
The highly anticipated movie from Moulin Rouge director Baz Luhrmann, The Great Gatsby , opens this weekend. Whether or not Luhrmann has done justice to Fitzgerald's quintessential Jazz age novel — or even bested the 1970s Robert Redford version — is open to debate What seems clear is that the filmmaker has remained true to one essential component of Gatsby's character — his sheer opulence. The mansion, the clothes, the decadent parties: much of it a desperate snare for Gatsby's doomed love, Daisy Buchanan SEE ALSO: The Great Gatsby in 133 Seconds But how much would it all cost, in today's dollars, if you wanted to replicate the Gatsby lifestyle? Artist Nickolay Lamm, the same guy responsible for these disturbing climate change GIFs , decided to do the numbers Read more... More about Entertainment , Film , and The Great Gatsby

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