applique and button and yo-yo embellishments.  I was overjoyed to find that the entrant’s family tree and personal relationship to the Quilt Index quilt was verified from the information provided with the original Lone Star that had been posted.  The personal genealogical surprise, as a result of the entrant’s simple search for her inspirational piece, is also a very important reminder as to why we should be labeling ALL of our quilts (even the ugly ones) and documenting all of our art without fail. Not to mention, what a wonderful resource Quilt Index is.

Photos of all of the Inspired By entries are now posted to the Quilt Alliance website and members of the Quilt Alliance will receive their ballots by email to select their favorites for the Members’ Choice Awards.   Are You a member yet?

The Inspired By Quilt Contest, Exhibition & Auction

was sponsored by these generous Quilt Alliance business members!

(CLICK ON THE LOGOS to visit the company websites):

And don’t forget about Quilters Take Manahattan 2014!



Quilters Take Broadway:  See the Hit Broadway Musical Avenue Q with Mark Lipinski and other quilters

Friday, September 19, Curtain time is 8:00 p.m.

Meeting point to be determined, registrants will be notified.
Tickets: $100 per person

Here’s your chance to see the acclaimed hit show Avenue Q in the company of Mark Lipinski. Your ticket includes a fabulous orchestra seat to the musical and a back stage tour with Q actor Jed Resnick. Winner of the “Triple Crown” of Tony Awards in 2003 – Best Musical, Best Score, Best Book. Today, New York Magazine says, “Somehow, the jokes seem funnier, the songs catchier, and the talented ensemble better than ever.” Written by the composer of The Book of Mormon, Avenue Q is an adult-themed, hilarious story of the trials and tribulations of the people, and puppets, of a grown-up Sesame Street. After the show, this lucky group will meet Q actor Jed Resnick who will reveal all that goes on in putting on this crazy, wonderful show and take you on back stage tour to see where the magic happens!


Sunday, September 21, 11:00- 1:00 pm
The Art Quilt Gallery NYC, next door to The City Quilter, 133 W 25th Street, New York, NY 10001

Tickets: No cost–but registration is required. First come, first served. Coffee and bagels served but no food or drink is permitted in the gallery, so arrive at 11:00 if you’d like time for refreshments and shopping! Limited to 40 people.

Mark Lipinski will interview Liz and Beth Hawkins, the creative duo, Liz Hawkins and Beth Hawkins, that are Lizzie B. Cre8ive, for the Quilt Alliance’s oral history project, Quilters’ S.O.S. – Save Our Stories.

CLICK HERE to Visit the Quilt Alliance Website

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Original Sewing and Quilt Expo

Senior Director of Marketing and Education


About Marlene…

When her mother taught her to sew at the machine when she was 8 years old, neither had any idea where this hobby would lead so many years later. Marlene and her best friend both made royal blue poplin, sleeveless (with facings!), zip-up-the-back A-line dresses as their first projects – and they were hooked! By the time high school rolled around she and her friends would often cut out and sew a new dress after school to wear the following day – set-in sleeves and all.

Marlene sewed nearly all her clothes through high school, college and her working life. She attended the University of Wisconsin, Madison in the early 1970’s when Home Economics Education was still called just that, and has worked in the sewing industry ever since. Selling fabrics and sewing machines, eventually becoming one of the first female store managers for the Singer Company, she realized how attached to sewing – and the people who shared her interest in it – she had become.

A move to the Cleveland, Ohio area in the mid-80’s proved it, when she decided to work for an independent sewing machine dealer just so she could meet and talk to women who sewed! As usual, she gravitated to others who enjoyed sewing too, and to this day she counts among her closest friends those she met because of her sewing passions. Her personal and professional activities have always involved some aspect of sewing, and include unique projects like Kid-Sacks™, a week-long production-line public volunteer project set up for a week to sew sleeping bags for homeless children in the Cleveland area.

She was a founding member of the Professional Needle Guild, Inc., serving in many capacities as the organization grew, including as President. She and a friend offered small-group apparel sewing and serging classes for many years, during which time she also sold high-end fabrics to private clients. In 1993 she was hired as an educational consultant for a new public event being developed for sewing enthusiasts. When the company that owned the event decided after just two seasons to eliminate the division, she looked around and decided she could do it herself (along with Kathie Principe and a few others, of course), and Original Sewing & Quilt Expo was born.

She founded MS. Productions, Inc. in 1995 and has enjoyed every minute – and every challenge – along the way. Perhaps her husband said it best when he encouraged her by adding: “You need a complex project like this to hold your interest.” And although it is complex, growing from just two other staff members in 1995 to ten office and nine on-site staff members today, she still thinks the best part is the chance to meet, share and make friends with all those thousands of sewing enthusiasts that come together in eight cities each year.

About Original Sewing & Quilt Expo…

Original Sewing & Quilt Expo was started in 1995 and grew over time to include about 14 events annually along with Quilting LIVE! Operating for the first two months out of the Founder’s home, the original two-person staff quickly moved to an office location and expanded to include seven staff members and an office cat named Clara.

With long hours, a little sweat and much laughter, those seven people produced the first event (then Original Sewing and Craft Expo), which opened on Friday, October 13th, 1995 in Reston, Virginia. Since then the staff has grown to ten with another ten (or more) who join us on-site from around the country.

From the very beginning, Original Sewing & Quilt Expo has been committed to producing high quality events where participants feel welcomed and comfortable, and find inspiration and motivation to enhance the personal fulfillment and self-satisfaction pursuing their sewing interests yields. In response to quilters who wanted more, the name and composition of the show evolved to Original Sewing & Quilt Expo; as machine embroidery entered the arena, Innovations in Embroidery was added to the events, and in 2008, the very first Georgia Quilt Show was held to satisfy the insatiable appetite of quilt makers.

In the Expo’s classrooms, seminars and workshops are crafted to provide an atmosphere of exploration and creativity in all areas of sewing, quilt making, machine embroidery, embellishment and related arts. More and more hands-on experiences show up in class programs each year in response to demand by the public. The Exhibit Hall is carefully constructed to offer special exhibits, stage shows and the widest range of supplies, equipment and tools possible, which are sold through retail vendors from the US, Canada and around the world.

The company’s staff has evolved over the years, but still remains a small, closely knit and hard-working team. The makeup of its members seems to mirror a significant percentage of those who attend Original Sewing & Quilt Expo – in her sewing, quilt making, embellishment and/or machine embroidery interests, age, lifestyle and personality. In other words, we are you, and you are us. We share your passions, your attitudes, your dreams and your frustrations, and build events that help with your ability to reach maximum satisfaction and creative harmony with your sewing.

CLICK HERE to visit the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo Website


Mark Lipinski will be presenting 2 lectures at QUILT LIVE in Atlanta, Georgia

March 13, 14 & 15, 2014 at the Gwinnett Center

“A Bull in a China Shop or The Unexpected Journey of an Out of Control Abomination

Climbing His Way Up the Quilting Ladder: A Lecture”


The Slow Stitching Movement: Creating, Promoting and Sustaining a New Vision in Quiltmaking

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Designer, Author, Molecular Biologist


About Carla…

Carla Hegeman Crim, founder of Scientific Seamstress LLC, is a molecular biologist turned patternmaker. Although she was born and raised in the South, Carla has lived in Upstate NY, New England, the Midwest, and is currently planted on the East Coast. She has a B.S. in Biology from Virginia Commonwealth University, a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from Virginia Tech, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University. She is a self-taught seamstress who has been experimenting with fabric since she was a wee little girl. When her son came along, she decided to stay home with him and build a business out of sewing. For the first few years, she focused on elaborate clothing and furniture designs for collector dolls. She had many requests for her patterns, and began publishing them in 2006. She was one of the first authors onYouCanMakeThis.com, and has worked with members of the YCMT team on a number of collaborative works. She is currently working with fabric designer Jennifer Paganelli on a series of Sis Boom patterns for children and adults. When she isn’t in her sewing lab, Carla enjoys gardening, yoga, and spending time with her family.

Carla’s book –

Essential Sewing Reference Tool; All-in-One Visual Guide  (click on this link to order your copy)

This comprehensive, must-have book, Essential Sewing Reference Tool, by Carla Hegeman Crim, is an indispensable guide for anyone who sews (or wants to start). Organized for easy readability and usage, it covers everything you need to know whether you’re making home decor, clothing, or accessories. Contents include an extensive overview on tools and materials, step-by-step instructions on various seams and finishes, information on zipper installation, size conversion charts, more than 300 how-to photographs, and so much more.

Here’s a peek . . .


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Mark Lipinski introduces The Slow Stitching Movement


JULY 10, 2014

1:00 PM EST



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And when your MOJO listening’s done. . .

If you’ve never used Auriful Thread. . .

. . .  then you haven’t really sewn!

Why not start off with my BASICS ?

Go to my web site to order YOUR collection — CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.

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